Geely × Aerospace, satellite communication technology takes the lead in "getting on the bus"

With the continuous breakthrough of science and technology, the era of satellite communication has been gradually unveiled.

At 7:37 on February 3, 2024, the second orbital plane of the Geely Future Travel Constellation was successfully launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in a one-shot 11-star manner, setting a new record for the number of satellites launched at the launch site.

According to public information, Geely Future Travel Constellation is the world’s first commercial communication, navigation and remote sensing integrated constellation built by Spacetime Daoyu. The first orbital plane of its predecessor has successfully completed a series of work such as satellite mass production, orbital plane-level deployment, constellation-level measurement and control, and application testing; now the second orbital plane has also been successfully launched. In the future, Spacetime Daoyu will empower the "ground" with "aerospace" to provide high-reliability and low-cost application services in satellite communication, autonomous driving, and intelligent networking.

Communication technology welcomes key breakthroughs

"In the past 30 years, every technological iteration in the information and communication industry has brought about changes in lifestyle. But in fact, from 2G, 3G, 4G to the current 5G, about 70% of the space on our planet is still not covered by ground network signals. The integration of heaven and earth has brought more imagination to intelligent network connection and autonomous driving in the continuous iteration of the information and communication industry from 5G to 6G." Wang Yang, CEO and chief systems engineering expert of TikTok, once said why he wants to enter satellite communication technology.

As Wang Yang said, the field of communication has undergone tremendous changes in recent years, but the exploration of communication technology is still accelerating. According to MIIT’s previous disclosure, China will accelerate the development and innovation of 6G technology and achieve commercial use around 2030.

There is a core technology that needs to be overcome between the current 5G and 6G applications – the "heaven and earth integrated" communication network. When the satellite Internet and the ground communication network are fully integrated determines when we can truly enter the 6G era.

In order to promote the rapid development of satellite communication technology, on April 20, 2020, the National Development and Reform Commission listed satellite Internet as a "new infrastructure" for the first time, and the prelude to the "Star Age" of big communication began.

In the face of new trends, Geely Group’s commercial aerospace technology enterprise Spacetime Daoyu began to independently develop the "Geely Future Travel Constellation" satellite, striving to achieve centimeter-level high-precision positioning, including autonomous driving navigation, broadband Internet access and other services, through satellite communication to change the car life.

On June 2, 2022, Geely Holding Group successfully launched the first batch of nine small satellites, all of which successfully entered the predetermined orbit. At that time, Geely said:The satellite project is a typical example of Geely’s "new infrastructure" investment. It not only provides infrastructure for Geely’s own integrated travel ecosystem, but also provides support for future travel, intelligent manufacturing, drone transportation, urban management and other fields, and builds a technological ecological chain advantage.

Wang Yang said: "Geely has changed from a simple car manufacturer to a comprehensive travel service provider. The satellite information and communication industry has actually spanned industrial production, consumer services and other fields. Geely’s layout in commercial aerospace, including a new generation of low-orbit satellite service networks, is an inevitable trend."

Satellite communication technology on board

It is worth noting that the current "Geely Future Travel Constellation" has been successfully implemented.

In September 2023, Time and Space Daoyu undertook the important task of "Asian Games Intelligent Guarantee", and successfully guaranteed the travel safety of nearly 2,000 officially designated vehicles of the Asian Games for a total of 36 days 7 × 24 hours a day. Finally, relying on high-precision positioning services, all vehicles are running stably online, and the driving routes cover the host city Hangzhou, as well as the five co-host cities of Ningbo, Wenzhou, Huzhou, Shaoxing and Jinhua. As of 24:00 on October 8, the accumulated guaranteed mileage is about 1.585 million kilometers.

On October 27, 2023, aerospace products were put into production for the first time at the vehicle level – Krypton officially released the pure electric hunting supercar Krypton 001 FR, which realized the on-board satellite communication function through cooperation with Spacetime Daoyu.

