The former king of Asia, 56-year-old Ren Xianqi, has become popular again, and he just wants to age gracefully

A single "Brother Qi" evoked many people’s memories, and a sentence "You are always too soft-hearted" made countless post-70s and post-80s couldn’t help but hum the melody softly.

Ren Xianqi, who is now 56 years old, is really a veritable "brother" among the male stars participating in the variety show.

He spoke in a familiar voice. The years did not make him more vicissitudes, but filled him with fashionable charm.

The road to fame of Ren Xianqi is always full of legends and hardships.

Once a generation of heavenly kings, he has returned…

The picture comes from the Internet

Unexpected choice

Someone said: If Ren Xianqi grew taller, wouldn’t there be no current king? But how can there be so many ifs in this world.

Ren Xianqi has always been passionate about basketball in high school, and at that time he always thought he would find his place on the sports court.

Perhaps because he did not have a deep connection with professional basketball, he had to give up because of his height. However, sports helped him in another way. Later, he was sent to college with the first place in sports.

After going to college, he still adhered to his own sports path and participated in the Olympic Winter Games many times. Perhaps God had arranged another destination for him, and he frequently missed the Olympic cause he was passionate about.

Ren Xianqi’s childhood

There is a saying that choice outweighs effort.

Influenced by the friends around him, of course, he may have been disappointed with the original choice. He played a 5-piece band with four like-minded friends.

And in order to perform better, he specially equipped musical instruments. During the performance, he shines on the stage like a dazzling sun.

Ren Xianqi in high school

He soon met the Bole of his life, an entertainment company that appreciated his musical talent.

Later, in an interview, Ren Xianqi mentioned his college band. And jokingly called it the "CEO" band, because the five members of the band are now worth hundreds of millions and have become CEOs in their respective industries.

This is probably what we often say about birds of a feather flocking together. Excellent people always attract equally excellent people around them.

The picture comes from the Internet

Rise and fall in the entertainment industry

He said that when he was signed by the company, his father disapproved. His father was more conservative and always believed that teachers and doctors were considered serious professions, while singers and celebrities always felt unreliable.

His father had always believed that his son would continue his previous path and pursue a career in sports.

Of course, his father’s concerns are not unreasonable. After all, there are many singers who are lukewarm, and people always have to watch for a long time.

He discovered at the time that sports journalism was also a good career, and he said: "At that time, I thought that if I couldn’t make it, I would become a sports reporter."

Ren Xianqi who loves sports

In the early years, Ren Xianqi also had a vision for his future.

Just like most celebrities, they try various methods to earn more traffic.

However, whether it is riding a motorcycle on a variety show or filming a show on a roller coaster, the results seem to be minimal.

Later, when promoting the new song, he didn’t even have the opportunity to sing on stage because he didn’t have a coffee spot.

In order to stay on the stage for a few more seconds and let the audience remember him, he has learned a lot of talents to attract people’s attention.

The picture comes from the Internet

The singers of that era worked very hard, and if they were attentive, they were all forced to become versatile, because it was too difficult to make a name for themselves.

He remembered the most memorable time when a rookie played Spitfire directly on the stage, which ended up causing serious injuries.

In some shows, he will set up various links for the guests to increase the audience rating, and will put a large box in the center of the stage with various animals for the guests to touch.

The picture comes from the Internet

Some even add some challenges to motivate the audience.

Remember that there are some clips of the program in Douyin, such as Du Dewei singing along the horizontal bar, and Faye Wong putting her hands in the box with bees.

These were all the tricks on the show back then.

However, if you say you are afraid and don’t go yourself, then without these exposures, who will know you. Many of them are that the bigger you play, the easier it is to be remembered by the audience, and the faster it will be popular.

No way, back then to say whether an artist was popular or not, it was based on the audience rating. So everyone knew what they would face, but they still squeezed their heads to participate.

The picture comes from the Internet

overnight fame

Many celebrities have said that the entertainment industry is like a Vanity Fair, and whether you are popular or not can be seen from the attitude of others.

Ren Xianqi, who was tepid back then, always had to perform various programs when he participated in the program, and was often marginalized by the host. At that time, the C-spots were all for those big-name stars, and the rest were foils. Ren Xianqi could only laugh at the whole process.

In this way, he has been in the entertainment industry for a few years, and he also said that if it wasn’t for the fact that there is someone in the company who has been helping him.

The picture comes from the Internet

This person took him along the way and pulled him out of the saving list again and again, and there would probably be no Ren Xianqi today.

He once said on the program: "My noble teacher, Little Bug, told me that singing is not about skills, but about heart. Only when you put yourself into it can those who listen can enter the song and be attentive. So after that, I think my songs are better than before."

Finally, luck came to him, and he often said that he met the right song at that time. In 1996, the appearance of a song "Too Soft Heart" saved Ren Xianqi from the storm of termination.

The picture comes from the Internet

After releasing the album, he was always very nervous because he had failed too many times before, and he had no confidence in himself. Later, he didn’t expect that the album would be popular, and it was so popular.

He recalled that when he went to Beijing, he was told that this could become another popular work after Teresa Teng. He said that after listening to such words, he felt that he was going to be popular.

Looking at the sales of tens of millions, he was like, if everyone buys their own genuine albums, then he can buy the company at this time, and then see who dares to cancel the contract.

The picture comes from the Internet

Everyone thought that Ren Xianqi was just like the fireworks on that day, the beauty of that moment. When the heat is over, there is nothing left.

But who would have thought that under the guidance of Teacher Bug, he seemed to have turned on the switch of success, and several songs in a row were highly sought after by the public.

Like "The Girl Opposite Look Over", "Sad Pacific" and "I Am a Fish", these have exploded one after another. Ren Xianqi’s name is also well known by everyone, which has allowed him to climb to a peak in his career.

The picture comes from the Internet

At that time, Andy Lau and the others were called the "Four Heavenly Kings", and Ren Xianqi was also given a "New Heavenly King of Asia". With Ren Xianqi’s influence at that time, this title deserved it.

At that time, Ren Xianqi’s song was so popular that the director made a movie for one of his songs, which had the same name as the song and was also called "Ren Xiaoyao".

The picture comes from the Internet

It was also the film that brought Ren Xiaoyao’s song to Cannes, which made Ren Xianqi’s popularity reach a new high again.

It was also this opportunity that gave Ren Xianqi the idea of singing the movie’s theme song. Once on the set, he was asked by the producer. The producer asked Ren Xianqi if he wanted to play Yang Guo? Later, he accidentally starred in a TV series.

Overall, the audience rating is quite impressive. It was this TV series that made Ren Xianqi see another possibility besides singing. He starred in several martial arts dramas in succession, and then opened his own film and television career.

The picture comes from the Internet

Perhaps as his popularity continued to increase, many movie directors discovered Ren Xianqi’s rating code and came to ask him to play the role in it. Later, the response was very good.

Ren Xianqi once said in an interview: At that time, I thought acting was very fun, because almost all the previous movies were played by myself, and the characters in them were very similar to myself. They usually looked casual.

The picture comes from the Internet

Later, Director Du Qi contacted him, saying that he was going to act in a police drama, and that he wanted to meet to discuss the script. Director Du’s words moved him, and he also wanted to challenge the role of the bad guy, so Director Du discovered this kind of potential in Ren Xianqi.

When filming started, he didn’t see the script for a long time, and later he knew that he had to work on the script while filming. Ren Xianqi, who had never acted like this, really thought he heard it wrong. Before he started acting, he panicked and felt that the director was joking with him.

Later, Director Du pointed out that he should really understand this person and devote himself to this role. In order to show the true feelings of the characters more perfectly, the scenes of falling and beating in the play are all real.

Later, due to being too involved in the play, some habits were thought to affect their lives.

Playing a bank robber in "The Big Event"

Such a special shooting method was a test for his acting career, and of course the harvest was huge. He obviously felt that he was different from before. Later, he even won the Best Actor award abroad for the movie "Fire Dragon Showdown".

What pleased Ren Xianqi the most was that after his movie "The Tree Attracts the Wind" was broadcast, many netizens said that his eyes made people look very terrifying, which made him feel that his character portrayal was very successful.

The picture comes from the Internet

For so many years, although too many people have been controversial about his acting skills and songs, he is not the kind of star who relies on gossip. He has always been well-behaved and did everything he did.

He often said that he is very lucky now, because the epidemic is ruthless, but people are affectionate.

He recounted that he was quarantined 11 times in the epidemic in the past few years. Some people said that in order to make money, he even gave up his life and ran back and forth with the crew.

The picture comes from the Internet

In fact, he was trying to maintain his company and take care of his employees. Because he knew that if the company failed to operate, so many employees would face unemployment.

For the current environment, the blow to the employees is not ordinary. Therefore, he felt that he was very happy to have money at that time.

Re-enter the public eye

This year, he accepted the invitation of Hunan Satellite TV and participated in the program "Cutting Through Thorn" with many male artists.

As he entered the arena, someone shouted "Brother Xiao Qi", and then everyone stood up to greet him. From this, Ren Xianqi’s coffee position can be seen.

On the stage, a song called "Sad Pacific" instantly filled everyone’s memories.

The picture comes from the Internet

In the interview, he expressed his feelings. He thought the show was very real, everyone lived together, it was a bit like a dormitory in a school, and it had a special atmosphere.

In the morning, all the brothers lined up to take care of themselves, instantly making people feel much younger.

Especially when they saw Chen Xiaochun and Zhang Zhilin, who were already familiar faces, and knew their different sides, they all felt very friendly. After living together for a long time, everyone’s feelings will gradually deepen.

He said that at the beginning, everyone was really not easy to get along with, because everyone was famous in the entertainment industry, and many people had their own representative works. This is what he thinks should be overcome first when participating in this show.

The picture comes from the Internet

He recalled that everyone practiced every performance first, sometimes a song until the wee hours of the morning. His teammates often shouted in his ear to "roll up".

Later, in the rehearsal room, the movements that seemed to him to be very good were polished again and again. Many brothers also interpreted these three words with their own actions.

In fact, Ren Xianqi often wants the younger brothers in the team to have more opportunities to show off in the program. He thinks that he has earned enough traffic to face them, and some of them can’t be picked. In the future, it is up to these young people to rush forward.

Ren Xianqi has mentioned on the show many times that his little princess particularly likes Pan Weibai, and his young man pays more attention to ICE.

The picture comes from the Internet

When he thought of this, on the one hand, he was more pleased that his children’s musical literacy was quite high, and on the other hand, he was more depressed. Why didn’t he like him more?

However, this program showcases Ren Xianqi’s tolerance and humility as a big brother, allowing everyone to understand a different him.

I long to live the rest of my life

He was already halfway through his life, and this age made him see more openly and farther. He often planned his life according to his position and circumstances.

When the children were still very young, he did not miss the opportunity to accompany the children, put aside his work at hand, and accompany the children’s growth.

The picture comes from the Internet

Now that the children were older, he planned to do some things he liked. For example, he went to see the mountains and rivers in China, and climbed mountains when he had nothing to do.

He had always hoped that he would have the spirit of exploration. He wanted to see everything he was curious about and see the scenery he had never set foot on.

The picture comes from the Internet

Sometimes he felt that he was in high spirits. Even if he went to a green field, looking at the color of nature in front of him and breathing in the aroma of the wheat field, he felt very relaxed.

In the next few decades, he has always wanted to live more comfortably, even though he is already in his 50s. However, this does not affect a chic and wanton heart. In his words: to live your life gracefully.

Nowadays, how many people can have such a mindset that they don’t use age as a constraint to make themselves more relaxed and happy?

Responsible editor:

Geely Galaxy’s first model, Galaxy L7, makes a major debut at the Shanghai International Auto Show

The 2023 Shanghai International Auto Show will be held at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) from April 18 to 27. Among the participating car companies, Geely Automobile Group will bring the first product of its new mid-to-high-end new energy series "Geely Galaxy" – the intelligent electric hybrid SUV Galaxy L7.

As one of the new cars with the highest expectations at this auto show, Galaxy L7 is the first to use Geely’s "Aegis Battery Safety System, a new generation of Raytheon Electric Hybrid, and a new Galaxy N OS" three blockbuster intelligent technologies. In the five core areas of "inductance modeling, power saving hybrid, second understanding car machine, pet co-pilot, and native safety", it has comprehensively surpassed the same level and refreshed high value. Galaxy L7’s five super value product capabilities have fully verified the super strength of the "smart electric hybrid SUV of choice for families".

How did Galaxy L7 break the electric hybrid SUV market pattern? April 18, Hall 5.1 – Geely Auto Booth 5A07, so stay tuned!

Chery’s new generation Tiggo 8 real car exposure appearance is close to the new Tiggo 7.

  Chery Automobile plans to launch a replacement model of Tiggo 8 this year, with internal code T1D, which is expected to be officially launched in the fourth quarter of this year. A few days ago, Netcom obtained the application information of Chery’s new generation Tiggo 8 from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The appearance of the new car is the same as that of the new generation Tiggo 7/ Tiggo 7 PRO launched in March, and the body size has been lengthened compared with the current model, and two layouts of 5 seats and 7 seats are provided.

Chery's new generation Tiggo 8 real car exposure appearance is close to the new Tiggo 7.

  The new generation of Tiggo 8 adopts the same concept of "peak grid design" as the new generation of Tiggo 7/ Tiggo 7 PRO. In the front department, we can see the new generation of family-style modeling of Riyao Xinghe, but the size of the net is larger, the shape is different from that of the new generation of Tiggo 7/ Tiggo 7 PRO, and chrome-plated decorative strips are extended. It is expected to provide two styles: lattice galaxy grille and geometric matrix diamond highlight grille.

Chery's new generation Tiggo 8 real car exposure appearance is close to the new Tiggo 7.

  The body dimensions of the new generation of Tiggo 8 are 4722*1860*1745 mm, and the wheelbase is 2710 mm. Compared with the current models on sale, the wheelbase and body width remain unchanged, and the body length is increased by 22 mm, providing five-seat and seven-seat seating layouts. It is expected that the third row space will be more spacious than the current models.

Chery's new generation Tiggo 8 real car exposure appearance is close to the new Tiggo 7.
Chery's new generation Tiggo 8 real car exposure appearance is close to the new Tiggo 7.

  The new generation of Tiggo 8 is equipped with the third generation ACTECO 1.6TGDI engine, with a maximum power of 145 kW and a peak torque of 290 Nm, matching the 7-speed dual-clutch gearbox. We will continue to pay attention to more news about this new car.

Questioning M7: the familiar "lone brave"

In the description of People, Eason Chan’s "lone brave" has reached the point of being everywhere, everywhere, and singing without children, whether boys or girls, south or north, big cities or small counties.

In my eyes, after a press conference, the M7 in the car industry is more like a well-known lone ranger. On the one hand, before the press conference of the car industry, two online car drivers listened to Huawei, and "Yu Dazui" and "Wen Jie" became the switches that could suddenly open the drivers’ boxes, which really shocked me. On the other hand, in the middle of the listing conference, Yu Dazui mentioned many words such as "best", "top class", "beyond" and "none", and his image has already popped up on the screen.

As a matter of fact, the biggest controversy on the Internet is the statement that "the M7 can surpass a million-class luxury car". Although everyone knows that Yu Dazui boasted too much, he still chose to cross the Guangdong-Hong Kong green code, 24-hour nucleic acid negative, travel card, epidemic prevention and health commitment letter and other multiple inspections, and couldn’t wait to go to Shenzhen Bay Sports Center to see the true face of the M7.