Through equipped with space-time Daoyu self-developed vehicle satellite communication end point – Ji Shi Xun ?, with vehicle satellite communication antenna and software services,In the absence of a terrestrial network or damage to the terrestrial network, users can make and receive satellite calls and send and receive satellite messages using the Krypton 001 FR vehicle system. In addition, in the event of a car collision, excessive carbon dioxide concentration in the vehicle, or thermal runaway of the battery, the vehicle can achieve autonomous alarms through satellites, which greatly enhances the driving safety of the vehicle.

In addition, Spacetime Daoyu also took the lead in the establishment of vehicle-mounted satellite Internet industry standards, led the completion of the first domestic research project for the construction of vehicle-mounted satellite communication industry standards, and joined forces with polar krypton and other partners to complete the "General Specification for Satellite Communication Vehicle End Point" standard project, "Consumer End Point Technical Requirements and Test Methods to Support Low-Orbit Satellites" standard exposure draft, which promoted the standardization and standardization of the industry.

Based on the current achievements, Space-Time Daoyu will complete the deployment of 72 satellites in the first phase of the constellation within two years to achieve global real-time data communication services; the second phase will expand to 168 satellites to achieve global centimeter-level high-precision positioning services… Through the deep integration of aerospace technology and new energy technologies, Space-Time Daoyu will continue to explore the highly coordinated development of the commercial aerospace industry and the intelligent pure electric vehicle industry, using automobiles as anchors to find new blue oceans.

Autonavi Space-Time Map: Linking Everything About Travel

Recently, the Verge, a well-known foreign technology media, launched an interesting survey to ask people how many apps they have installed on their mobile phones.

Most people’s answers ranged from dozens to hundreds, but there was an extreme "cultivator" in the answer, claiming that he did not install a third-party APP, and that communication, payment, and email were all using the APP that came with the mobile phone.
This conclusion sounds incredible, but it may not be nonsense.
After all, GMS and iOS bring-your-own services are really manageable for many foreigners without the bells and whistles; and their daily use of smartphones is far less "far ahead" than ours.
Without installing a third-party APP, it would definitely not work in China, and a WeChat could not be bypassed. However, from another perspective, a WeChat could be everything for many people, capable of covering almost all their needs… Even Douyin, who was at the height of the sun, could use WeChat Channels to replace it.
Especially with the Mini Program, a universal system, if you don’t consider the experience and/or some heavy vertical requirements (such as 3A game masterpieces), you can really live with WeChat in China.
Therefore, it has been said for a long time that WeChat is not an application, but an operating system.

But there is one type of service that WeChat has yet to handle.

On WeChat, you can still know where you are or where you want to go in various ways, because WeChat can call the map through the interface; but if you decide to leave, the above picture will appear, which cannot be avoided.
Navigation may be the most special kind of app, because it must be strongly related to time and space: where you are, where you go, and how you get there. The core variable is "positioning", and WeChat can be used even if the positioning is turned off; but without answering the above three questions, navigation has no meaning.
This may also be the core reason why Autonavi claims that the latest version is a "space-time map".
WeChat or most other applications essentially consume information and content services, and a lot of computing takes place before consumption. In order to get the best results, users will only see whether the results are good or not (such as whether the searched articles are good or not, and whether the recommended products meet the needs). Of course, people who use Autonavi also value the results. Navigation to the destination and destination-based services are the core, but they also value the process – they are all driving home, driving all the way and detouring because of traffic jams. Half a life is obviously much worse.
Due to this, Autonavi’s location perception and calculation not only occurs in front of the line, but also in the line (traffic conditions change rapidly). It needs to directly or indirectly "locate" to link everything related to travel in real space in real time: traffic lights, intersections, tunnels/viaducts, congestion conditions, lanes, obstacles, and even the shadow area of trees and buildings; in addition to space, it also needs to compare historical data across time to obtain future trend predictions, and timely prompt or guide users.
To perform this kind of real-time, large-scale computing requires extremely strong information links and underlying technical capabilities, which is why Autonavi must essentially be a technology company.