As always, after two and a half hours’ release of new mobile phone products, introduction of smart home and sports health products, mobile travel came on stage with a grand finale and overwhelming applause. Presumably, many people, like me, want to find out these questions, "What is the upgrade of M7 compared with M5?" "Where is the M7 luxury car?" "What is its greatest advantage over competing products?"

As early as the end of last month, I took the first question and the second question to participate in the static tasting of the world M7. It is not difficult to find that obvious family characteristics can be found in the world M7. For example, the middle net in front and the diversion ports on both sides have exactly the same shape, and at the same time, AITO’s highly recognizable eagle-wing taillights have also been passed down.

However, when it comes to minor upgrades, the interior decoration is the most obvious, that is, the crystal gear handle with more texture is replaced. Secondly, the opening mode of the cover plate of the water cup holder with the most spit on the M5 is more reasonable, and the number of wireless charging plates has also changed from one to two. Finally, a hollowed-out design was made at the bottom of the center console, which is convenient for ladies to put handbags and media people to put shooting equipment without occupying seat space.

Although these humanized improvements make Huawei look like a "willing son to teach", Huawei’s idea is to focus on the 0-gravity seat on the right rear side of the second row and the upgrade of the HarmonyOS car system when it comes to real upgrade and luxury.

First of all, the zero gravity seat was developed by Huawei engineers. Through a series of experiments, it was found that when the human body is at an angle of 113, the body will be in the most comfortable "zero gravity" state, which can evenly distribute the weight of the human body to the legs, hips and waist. At the press conference, Yu Chengdong also said that after leveling, the zero gravity seat of M7 can make the highest point of the passenger’s heart and legs on the same level, thus minimizing the pressure of blood supply to the heart and making people really "lie flat".

At the scene, Yu Dazui even moved out of his own Maibakh for comparison. To be fair, when I personally experience the zero gravity seat, two scenes emerge in my mind, namely, lying under extreme fatigue and lying under extreme leisure. The former middle-aged men will have a sense of picture, and their habit of staying in the car for a while when they get home from work is commonplace. However, lying on the zero gravity seat, emptying the mind that is racing against time with one key will surely yield a sense of contentment of "being in the cage for a long time and getting back to nature" The latter is suitable for some minimalist campers, who advocate direct and in-depth interaction between man and nature during the day, and just lie flat on a zero-gravity chair at night and enjoy the leisure at this moment quietly.

All in all, the zero gravity seat can be regarded as a bright spot of the product, but to say that the real upgrade of the M7 in the world is obviously a smart cockpit.

Everyone who has experienced M5 knows how slippery the HarmonyOS intelligent cockpit is. In Yu Chengdong’s mouth, M7 has been directly upgraded to "the best intelligent cockpit in the world, without one". For example, with its new super desktop function, the mobile phone can reach the car directly, which means that the car owner can use the big screen of the car to operate the mobile phone application. Before getting on the bus, the car owner can synchronize the address shared by WeChat to the car, edit the WeChat document and call the car camera to shoot the mobile phone Vlog.

Moreover, the A7 released by AITO today is equipped with the car map service Petal Maps. Compared with other navigation services on the market, its product logic is more meticulous. Petal Maps is based on ergonomics and has a series of humanized safety designs such as dark mode, air conditioning linkage, multi-screen interaction, intelligent voice interaction and intelligent split screen.

To prove its strength, Yu Chengdong described it as "no one can do it". Moreover, in order to further show the smoothness of the car, the M7 also brought Tesla Model Y for comparison, and gave data such as map control increased by 242%, voice interaction increased by 104%, vehicle operation increased by 87%, and application startup increased by 45%.

Although at the press conference that day, BBA and Tesla were always the friends in PPT who compared with M7, the media still tacitly compared them with Li ONE, which returned to the last question-"What is its greatest advantage in comparing competing products?"

I briefly reviewed the press conference of Li ONE in May last year. Compared with Yu Chengdong, Li Xiang liked to use the word "first". At that time, he was still a little shy, and the frequency of using the word "most" was not so high. Li Xiang, who claimed to be a perverted product manager, knew how to successfully make a group of straight men reach an intracranial climax around family needs. To sum up, Li ONE after the change was more durable, waist-protected and motivated. Later, he also went to Versailles Road in Weibo, "… Judging from the current monthly sales of over 10,000 yuan, it is not an exaggeration to label the explosion.

Compared with Li ONE’s outspoken targeting at daddy, the positioning of M7 in the world has a hint of IKEA’s suitability for business. For example, the zero-gravity chair mentioned earlier was specially named with a new word-"new commercialism" at the press conference, which is what I am particularly puzzled about.

From the pricing point of view, the price of the M7 is 319,800-379,800 yuan, which has a little price advantage compared with the ideal unified retail price of 349,800 yuan, but the difference of more than 300,000 pieces is not the most important point for families to buy cars. From the rigid requirements of families for space, the M7 has a wheelbase of 2820mm and a length, width and height of 5020/1945/1775 mm. The obvious limitation is the cramped passenger space and trunk space in the third row. From my own experience, the third rule out the small details such as adjustable angle and cup holder, and the feeling of sitting on it is still like a small bench, which is quite different from the experience of the third row in Li ONE.

In addition, even though the staff of Huawei said that the L2-level assisted driving function was enough, in the final analysis, compared with the most advanced urban navigation assisted driving function implemented on the version of Beiqi Polar Fox α S HI, the "Chinese content" of the world M7 was a little regrettable.

However, in fact, some of the problems discussed above have happened to M5, but when we finally opened its sales list, we all had to admit or underestimate the advantages of Huawei’s terminal sales channels. The sales volume of more than 7,000 units in June is not enough to support its ambition. Sources estimate that the sales volume in July is likely to exceed 10,000.

Admittedly, this is still a long way from Yu Chengdong’s initial "wild talk" of selling 300,000 vehicles a year, but it is quite different from the panic about cash flow at the beginning of the year because the terminal business was cut by half year-on-year. Now, if Huawei can subvert the reform of domestic automobile channels through this brand-new car sales model, it is believed that it will attract many manufacturers to reconsider their cooperation with Huawei.

By the way, many people know that there are more than 600 experience centers (which will be expanded to more than 1000 by the end of the year) and 122 user centers in the country, covering the first, second and third tier cities, but this is only the A side of Huawei’s wide channels. As everyone knows, the B side of Huawei’s entire sales and circulation model has been ignored. Before selling cars, Huawei adopted a sell-through sales circulation management model for each dealership. The process of this model is manufacturer-general generation-generation-terminal retailer. It is worth mentioning that Huawei will distribute goods and goods according to the sales environment and user groups of the store. Under the organizational structure of local branches, the implementation efficiency is very high and the profits of channel providers are also considerable.

Yu Chengdong once unabashedly claimed that the team he took was the most combative team, and none of them, mainly relying on Huawei’s strong execution and high efficiency in selling mobile phones. Moreover, since the mobile phone business began to decline sharply, Huawei terminals began to expand various smart terminal products in the whole ecological chain to attract customers.

Therefore, technology empowerment and powerful channels are Huawei’s strong chips and advantages in the automotive field, especially the advantages of terminal sales channels, which will become Huawei’s most proud assets in the future.


All along, I have recognized a point that Huawei will definitely participate in the whole vehicle manufacturing process as the main force of the national team in the future, and its ambition is not just to be Bosch of China.

But at the same time, I have to admit that there are differences in this view within Huawei, so the smartest thing to do at this stage is to blur its position in the automobile industry. On the one hand, it is a supplier, on the other hand, it is involved in vehicle manufacturing.

In 2019, Ren Zhengfei declared that the newly established "Car BU" had no profit pressure within six years. Many people mistakenly believe that until 2025, Huawei’s smart car business can be trial and error, which means that Huawei can constantly adjust its relationship with the OEM.