It can be said that Autonavi is essentially an enterprise based on the "space-time interconnection", and it was not until the latest release of v13 that the name "space-time map" was implemented, perhaps because the ability to perceive and calculate on a large scale has reached a qualitative change node.

The newly released Wonderland MAX, a neural rendering technology based on deep neural networks and physics engines, helps users get a bird’s-eye view of the scene stereo model from multiple time periods and directions, so as to feel the immersive "sense of place" across time and space, and even further understand the more detailed introduction and consumption information of the destination, which is to give users better travel results.
Autonavi Space-Time Map: Linking Everything About Travel
There are also blind spot meeting warnings based on the Beidou system, Beidou lane-level navigation 2.0, tunnel navigation, elevated navigation, and parking space navigation for special travel scenarios, as well as along-the-way search services, all of which are connected to more physical details and elements in the real world, continuously carry out real-time large-scale interactive computing, and deduce the optimal travel solution at the time and space level, essentially for a better travel process.
The results and process are both great, and naturally more people will be willing to use Autonavi.
People are nothing more than two states, either staying in the same place or on the road.
Autonavi Space-Time Map: Linking Everything About Travel

Autonavi Space-Time Map: Linking Everything About Travel

Autonavi Space-Time Map: Linking Everything About Travel
WeChat is undoubtedly a very powerful application, almost representing the ultimate form of static consumption of information and content. A person with a mobile phone and a WeChat, finding a place to sit, is enough to satisfy most of your imagination of the mobile Internet.
"I can do this all day."
But WeChat doesn’t do it all. Because people are in different states when using Autonavi, the current time-space transfer is another dynamic dimension of the ability: find a good place that suits you best, and then escort you to navigate in the most time-saving and labor-saving way.
Staying is important, but there are many good things when you go out.

Leifeng network(Official account: copyright article, unauthorized reprinting is prohibited. For details, please refer to the reprinting instructions.

Meituan will turn from profit to loss in 2021, with higher expenses such as rider costs and R & D expenses

In the post-epidemic era, Meituan (3690.HK) revenue has risen steadily. On March 25, Meituan released the fourth quarter and full year results of 2021. In 2021, the company’s revenue was 179.128 billion yuan (RMB, the same below), an increase of 56% year-on-year; the company lost 23.536 billion yuan during the year and 4.708 billion yuan in profit in the same period last year; the company’s adjusted net loss was 15.572 billion yuan, and the profit in the same period last year was 3.121 billion yuan.


Food and beverage takeaway is an important revenue business of Meituan, and the operating profit of this business in 2021 is 6.175 billion yuan; however, the policy requirements of "reasonable reduction of merchant service fees" and the corporate responsibility to improve the protection of riders’ rights and interests have also increased Meituan’s operating costs. The restaurant and wine travel business is a major source of profit for Meituan. In 2021, the operating profit of this business is 14.20 billion yuan.


However, the operating profits of the above two major businesses cannot offset the losses caused by the expansion of Meituan’s new business. Meituan’s new business, which mainly focuses on community group buying, shared travel, and instant shopping, has an operating loss of 38.40 billion yuan in 2021. At the same time, Meituan also continues to increase the company’s R & D investment, and the R & D expenditure in 2021 will reach 16.70 billion yuan.


2021 was an extraordinary year for Meituan, with the company’s performance turning from profit to loss. At the same time, Meituan’s anti-monopoly penalty was also settled and fined 3.442 billion yuan. Affected by policies and the general environment, Meituan’s share price declined as a whole in 2021, peaking at HK $460/share that year, and then fell below HK $300/share twice in July and November of that year. On December 31, 2021, it closed at HK $225.4/share. As of the close on March 25, Meituan closed at HK $135/share, down 8.16%.


"In 2021, despite the impact of the epidemic, we will still overcome difficulties and strive to provide hundreds of millions of consumers with reliable and convenient life services, help merchants use digital means to expand online operations, and help more entrepreneurs and employees achieve stable income," said Wang Xing, CEO of Meituan. "Meituan will unswervingly fulfill its platform responsibilities, unswervingly increase investment in technology, unswervingly continue to expand its business, and focus on the’retail + technology ‘strategy to deepen the Chinese market and create more value for merchants, users, riders and other ecological partners."


The profit of catering takeaway operation is 6.175 billion yuan, which enhances the protection of riders’ rights and interests


Under the pressure of repeated epidemics, Meituan’s food and beverage takeaway business continued to grow. The number of annual transaction users and the per capita transaction frequency in 2021 reached a record high. The peak of single-day orders broke through 50 million in August 2021 and reached a new high in December of that year. The number of transactions in the whole year reached 14.40 billion, an increase of 41.6% year-on-year.


In 2021, Meituan’s catering takeaway business will see significant growth in categories such as nighttime, milk tea, salad and light food. Supply growth effectively drove an increase in orders from medium and high-frequency users. Therefore, the number of annual transaction users of catering takeaway increased by 13% year-on-year, and the average transaction frequency of annual transaction users increased by 25% year-on-year.


In 2021, Meituan’s catering takeaway business transaction amount was 702.10 billion yuan, an increase of 43.6% year-on-year; revenue was 96.30 billion yuan, an increase of 45.3% year-on-year. Operating profit increased from 2.833 billion yuan in 2020 to 6.175 billion yuan in 2021, while operating profit margin increased from 4.3% to 6.4%.


The topic of takeaway merchant commissions has attracted much attention. In 2021, Meituan takeaway’s commission income (technical service fee) obtained through merchants was 28.547 billion yuan, 18.503 billion yuan in the same period of the previous year, an increase of 54.3% year-on-year; compared with the company’s catering takeaway transaction amount in 2021, the takeaway platform commission rate was about 4.1%.


However, the 2021 government work report proposed to "guide platform enterprises to reasonably reduce merchant service fees." Subsequently, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments also issued the "Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Cultivation of New Consumption", proposing to guide online platforms such as takeout to rationally optimize the use of small and medium-sized enterprises. Merchants and individuals use the platform to operate commissions, commissions and other expenses, and use technology to empower operators to reduce costs and increase efficiency within the platform.


In 2021, Meituan takeaway and other platforms took the initiative to optimize the platform charging model and implement a pilot "rate transparency". At the same time, the protection of rider rights and interests is also a major responsibility of Meituan. In July of that year, Meituan established a takeaway rider service department. In 2021, Meituan held 136 rider talks.


The financial report shows that the vast majority of Meituan takeaway’s total revenue is rider delivery costs. In 2021, there are about 5.27 million riders who earn income on the Meituan platform. Meituan takeaway rider delivery costs were 68.183 billion, an increase of 38.3% year-on-year, accounting for 71% of Meituan’s total takeaway revenue.


In addition, the breakdown data of the financial report shows that in 2021, Meituan’s food and beverage distribution service revenue collected from merchants and users was 54.204 billion yuan, while the annual rider delivery cost was 68.183 billion yuan. The above data shows that Meituan’s annual direct subsidy for riders cost nearly 14 billion yuan.


The operating profit of the hotel is 14.20 billion yuan, and the operating loss of the new business is 38.40 billion yuan


In the post-epidemic era, Meituan’s store, hotel and tourism business has achieved steady growth. In 2021, Meituan’s store, hotel and tourism business revenue was 32.50 billion yuan, an increase of 53.1% year-on-year; operating profit increased from 8.181 billion yuan in 2020 to 14.193 billion yuan in 2021, while operating profit margin increased from 38.5% to 43.3%.


According to the financial report, Meituan’s 2021 store-to-store business transactions, transaction amounts and annual active merchants all hit record highs. Meituan has strengthened its penetration into lower-tier cities across the country. Categories such as leisure entertainment, fitness, elderly care services, medical care and pet services are growing strongly; while categories such as manual activities, recording studios, light and shadow interactive halls, and stress relief experience halls have become new consumer trends.