Indeed, according to Huawei’s previous ability summarized as "1+5+N" on the vehicle ICT, the current cooperation with Polar Fox is based on the "1" architecture scheme, but the monthly sales volume of Polar Fox is hovering in three digits this year, which is a bit far from the target of 12,000 vehicles in the whole year. After that, there is Aouita. At present, the sales prospect is unknown, but for Huawei, the sales volume in Aouita represents the success or failure of its first stage as an intelligent full-stack supplier without making cars.

It’s only the cooperation from Polar Fox to Chang ‘an that Huawei has developed a new way to appear on the "CHN" platform with a role between technical cooperation and suppliers. After that, perhaps Huawei will have new attempts and new role changes, but the problem is that under the premise of huge deficit in Huawei’s mobile phone core business, this technology that spends a lot of manpower and material resources will not form a scale. Will the boss of that year seriously fulfill the agreement made three years ago? On the contrary, the "Huawei Smart Choice" mode of cooperation with Celeste will continue to deepen. At the same time, Huawei can control the whole process of automobile R&D, production, sales and service step by step, and next year is the key node for Huawei not to build a car for three years. It is self-evident which branch road Huawei will eventually take.

In the eyes of many people, Yu Dazui is a proper car-making faction within Huawei. Two days after M7 went public, he attacked the fuel car without any cover: he suggested that pure fuel cars should be eliminated as soon as possible. Although this kind of Li Bin-style nonsense speech is quite criticized, it also shows the urgency of completing the energy conversion as soon as possible. This transformation needs to be carried out step by step, and it needs to be fueled.

Let me also make a bold guess-Huawei will definitely launch its own brand in the next three years. At that time, the opponent of its first car will not only be BBA, but a new car-making force led by Tesla and Apple. At that time, you can see that China will be the main driver, and it will be a pure electric vehicle equipped with self-developed auxiliary driving function and HarmonyOS cockpit …

As for the M7, it’s okay to stand alone beside the Chrysanthemum brand pure tram!

Wen Meng jun Tao

The picture comes from the network.

Great Wall real name report BYD! Qin/Song PLUS DM is suspected of substandard discharge.

On May 25, Great Wall Motor issued a statement: On April 11, 2023, Great Wall Motor submitted the report materials to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the State Administration of Market Supervision and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and reported the problem that BYD Qin PLUS DM-i and Song PLUS DM-i used atmospheric fuel tanks, which was suspected that the evaporation pollutants of the whole vehicle were not up to standard.

Subsequently, BYD also made a positive response: Great Wall said that the test vehicles were purchased, kept and arranged for inspection by Great Wall, and China Automobile Center (Tianjin) carried out tests on related projects according to the requirements of Great Wall. Strictly speaking, the test vehicle does not meet the requirements of the national standard, that is, it should be sampled, kept and sent for inspection by a third party, and it is required to complete the 3000 km running-in test, while the mileage of the vehicle sent for inspection by the Great Wall is only 450-670 km.

Great Wall Motor reported that BYD's two models involving Qin and Song were not up to standard-Figure 1

Great Wall Motor reported that BYD's two models involving Qin and Song were not up to standard-Figure 2

Great Wall Motor reported that BYD's two models involving Qin and Song were not up to standard-Figure 3

Great Wall reported that BYD Qin/Song PLUS DM was suspected of substandard emissions-Figure 1

Great Wall reported that BYD Qin/Song PLUS DM-i was suspected of failing to meet the emission standards-Figure 1

As soon as the news came out, it quickly fermented in the network. Some netizens even related the incident that BYD transferred the "Wei" trademark to Great Wall Motor for free in 2021 to this report, and thought that Great Wall Motor belonged to "bite the hand that feeds you".

Great Wall Motor reported that BYD's two models involving Qin and Song were not up to standard-Figure 4

Some insiders told Zhidian that Great Wall Motor chose to attack BYD at this point in time, which was more of a "psychological war". As we all know, Great Wall Motor focused on the DHT-PHEV plug-in hybrid market this year, which is the advantage of BYD. The recently listed Haval Xiaolong and Haval Xiaolong MAX directly bid for BYD Song Pro DM-i and Song PLUS DM-i, which shows that the competition between the two private car companies in the north and the south tends to be fierce, and the previous situation of "one family in the world" may be unsustainable.

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With excellent product strength and innovative technology leading, the new M7 in the world explodes the large SUV market!

   Since the rise of new energy vehicles, the performance in the market has been very good, and the sales volume is also on the rise, among which the newly listed new M7 is particularly eye-catching. Since the appearance of Chengdu Auto Show, it has attracted a lot of attention and been deeply loved by users. After its recent listing, it has set off a wave of buying craze, with a total of over 20,000 units, and the sales volume of Mid-Autumn Festival reached 2,400+in a single day and 2,600+on the 30th, which continued to detonate the large SUV market. So what are the advantages of this car that can be loved by so many consumers? Let’s talk about it today.

  Huawei HarmonyOS cockpit system was introduced to detonate the market segment.

  The new M7 is an SUV with high configuration, which introduces Huawei’s HarmonyOS cockpit system, bringing automotive technology and intelligence to a new level. HarmonyOS’s smart cockpit is smoother and more fun, and the super desktop brings more mobile phone applications. Huawei Maglink Huawei’s in-vehicle smart screen system has developed a new way to play space scenes. Huawei’s MatePad tablet is connected immediately, realizing multi-device linkage, and the smart cockpit is changed into a personal workshop, a multi-person conference room and a children’s study, and the magic space is flexibly switched to create "mobile whole house intelligence", which not only improves the convenience and entertainment of driving and riding, but also walks in the smart technology.

  Oversized space brings home-like warmth.

  The new M7 is also a quality SUV with large space and good comfort. It has the leading effective interior space at the same level, with a length of 3338mm, and each seat is spacious. Enjoy six new zero-gravity seats, bringing the ultimate comfort and relaxation experience. The big five seats come standard with brand-new "cotton candy" seats, with 10 layers of comfortable laminated design and a total foam thickness of 100mm; The ventilation, heating and massage functions of four seats are standard, making each seat as comfortable as first class. In addition, the new M7 Building in Wenjie is also equipped with leading and comfortable configurations, such as front and rear double air-conditioning boxes, 17 air-conditioning outlets, rear air-conditioning touch screen, and fully automatic electric pedal, which can bring home-like warmth for both family travel and business applications.

  Active and passive double insurance, double super safety and more reliable.

  The most striking thing is the safety equipment of this car. The so-called passive safety is not afraid of accidents, active safety avoids accidents, and physical safety and intelligent safety are double insurance. Probably, only the new M7 in the world has done it, and it has done an excellent job. In the aspect of passive safety, it is safer and more reliable to match the new M7 body structure and open the mold and rebuild the welding production line. The submarine-grade thermoformed steel accounts for 24.4%, high-strength steel and aluminum alloy account for 80.6%, which is better than the mainstream models of 500,000 luxury brands currently on sale. At the same time, CBS(Composite Body Solutions) composite body material is introduced to effectively improve the body stiffness and collision safety. In addition, the new car comes standard with eight airbags and front double pre-tensioned seat belts, which provide users with all-round driving safety based on more real-life scene verification.

  In terms of active safety, the new M7 in the world has also achieved the goal of not being afraid of things and being more able to avoid them. 360-degree fusion perception is the strength of Huawei ADS 2.0, which makes a qualitative leap in the active safety capability of the new M7, bringing the industry’s first "omni-directional anti-collision system". In case of forward, lateral and backward collision risks, emergency braking or directional intervention can be made to avoid or reduce the collision risks.

  The power output is stable, which brings excellent handling performance.

  As for performance, the new M7 has also achieved stable power output and comfortable driving experience. In addition, the optimization of suspension system and the improvement of vehicle stability make the new M7 in the world also perform well in handling performance. Coupled with the HUAWEI DriveONE extended-range electric drive platform, the four-wheel drive version has an acceleration of only 4.8 seconds, and the CLTC has a comprehensive battery life of 1300km, and the data performance is also excellent enough.