In terms of hotels and tourism, the number of hotel room nights in China will increase by 34.5% in 2021. In addition, Meituan has consolidated its competitive advantage in the low-star hotel sector, diverting offline users to online platforms to help more hotel merchants operate digitally. In the high-star hotel sector, high-star hotel room nights will account for more than 16.5% in 2021.


In 2021, Meituan continued to expand its investment in new businesses, especially commodity retail. In 2021, Meituan’s new business and other business revenue was 50.30 billion yuan, an increase of 84.4% year-on-year. The operating loss expanded from 10.90 billion yuan in 2020 to 38.40 billion yuan in 2021, and the operating loss ratio increased by 36.6 percentage points year-on-year.


Community group buying is the exploration direction of Meituan’s new business. In the second half of 2020, community group buying began a new round of industry competition. At that time, Internet companies such as Didi, Meituan, Pinduoduo, and others invested in the ante one after another. However, with the development of policies and markets, the community group buying industry will experience ups and downs in 2021. Orange Heart is preferred to face business shrinkage, and Jingxi is also reported to reduce staff and withdraw from the city.


At present, Meituan Preferred is relatively stable. According to the financial report, Meituan Preferred has achieved healthy growth thanks to clear policy guidance and a good market competition environment. The "next day pick-up" three-tier warehouse distribution logistics network system has covered most communities and rural areas in 30 provinces across the country. In the future, strict compliance with regulatory regulations will be the top priority, and we will continue to focus on balanced and high-quality growth.


Meituan flash sale exceeded 6.30 million in single-day orders in December 2021. On the supply side, it has expanded its product categories and established cooperation with more high-quality local stores. Flowers, supermarkets and convenience stores continue to maintain a high growth momentum. At the beginning of this year, 24-hour drug delivery service was launched. In 2021, Meituan market users and transaction amounts continue to increase.

High revenue and high investment, R & D expenses of 16.70 billion yuan


High revenue and high expenditure are the characteristics of Meituan’s performance in 2021. The company’s revenue hit a record high, and the operating profit turned from profit to loss, which also laid the foundation for future sustainable development to a certain extent. According to the financial report, Meituan’s R & D expenditure increased from 10.90 billion yuan in 2020 to 16.70 billion yuan in 2021, an increase of 53.1% year-on-year. The increase in employee welfare expenses was mainly due to business expansion.


On the other hand, Meituan has also increased investment in unmanned logistics research and development. Meituan drone has been in normal trial operation in Shenzhen for nearly a year, and has covered more than 8,000 households so far, completing 30,000 orders for real users. Meituan City Low-altitude Logistics Operation Demonstration Center has landed in Shanghai and will gradually cover the "3 km 15 minutes" low-altitude smart logistics network in East China.


In addition, Meituan automatic delivery has launched a low-speed instant delivery solution for outdoor scenes. As of December 2021, Meituan automatic delivery vehicle service has expanded to 20 communities in Shunyi District, Beijing, delivering nearly 190,000 orders, autonomous driving mileage over 700,000 kilometers, and daily delivery of more than 1,000 orders.


At the same time, the company’s overall operating costs also increased significantly. The cost of sales increased by 69.2% from 80.70 billion yuan in 2020 to 136.70 billion yuan in 2021, while the percentage of revenue increased by 6.0 percentage points to 76.3% year-on-year from 70.3%. The main reason is the increase in food delivery related costs, as well as the development and exploration of retail business and other new businesses.


In addition, the company’s sales and marketing expenses increased by 94.8% from $20.90 billion in 2020 to $40.70 billion in 2021, while the percentage of revenue increased by 4.5 percentage points year-on-year from 18.2% to 22.7%. Mainly due to the increase in promotion, advertising and user incentive expenses and employee benefits expenses. In addition, more employees were recruited to support the rapid growth of new businesses.