  Generally speaking, the new M7 is equipped with Huawei’s HarmonyOS cockpit system, which provides a better intelligent technology experience. In addition, it has spacious interior space, comfortable driving experience and excellent performance, so it is undoubtedly a model worth looking forward to. Moreover, from its sales performance, it has won the full recognition of the market and consumers by virtue of its excellent product strength and innovative technology. In the first sales period, we decided to ask for a new M7, that is, to give away the rights and interests worth 33,000 yuan. Consumers are welcome to make an appointment for a test drive to the store.

Douban 9.6 points! Why is Happy Departure so good?

"Re-employment Men’s Team" ensemble "Happy Start Again" scored 9.6 points for Douban, which became a high-profile variety this summer. Analyzing the successful methodology of Happy Departure is closely related to its program positioning, guest lineup and fan interaction. At present, the second season of the program has been decided, but whether such a high score can be continued is also faced with many problems such as program planning and capital control.

author | Guo Xuemei(Author of cultural industry review, researcher of Sanchuan Huiwen Tourism Research Institute)

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source | Cultural Industry Review

In July this year, a variety show called "Happy Start Again" became the biggest surprise since the beginning of the year. 0713, the living variety show, the re-employment men’s group and the poorest variety show became the terms that must be mentioned when talking about this program.

At present, the program has been rated 9.6 points in Douban, with over 110,000 people rating it. It is another high-profile domestic variety show after Extreme Challenge and Detective Star. As a pure domestic original reality show, the program has surpassed Douban’s high-scoring reality show Han Zong’s new journey to the west, which proves the originality of domestic variety shows.

With constant praise and Amway, although the program is not well-known, it has also been broadcasted by Mango tv and Southeast Satellite TV, which also makes the fans of the program a little happy. As a domestic variety show produced by a domestic team, "Happy Departure" has a unique way of success. The audience likes their baggage-free, talented and talented, and is also moved by the friendship accumulated by the six-member group in the program for 15 years …

Re-employment Men’s Team and Happy Start Again

When it comes to the re-employment of the men’s team and Happy Departure, we must first talk about the program Welcome to the Mushroom House, because this is the source of the birth of Happy Departure.

"Welcome to Mushroom House" is a derivative variety specially prepared for "Life I yearn for 6", in which the six brothers (Chen Chusheng, Awakening, Ahu、Yue, Land Rover, Wang Zhengliang and Bird) of the re-employment men’s team were invited in the first and second phases. Although "Welcome to Mushroom House" and "Life I yearn for 6" are both slow variety modes of "Mushroom House", the variety effect of the former is hard for the latter to have.

Whether it’s the "Re-employment Men’s Team" in Welcome to the Mushroom, or the rock version of "Xiao Fang" sung by brothers and the hairstyle of killing Matt in ancient times, the audience will be more curious about them.

Then, fans began to shout online that the program group was "not enough to watch", and Daqian Film, the production team of Welcome to Mushroom House, began to take over the production of their group ensemble "Happy Start Again" and broadcast it live to attract online investment for the program, and finally won two advertising sponsors, namely, Wugu Dojo and RIO.

Whether it’s the "Re-employment Men’s Team" in Welcome to the Mushroom, or the rock version of "Xiao Fang" sung by brothers and the hairstyle of killing Matt in ancient times, the audience will be more curious about them.

Then, fans began to shout online that the program group was "not enough to watch", and Daqian Film, the production team of Welcome to Mushroom House, began to take over the production of their group ensemble "Happy Start Again" and broadcast it live to attract online investment for the program, and finally won two advertising sponsors, namely, Wugu Dojo and RIO.

△ "Happy Start Again" program producer Weibo

With a sponsor, the program can be prepared. From planning, shooting to broadcasting, "Happy Start Again" actually took only about two months, and the time was hasty. In addition, due to the lack of budget, the program was "downgraded" and became a B-class variety show, and this program was also dubbed "the poorest variety show in history".

The program is poor, but the content itself still attracts praise from old and new audiences. First, all kinds of jokes from Welcome to the Mushroom are still continued and developed, like many ancient stalks with their own labels, such as Ahu、Yue’s divorce stalk, Bird’s wedding singer stalk, Chen Chusheng’s champion stalk, etc. Wang Zhengliang is called "the king of rotten stalks" by virtue of every unexpected explosion stalk.

△ Bird was dubbed the "wedding singer" because he sang his hottest "Guest" at the Vision Wei wedding.

△ Ahu、Yue has repeatedly searched for hot search due to divorce.

Second, in addition to the game link of "Welcome to Mushroom House", games such as "Connecting Words and Making Sentences" and "123 Woodenhead" are added. Moreover, because this program belongs to their own group ensemble, the brothers are also very open in the program. They not only make their own cue process and add drama, but also take the initiative to find a job in the case of owing food and accommodation for the program group, and make an appointment with their friends’ crew and experience a group performance life.

△ Brothers tease each other, full of drama.

△ Brothers experience group performance life, and write and play "Huluwa" during the break.

At present, the first season of "Happy Start Again" has been broadcast four times. Compared with "Welcome to Mushroom House", the former makes the program more "good-looking" in the later stage, and many expression packs of re-employment men’s teams come from these magical clips.

△ Bird’s big eyes and big face special effects produced in the post-production of the program became the audience’s favorite expression pack.

Of course, the brothers’ transparent thinking also locked their fans from a higher dimension. What my brothers did and said was combined with their own personal experience of "difficult employment". The unpretentious and sincere expression made fans like this group from the bottom of their hearts.

Speaking of this, we must talk about their past, because many of my brothers reached their peak in 2007, and then they encountered various things that led to a decline in heat and no resources to keep exposure. Bird himself took part in Creation Camp a few years ago, competing with a group of players of different ages. They became "paste people" without a program invitation, and they took the initiative to win the group and seriously advertised to the advertisers of the Grain Dojo, so that the mentality of seizing the opportunity and not letting go made the audience feel funny and crying.

△ Land Rover’s speech after experiencing group performance life

The beauty of "Happy Departure" lies in that it not only continues what many viewers like in "Welcome to Mushroom House" into the new program, but also digs more and more soft and beautiful things for brothers.

The Successful Methodology of Happy Start Again

According to the "2021 China Variety Annual Insight Report" released by Yien Data, in 2021, the top three variety types that won the audience’s praise were talk shows, documentaries and interviews, and the reality show variety types were not among them. As a member of the reality show variety show, Happy Departure has received such eye-catching audience feedback, which is closely related to the positioning of the program, guest lineup and program interaction.

Program Orientation: Music+Travel, Outdoor Variety Mode Innovation

Since the re-employed men’s groups are all born in Happy Boys, singing is their hobby and work, and the group comprehensive program is set as outdoor travel variety. However, because the brothers are carrying musical instruments anytime and anywhere, they can sing everywhere, and the program has the characteristic label of "music+travel", which also contributes a lot to the variety itself. Whether it is going to a desert island to survive, or experiencing group performances and chatting at night by the sea, the brothers can hum and sing anytime and anywhere.

At present, there are two common modes of many outdoor variety shows in China. One is to support the whole program by intensive variety shows, and the audience is attracted by such frequent interactions, such as Running, Travel Notes around Youth, and the other is to create something to watch by relying on the conflict of program guests. Flowers and Teenagers belong to this category.

The mode of music+travel is a relatively rare mode at present, but Happy Departure is not the first music+travel reality show in China. Previously, such a mode has been set up in various arts such as City of Meeting, Walking and Singing, but the difference is that these programs emphasize the purpose of song creation, that is, the program will require guests to travel to a certain place and then create related songs, and the purpose of travel designed for music creation is obvious.

It is rare to combine simple music creation, singing and travel reality show like Happy Departure, and its success can also show the audience’s recognition of this model. So far, it has been reported that similar fast girls’ ensemble "Summer when I Want to Sing" and "My Style and My Show" are being prepared, but their broadcast effect remains to be seen.

Guest lineup: multiple labels, with cross-circle effect.