"Meituan’s development is closely related to the general environment of China’s economy, and it is also inseparable from the joint efforts of small and medium-sized businesses and related workers such as riders. We will continue to take high-quality and sustainable development as the company’s goal, and strive to drive consumption and industry transformation and upgrading, so that all relevant parties can benefit from it." Chen Shaohui, Meituan CFO, said: "Meituan will make long-term investment around the strategy of’retail + technology ‘, and through innovation and technology-driven, help more entrepreneurs and employees share the dividends of the digital economy."


Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter, Chen Weicheng, Editor, Song Yuting, Proofreader, Lu Qian

Sunset and Lonely Autumn Waters in Qi Fei —— Experience of Ecological Restoration Project in Wuliangsuhai Basin, Inner Mongolia

  editorial comment/note

  On average, 50 or 60 new cars are listed together every month, new energy vehicles are gradually becoming the main theme, and the market share of China brand passenger cars is stable at more than 50% … There are many bright spots in the automobile market in the first half of the year. Among these dazzling new cars, China brand, with its faster technical iteration, newer technical breakthrough and stronger power blessing, has set off a wave of innovation in the automobile industry, which not only ignited the enthusiasm of automobile market consumption, but also led the global era of new energy for automobiles.

  Look up at U8

  As one of the most dazzling star models in the first half of this year, it is impressive to look up to U8′ s powerful product strength and worth over one million yuan.

  Looking up at the front face of U8, the design language of "dimension door" is adopted, with high recognition and square overall shape, showing a full-fledged hard-core cross-country style. The closed middle net and "Ding"-shaped light belts on both sides are more sci-fi, the interior has been redesigned, and the flying wing cockpit outline is adopted. The larger vertical screen in the center also enhances the overall sense of science and technology.

  Thanks to BYD’s easy-to-square platform, looking up at U8 can control the power output and rotation direction of four wheels independently, which not only takes three seconds to accelerate at zero speed, but also can realize difficult actions such as turning around in place, moving laterally, driving with flat tire and floating mode. With the support of Yunqi -P system, looking up at U8 can also effectively restrain the posture change of the car body, avoid the vehicle bumping damage caused by terrain, and let the vehicle pass in the most stable and comfortable posture.

  Zhiji LS7

  Zhiji LS7 is the second model of Zhiji brand and the first medium-sized and large-sized pure electric SUV, which focuses on the "big five-seat" spatial layout and has a cruising range of 660 kilometers under CLTC working conditions.

  The interior is undoubtedly one of the highlights of Zhiji LS7. The central control of the new car adopts the triple-screen design of "LCD instrument panel+central control screen+passenger display screen", in which the LCD instrument is integrated with the large LCD screen of the central control, and the huge screen with narrow frame also has the lifting function. The matching "semi-spoke steering wheel" and the embedded touch LCD display panel in the central channel area make this car full of scientific sense.

  Driving quality is a commendable aspect of Zhiji LS7. As a big five-seat vehicle, Zhiji LS7 has made many upgrades in the ride comfort, equipped with zero-gravity floating seat, intelligent control full-flat folding co-pilot seat, super-long electric slide rail, etc., which can make the co-pilot slide and fold under the instrument panel, and provide two personalized functions of "zero-gravity mode" and "lying flat mode".

  Geely Yinhe L7

  No matter the urban roads, highways, provincial roads and country roads … Geely Yinhe L7 equipped with three intelligent electric technologies, namely "Aegis battery safety system, Raytheon hybrid 8848 and brand-new Yinhe N OS", has shown good strength and elegant demeanor.

  It can be said that Geely has applied its latest and strongest technology to the Geely Galaxy L7, which is equipped with a Raytheon electric hybrid 8848 system consisting of a new generation of Raytheon electric hybrid engine and a new generation of Raytheon electric drive, and matched with a 3-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro, with a comprehensive maximum power of 287kw and a comprehensive maximum torque of 535N·m, with the fastest acceleration of 6.9s km at the same level and the lowest power loss and fuel consumption of 5.23L/100km at CLTC.

  At the same time, Geely Yinhe L7 has four driving modes: pure electric, extended range, intelligent and performance, among which the intelligent mode is the most worry-free, especially the 55-kilometer endurance version. The system will automatically determine the driver’s intention, and it can quickly switch between 20 working conditions such as series, parallel and series in 0.2 seconds to ensure good fuel economy and power level.

  Galaxy L7 also shows the "safety" genes carved into Geely’s bones, from battery and intelligent architecture to vehicle safety and software intelligent control, and then to the global integration with the pile end and the cloud, building a global safety protection system for new energy vehicles.

  The intelligent level of Yinhe L7 is also excellent. Thanks to Snapdragon 8155 chip, the startup, response speed and voice wake-up of Yinhe N OS system are very fast, and the communication between people and vehicles is very smooth.

  Weilai brand new ES6

  The new ES6 is based on the latest NT2.0 platform of Weilai, and adopts the second generation design language of Weilai, which integrates the sensor layout of watchtower with the roof. Compared with the previous generation, the new ES6 has a longer wheelbase, wider body and lower height, showing a more dynamic body posture. The interior adopts an open double-layer embracing design, and the renewable rattan wood and the hidden air outlet are integrated, which is very layered. For the first time, the speaker is made of exclusive customized acoustic fabric, which has good sound permeability.


  Thanks to the new platform, the new ES6 is equipped with the Banyan 2.0.0 system, which brings more than 120 new functions and experience optimization. Based on Aquila Weilai extrasensory system and ADAM Weilai supercomputing platform, the new ES6 comes standard with 23 safety and driving assistance functions. In addition, through the self-developed ICC intelligent chassis domain controller and CDC dynamic suspension damping control system, the new ES6 can switch freely between sports and comfort.

  Tucki G6

  Tucki G6 is regarded by the industry as Xpeng Motors’s masterpiece, which integrates many new technologies, such as SEPA 2.0 global intelligent evolution architecture, integrated casting, 800V high-voltage SiC silicon carbide platform, CIB battery body integration and so on.

  Tucki G6 can be said to be a car born for driving control. The short front/rear suspension design makes the G6 more flexible and greatly improves the handling stability. The only front and rear integrated aluminum die-casting body in China has higher integration and stability; The torsional stiffness of the car body is as high as 41600N·m;; The stronger body rigidity greatly improves the body support and deformation resistance when the vehicle turns, making the vehicle posture more stable and easier to control.

  Intelligence is the proudest place of Tucki G6, which is equipped with a high-order intelligent assisted driving system XNGP, including a new generation of high-speed NGP, urban NGP, VPA-L parking lot memory parking and other functions. Especially in the driving process, Tucki G6 will also open the "God’s perspective". The ——XNet Deep Visual Neural Network, a new generation visual perception framework in Tucki, can fuse the data collected by multiple cameras in multiple frames before the time sequence, and output the 4D information of dynamic objects and the 3D information of static objects from a bird’s eye view, such as the size, distance, position, speed, behavior prediction, lane line and road edge position of vehicles and two-wheelers.

  Deep blue S7

  Deep Blue S7 is the second model of Deep Blue Automobile under Changan Automobile. It claims to have "five industry starters, two at the same level, 31 at the same level, and 62 at the same level."

  Under the support of EPA1 platform, Deep Blue S7 combines the advantages of pure electricity and fuel, which not only has lower vehicle cost, but also solves various problems such as mileage anxiety and inconvenience in recharging of pure electric vehicles. Among them, the extended-range version of Deep Blue S7 has a super-long comprehensive cruising range of up to 1120km, which can meet the demand of long-distance travel, without looking for a charging station along the way, just refuel and leave. In addition, the technical team of Deep Blue Auto also found the "password" for the battery to heat up rapidly in extremely cold environment, which effectively solved the problem of power decline caused by battery performance attenuation in extremely cold environment. In terms of intelligence, Deep Blue S7 supports the sound zone isolation function to create a voice interaction scene, and users can edit interesting and personalized wake-up and response. In addition, the whole scene of the car’s screen is "visible and can be said", and the user can replace the finger touch screen operation with voice only, making the operation more convenient.