Because the brothers of Happy Departure are all born in the top 13 fast men in 2007, although their popularity is not high at present, they still have a good foundation in certain age groups, especially this group of viewers who have experienced too fast men’s draft, such as Chen Chusheng’s "Did anyone ever tell you" and Ahu、Yue’s "Can you forget", which may be the mobile phone ringtones they have set.

△ "Welcome to the Mushroom House", the songs in the re-employment men’s team ranked pk.

In addition, "Happy Departure" itself takes "Fast Men Reunion Travel" as an important topic, and the repeated historical memories of fast men in the program give people a feeling of returning to the past, which is easy to poke the nostalgic complex of this group of old fans, thus promoting their desire to watch.

However, if we simply capture this audience, "Happy Start Again" may not get such good audience feedback. The key is that they can also be loved by many young people at present. On the one hand, the brothers of the men’s team are "musicians", and their professional ability is very resistant to fighting. They can sing and create at any time in the program ("What a suck" and "I cried and I cried again" are the stalks in the program and the impromptu songs they created), which makes the young audience very recognized for their talents.

△ The "Deserve It" inspired by "Mushroom House" has become the theme song of the program.

On the other hand, some brothers have their own unique skills. For example, when they wake up, they often shoot "The Daily Life of the Old Singer" for other brothers spontaneously, which is dubbed by netizens as "Little Genius of vlog Editing". It is fun and interesting, and is recognized and loved by many young audiences, which also urges them to archaeological their older brothers’ previous programs and understand their past 15 years’ history.

△ "The Daily Life of the Old Singer" filmed by Awakening

In fact, in the domestic reality show, there are few variety guests who have such cross-circle effect. Comedy variety coffee Jia Ling, Yang Di, and singer variety coffee Charlie are among the better guest types, while the variety guests who are biased stars are generally difficult to get multi-circle recognition in variety shows.

However, after knowing this theory, most variety shows will be added by selecting various types of guests in order to cover all kinds of audience groups. It is not uncommon for singers, comedians, talk show actors and film and television drama actors to gather in one variety show.

Program interaction: emphasize participation and cultivate unique fan feelings

As mentioned above, "Happy Start Again" faced obstacles in budget, advertising sponsorship and other aspects in the early preparation, and this variety show was finally broadcast smoothly, which has an inseparable relationship with the fans of the show. On this basis, "Happy Start Again" conforms to this characteristic and creates a unique strong fan interaction.

In the pilot film of the program, the program group initiated the fan interaction of the group name, and several brothers published a solicitation in Weibo, asking netizens to offer suggestions and think of a name for the program, which also led to the circle of funny names such as "Nobody cares", "No more crazy and older" and "Brothers who behave badly" in the program. Fan interaction doesn’t end like this. The program group also plays this part of the clip, so fans who are selected by their brothers to read their names will have more satisfaction.

Not only the name of the program, but also the unique interaction between "dining tables" (the fans’ names of brothers) and their brothers, as well as the Amway of the Grain Dojo. The program was recorded and broadcast because of advertising sponsorship. Both the brothers of the men’s team and the audience of the program are very grateful to it. The brothers sang for the Grain Dojo in the program, and the fans bought instant noodles in the Grain Dojo in their daily lives. I hope they will continue to sponsor the second season of Happy Departure. To some extent, this is also a way to strengthen the relationship between fans and brothers. When guests and fans see each other’s efforts and intentions, it is easier to empathize with each other.

In fact, fans’ participation in the recording of official programs is not unique to Happy Start Again. For example, Running and Happy Camp have had interactive design of related links, thus mobilizing fans to be active and increasing the degree of topic. Different from these programs, the interaction of Happy Go Again is based on the unique relationship established by the program group, guests and fans, because no matter which side knows more or less the hardships of program preparation and investment promotion, they also understand that it is not easy to broadcast variety shows. The interactive design of the group name determined by the audience can show that the program group is interested in cultivating this special audience feeling.

Can the high score of "Happy Start Again" be continued?

According to Weibo released by Zhao Linlin, the producer of Happy Go Again, Happy Go Again has already started to prepare for the second season. At present, the high score of 9.6 in Happy Go Again has hit a large number of domestic variety shows, but it will take time to consider whether this popularity can continue into the next season or even more similar programs.

On the one hand, producer Zhao Linlin indicated that the second season show will still retain the favorite men’s team brothers, but the new problem is whether the brothers can still have the mentality of the first season after the success of Happy Departure. Brothers like Ahu、Yue, Bird and Lu Hu are frequently invited by the show. Excessive consumption of the re-employment men’s team may also make "Happy Departure 2" enter the dilemma of boring guest output.

△ "Happy Start Again" producer Weibo

On the other hand, the variety show "Happy Departure" may also face the dilemma of comprehensive N generations. With the high voice of the audience and the soaring word of mouth, the influence of advertisers and other capital on the production of the program may gradually show up. In the first season, fans are struggling to get advertisements, but in the following seasons, it is easy to turn into an embarrassing situation in which the program is full of advertisements. How to debug the collocation of advertisements and program content is an important topic that Happy Departure will face in the future.

And the program "Happy Start Again" itself also has a fatal weakness, that is, the program planning is not strong. Many viewers said that the success of the first season was almost entirely due to the chemical reaction of the brothers of the men’s team, and the design of the variety show was not brilliant, such as guessing the lyrics and 123 Woodenhead, which were very traditional games without their own characteristics. However, the director of the program group also said that he would plan the second season’s programs well and strive to "empower artists, not consume them".

△ crossword puzzle in the program

The first season of "Happy Departure" is coming to an end, but the audience’s love and affection for the re-employment men’s team will not end, and the high score of "Happy Departure" also provides practitioners with various production considerations. Domestic variety shows are not without originality, and they can still find their own way to success as long as they are careful.


Xiaomi entered the market strongly, and the new energy auto market was surging.

  Our reporter Lu Hongxing

  On March 28th, Xiaomi Group held the launch conference of Xiaomi Automobile with the theme of "Forward" in Beijing, officially released Xiaomi SU7, and unveiled the mysterious price veil. This means that Xiaomi Automobile has entered the eye of the storm in China’s new energy automobile market.

  Will bring positive guidance to the new energy automobile industry.

  Lin Cheng, chief scientist of the National Engineering Research Center for Electric Vehicles of Beijing Institute of Technology, said in an interview with China Economic Times that the strong entry of Xiaomi will greatly improve the level and technical level of new energy vehicles in China, especially in the field of intelligent driving. Xiaomi has a deep network and intelligent foundation, and the participation of such a technologically innovative enterprise will bring positive guidance to the new energy vehicle industry.

  China Economic Times reporter learned that Xiaomi has always been a leading brand in the field of smart phones and smart homes, and it has rich experience in the application of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and Internet of Things.

  "For Xiaomi itself, it has a very positive impact. Xiaomi has its own ecology. Xiaomi will apply various scene technologies on his mobile phone to his car. For the whole industry, it is a reshuffle. Different from other new forces making cars, Xiaomi has abundant funds and much less operating pressure, so-called ‘ Don’t panic when there is food in the bowl ’ That’s the truth. From the perspective of future development, Xiaomi should gradually become a mainstream new energy automobile enterprise. " Lin Cheng further stated.

  Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, said in an interview with the China Economic Times reporter that Xiaomi’s strong participation in the new energy vehicle market, on the one hand, is a positive driving force for the entire new force car industry; On the other hand, it will promote the comprehensive exploration of the new energy vehicle market and help meet consumers’ demand for intelligence and interconnection.

  Yan Jinghui, an expert from china automobile dealers association, told the China Economic Times reporter that Xiaomi Auto was born with the gene of scientific and technological innovation and intelligent networking. For young people, its own traffic is conducive to guiding and promoting consumption.