  It is worth noting that Deep Blue S7 also pays great attention to the air health in the car. Its forest air purification system can monitor and display the air quality information in the car in real time, accurately know the surrounding air quality information, and automatically realize the air purification in the car by using high-efficiency filter and ion purification technology.

  Extreme krypton x

  Extreme Krypton X is the third car owned by Extreme Krypton. The design of the mecha wind is very chic, and the edges and corners are very sharp, which is full of strong fighting atmosphere.

  The configuration of this car is very high. The entry-level model has 360-degree panoramic image, reversing side warning system, full-speed adaptive cruise, electric memory trunk, hidden door handle, AR-HUD, multi-color atmosphere lights and other functions. Among them, Extreme Krypton X is the only vehicle in the whole industry equipped with a car refrigerator capable of refrigerating at minus 15 degrees, which can realize triple temperature control modes of extreme freezing, refrigeration and heat preservation, with the temperature control range from minus 15 degrees to minus 50 degrees.


  Thanks to the full empowerment of intelligent drive, Extreme Krypton X staged a real version of "Speed and Passion": on the four-wheel drive version with the best performance, Extreme Krypton X was equipped with a high-performance permanent magnet synchronous electric drive system, and the layout of the front and rear double motors provided a strong power guarantee for the whole vehicle. The zero-speed acceleration only took 3.7s, and its power performance was comparable to that of V6 twin-turbo engine, making Extreme Krypton X one of the fastest compact luxury cars ever.

  Byd seagull

  The stylish and tough appearance, the leading configuration performance at the same level, the endurance of 405km and the pre-sale price of the entry version of 78,800 yuan make BYD Seagull quite eye-catching in its class.

  BYD Seagull is a brand-new small pure electric vehicle launched by BYD in the first half of the year, which has a more exquisite and compact body design. Although the body length is not long, the overall sense of movement is excellent. At the same time, Seagull’s interior design has not been weakened because of its size, and it is also equipped with a practical DiLink Zhilian system.


  Although it is mainly used in the scooter market within 100,000 yuan, BYD Seagull is still equipped with a permanent magnet motor with a maximum power of 55kW(75Ps), which can provide a maximum torque of 135 N m. The batteries are divided into 30.08kWh and 38.88kWh, which can fully meet the needs of daily walking or short-distance travel.

  Thanks to the technical empowerment of e-platform 3.0, BYD Seagull also has the exclusive safety body structure of pure trams, with high-strength steel in the body-in-white accounting for 61%, and hot-formed steel with tensile strength exceeding 1500MPa is used in key parts, which can provide the most direct safety protection for the occupants in the car.

  Ideality L7

  Ideal L7 is an upgraded model based on Li ONE. This car adopts five seats, and still implements the design concept of "second bedroom" in LI. It has two rows of space and comfort beyond D-class luxury cars, creating a spacious, comfortable and warm exclusive space experience for a family of three.

  In terms of configuration, the ideal L7 has only two versions, Pro and Max, and the different versions are different between the intelligent cockpit and the intelligent driver assistance system. For example, in the intelligent cockpit, the Max version has a 15.7-inch rear roof entertainment screen than the Pro version, and the Max version uses two 8155 car chips, which can connect VR glasses and Nintendo Switch, and is more comprehensive in intelligent experience.

  In terms of power, the ideal L7 adopts the extended-range power layout. The whole system consists of a 1.5T extended-range device and front and rear motors, which can provide the maximum power of 330kW(449Ps) and the maximum torque of 620N·m, and the maximum endurance of CLTC in extended-range mode can reach 1315km. In addition, the combination of a 42.8 kWh battery pack and a 65-liter fuel tank is equivalent to storing more than 200 kWh of electricity for the whole vehicle. With the external discharge of 3.5 kW, an outdoor "starry playground", an open "kitchen" and a "viewing restaurant" for the whole family can be created, and the "home" can be moved to the most beautiful scenery.

  Haval Xiaolong MAX

  Xiaolong MAX is regarded as Harvard’s desperate work of new energy. Its face value is deeply