  Zhang Guanghou, deputy director of the Technology Center of the Comprehensive Transportation Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, said in an interview with the China Economic Times reporter that Xiaomi Automobile is a "new recruit" in the automobile market, but from the market performance of mobile phones and household appliances, Xiaomi has unique features in supply chain integration, technological innovation and product design. The addition of Xiaomi can enrich the pedigree of new energy vehicle products, further accelerate the upstream and downstream integration of the new energy industry and accelerate the iteration of technological updates such as intelligent driving, and at the same time create more new energy vehicle products that meet the needs of consumers and are more internationally competitive.

  It should be noted that the addition of Xiaomi Automobile is also beneficial to the whole automobile industry chain, which will further improve and enrich the layout of the industry chain and provide more growth points and development opportunities. At the same time, the spillover effect of Xiaomi’s entry should not be underestimated. Xiaomi Automobile has driven many enterprises such as Guanghong Technology, Shangluo Electronics, Demais and Lansi Technology to participate in the Xiaomi automobile industry chain.

  Since the concept of "new quality productivity" was put forward last year, the central government has expounded and deployed it many times. New quality productivity includes not only technological innovation, but also changes in production mode, organization mode and marketing. Under the guidance of this strategy, the intelligent networked new energy automobile industry has become an important development direction in the future.

  In Cui Dongshu’s view, as many technology companies build cars across borders, the new energy automobile industry will have the advantages of innovation and integrated development in developing new quality productivity, which is not only an interpretation of new quality productivity, but also an important step in economic transformation and upgrading.

  "Scientific and technological innovation is the core element of developing new quality productivity. More technology companies build cars across borders, on the one hand, it can accelerate the application of scientific and technological innovations to specific industries and industrial chains; On the other hand, it can enable technology enterprises to face the market demand and application practice, accelerate the iterative upgrading of key technologies by enriching the application of scenarios, and open up the chain from technological innovation and industrial innovation to the development of new quality productivity. " Zhang Guanghou said.

  The market involution of new energy vehicles has intensified.

  "It’s really not 99,000, 149,000, or 199,000." At the launch conference of Xiaomi Automobile held on the evening of March 28th, Lei Jun, the chairman of Xiaomi Group, shouted out the final selling price of Xiaomi SU7, of which the standard version sold for 215,900 yuan, the Pro version sold for 245,900 yuan and the MAX version sold for 299,900 yuan. The data shows that the SU7 has only been on the market for 27 minutes, that is, it has exceeded 50,000 units.

  On March 31st, Lei Jun released Weibo, saying, "During the initial edition ordering process, we identified and intercepted some abnormal orders and scalper orders. Therefore, the second round of additional sales will be opened. "

  In Yan Jinghui’s view, the price of Xiaomi SU7 should be relatively close to the people, and it still has a certain market impact on new forces such as Wei Xiaoli. However, Xiaomi has just entered the market, and the market impact needs further feedback. In the future, with the continuous introduction of Xiaomi products, the price may rise or fall, but it remains to be seen whether it will cause a price war in the short term.

  In Zhang Guanghou’s view, at present, the competition in China’s new energy vehicle market is relatively full, and different enterprises, brands and models focus on relatively segmented markets, which has formed a certain user stickiness. Xiaomi automobile first came out, but its market share is still blank, and its products have yet to be tested by the market and consumers, which will not trigger a new round of price war in the short term.

  "Xiaomi Auto officially joined the new energy vehicle market, and the price is relatively close to the people, which will basically not cause price wars." Cui Dongshu said.

  However, in Lin Cheng’s view, since 2023, the price war of new energy vehicles has been going on. At present, it is an indisputable fact that the new energy automobile industry is "rolled up". Objectively speaking, the price of Xiaomi SU7 is lower than expected, and its configuration, mileage and performance all exceed expectations, which brings great pressure to other automobile enterprises. After Xiaomi launches such a model, it will become a trend for other car companies to cut prices.

  "The strong entry of Xiaomi has made the market competition in the new energy automobile industry more intense, and a number of enterprises may be eliminated in the next few years. When there is little or no profit, capital will withdraw, and parts companies will do what they can. In the long run, prices will gradually return to rationality. " Lin Cheng further stated.

  What is the result of this change in the new energy vehicle market caused by the entry of Xiaomi SU7? Time will give the answer.

Seeing is believing | Field visit of Xiaomi Automobile Beijing factory

  [car home Information] In the past few months, a heavy "bomb" was dropped on the automobile circle, that is, Xiaomi entered the automobile field.

  Since Xiaomi announced to build a car at the end of March, the location of headquarters and factories has attracted much attention. Beijing, Shanghai, Wuhan, Hefei, Xi ‘an and other places are striving for Xiaomi’s car-making project. Lei Jun also visited Chang ‘an, GAC, SAIC-GM-Wuling, Great Wall, SAIC, Dongfeng, Bosch, Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited and other manufacturers frequently in more than four months, and released a lot of recruitment information. On November 27th, the official WeChat of Beijing Yizhuang announced that the Management Committee of Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone officially signed a contract with Xiaomi Technology and announced that Xiaomi Automobile had settled in Beijing Economic Development Zone. The determination of the headquarters and the factory to settle in the city is also an important node in the preparatory work for Xiaomi’s car.

  Just after the signing of the contract was announced, I drove to Beijing Economic Development Zone to visit Xiaomi’s current progress. Where is the factory located?

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◆ It is still in the retirement stage, and the intelligent manufacturing base is waiting for "manufacturing".
Open up a vitality in the wasteland

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Home of the car

  According to the official publicity information, Xiaomi Automobile Factory is located in Majuqiao Intelligent Manufacturing Base (Intelligent Manufacturing Base) in Yizhuang New Town (Tongzhou District), Beijing, with a total investment of 63 billion yuan. Four boundaries: Tongyi Road in the west, Huanjing West No.1 Road in the east, Jingsheng South Fourth Street in the north and Yitong Street in the south. With the specific street name, it is actually much easier to find the destination, but according to the navigation display, Tongyi Road and Yitong Street are in the state of being built (not searched). Huanjing West 1st Road and Jingsheng South 4th Street are residential buildings and Liandong U Valley Park.

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Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

Home of the car

  On the other hand, there is a large construction site in the south of Jingsheng South Fourth Street. When I went to check it, I found that it was the project site of SMIC Jingcheng integrated circuit production project (FAB3 P1 production plant and other 32 projects), and not far from this project site, it was the project of projection mask aligner exposure optical system research and development and mass production base.

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Home of the car

Home of the car

  According to public information, Majuqiao Town is located in the intelligent manufacturing group of Yizhuang New Town. According to the planning of Yizhuang New Town, the intelligent manufacturing industrial zone will focus on developing high-end manufacturing. "Majuqiao Zhizao Base Land Grade I Development Project" is located in majuqiao town, east to the green belt on the west side of Beijing-Shanghai Expressway, west to Environmental Protection Avenue, south to Zhuxin Road, and north to Xinsi Road. The investment in the relocation and vacating of non-residential houses within the project scope is about 2.4 billion yuan. The relocation involves eight villages, namely Fangxindian Village, Zhouying Village, Xiaoyingyi Village, Yangxiudian Village, Guzhuang Village, Xiaozhang wan Village, Zhang Cun Village and Shichun Village. According to the feedback from relevant personnel, it is still in the stage of vacating, and the project is expected to start around 2022. Of course, if you want to see some clues, it will be at least in the middle of the year.

  In the future, the territory of Xiaomi Automobile will be developed to us in Beijing Economic Development Zone.

Why did you choose Beijing Economic Development Zone?

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  According to public information, Xiaomi Automobile Project will build Xiaomi Automobile Headquarters Base, Sales Headquarters and R&D Headquarters, and will build a vehicle factory with an annual output of 300,000 vehicles in two phases, of which the first and second phases will have a production capacity of 150,000 vehicles respectively. It is expected that the first vehicle will be off the assembly line in 2024 and mass production will be realized.I believe that many netizens have doubts. Why did Xiaomi Automobile choose to settle in Beijing Economic Development Zone?The reasons may be analyzed from the aspects of business, policy and geographical location.

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  First of all, in terms of location, it was previously reported that Xiaomi Automobile wanted to acquire Beijing Hyundai No.2 Factory in Shunyi District, Beijing (with an annual production capacity of 300,000 units), which was also in line with the combined production capacity of Xiaomi in Beijing Economic Development Zone Phase I and Phase II. But don’t ignore the fact that Xiaomi Automobile will not have a demand of 300,000 production capacity in the early stage, and there are still problems such as optimization, adjustment and upgrading in the acquisition of Beijing Hyundai No.2 Factory, which is unreasonable in terms of capital. At the same time, apart from Beijing Hyundai No.2 Factory, Shunyi District has not publicly indicated that it will provide the rest land for Xiaomi Automobile to build its sales headquarters and R&D headquarters, which will lead to "time difference" in communication between sales companies and factories, which is not as suitable as "cluster construction". In addition, Xiaomi also has an office in the park near Kechuang, Beijing Economic and Technological Development Zone, which consists of three parts: office building, production factory and warehousing and logistics. The factory mainly produces hardware equipment such as Xiaomi mobile phones, and the warehousing and logistics part is a cooperative project between Xiaomi and JD.COM. The goods stored in the warehouse are all related to Xiaomi products, which is also convenient for cross-departmental linkage and communication.

  Secondly,Business aspectLei Jun has publicly stated that intelligence and electrification have brought the automobile industry closer to consumer electronics from the original machinery industry. Xiaomi also said, "The most difficult thing is the battery and automatic driving. After four years, the advantages of electric vehicles for traditional vehicles will gradually be reflected, and fuel vehicles will transition to electrification. Now the timing of Xiaomi’s cut-in is just right. " Just like this, Xiaomi has invested heavily in power batteries and autonomous driving sectors. Power battery has always been the heart of new energy vehicles, and it is also a plate that new car manufacturers pay special attention to. Xiaomi automobile is no exception, and it has made multiple attacks, and its layout in the field of power batteries has also surfaced.

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"Overview of investment in Xiaomi power battery field"

  Xiaomi currently directly or indirectly invests in four power battery-related enterprises in the field of power batteries, and each major enterprise has its own characteristics. These four companies are Honeycomb Energy, AVIC Lithium Battery, Zhuhai Guanyu and Ganfeng Lithium Battery. Among them, Zhuhai Guanyu and Ganfeng Lithium Battery are listed companies.

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"A list of the number of patents related to Xiaomi and other Internet companies; Overview of investment in Xiaomi’s autonomous driving field "

  Auto-driving is an important force point for Xiaomi’s car in the future, and it is actually a weak point for Xiaomi to build a car. According to public information, by 2020, Xiaomi has disclosed more than 800 patents related to automobiles, and only one patent related to autonomous driving. In the field of intelligent vehicle networking, by April 2021, Xiaomi had 72 patents, including vehicle-to-person V2P, vehicle-to-vehicle V2V and vehicle-to-infrastructure V2I, among which 57 were vehicle-to-person V2P patents. Since the announcement of building a car, Xiaomi has also made frequent shots in the field of autonomous driving and made a series of investments. In June 2021, Xiaomi participated in the D-round financing of Zongmu Technology, a supplier of autonomous driving technology. In the same month, Xiaomi participated in the D-round financing of laser radar enterprise Hesai Technology. In July, Xiaomi acquired DeepMotion Tech Limited, an autonomous driving technology company, for US$ 77.37 million (about RMB 503 million). In August, Xiaomi led the Pre-A2 round of financing for geometry partner of autonomous driving company, and then participated in the strategic investment of geometry partner in October. It is worth mentioning that Tianyanchao information shows that Shendong Technology Company is also located in Beijing.

  What can improve the above business to the extreme is that a series of Beijing Economic Development ZoneA favorable policyAccording to "Beijing Intelligent Networked Vehicle Innovation and Development Action Plan (2019 -2022)", it is clearly pointed out that in 2022, a complete technical system of intelligent networked vehicles meeting the requirements of advanced autonomous driving (L4 level) will be formed; The scale of intelligent networked automobiles and related industries in the city reached 100 billion yuan. Specific to Yizhuang, the First Industrial Policy of Yizhuang Group in the High-end Industrial Zone of China (Beijing) Pilot Free Trade Zone clearly puts forward the goal of "building a core bearing place for the development of new energy and high-end automobile industry", and sets a minimum financial support policy of 30 million yuan and a maximum financial support policy of 100 million yuan according to different conditions.

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"There are different models such as self-driving passenger cars, self-driving logistics trucks, self-driving feeder cars, self-driving cleaning cars, unmanned delivery cars and unmanned retail cars on the streets of Yizhuang every day."

  Among them, "encourage domestic and foreign new energy smart car manufacturers to settle in the development zone. To drive the formation of a 100 billion-level industrial cluster, leading enterprises can be given up to 100 million yuan of innovation funds to support; Encourage the research and development of autonomous driving technology to reach L4 level and above, and carry out conditional large-scale production. For enterprises that have completed the transformation of the first batch of results, a certain proportion of financial support will be given according to the transformation effect of the results, up to 30 million yuan. "

  It is worth mentioning that the "Overall Implementation Plan of Beijing Intelligent Networked Automobile Policy Pioneer Zone" released here shows that the planning scope of 225 square kilometers including Yizhuang New City will be set as the policy pioneer zone. Beijing Intelligent Networked Vehicle Policy Pioneer Zone has four distinctive policies: allowing enterprises to carry out commercial operation services based on fees, allowing unmanned delivery vehicles to obtain road rights for on-road operation, supporting mutual recognition of test results of intelligent networked vehicles in different places, and opening high-speed testing of self-driving vehicles.

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  Geographical locationThe mature supporting environment and good policy support have enabled many brands to set up factories here, such as Mercedes-Benz R&D Center, Beiqi New Energy Blue Valley R&D Center, Beiqi New Energy High-end Intelligent Ecological Factory, Foxconn Precision Components, e-commerce giant JD.COM and many logistics companies. It is mentioned that Xiaomi and BAIC have signed a strategic cooperation agreement before, which may be one of the "reasons" for Xiaomi Automobile to choose Beijing Economic Development Zone.

◆ Talk to the end

Home of the car

  Lei Jun once said that the initial intention of Xiaomi to build a car is to use high-quality smart electric vehicles to let users enjoy the ubiquitous smart life. In the future, Xiaomi will provide intelligent life for all aspects of rice noodles from personal equipment, smart home, smart office, and smart travel. In the future, I hope that every road will be equipped with a full set of Xiaomi smart products.

  However, at present, although Xiaomi has signed a contract, it is still some time before the factory breaks ground. Referring to the time when the new car rolled off the assembly line in 2024, Xiaomi’s factory will start in 2023 at the latest, and we will pay more attention to Xiaomi’s trend in the future. At that time, in the face of strong competitors, complex supply chain management and more discerning consumers, can Xiaomi Automobile create an eye-catching model?

  We will wait and see. (Text/car home Zhouyi)

Lei Jun: Xiaomi SU7 is positioned as a C-class high-performance eco-technology car, and the pricing is "a bit expensive".

On December 26th, Xiaomi Automobile Technology Conference will be held at 2pm on December 28th. Lei Jun, founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi, answered some questions that netizens are most concerned about today.

Xiaomi’s first car was named SU7. As for how to pronounce it, Xiaomi has also discussed it seriously. In the end, everyone thinks that it is still called "",just like calling a friend’s name.

In addition, Xiaomi SU7 is positioned. As for why he made a car, Lei Jun will introduce it in detail at the press conference. The press conference will start at 2 pm, which is estimated to be about 3 hours.

Lei Jun also said that Xiaomi SU7 has no accurate benchmarking vehicle, and it is in the trial production and climbing stage, and it will take several months for it to be officially listed. In terms of pricing,

The full text of Lei Jun’s answer is attached to IT House: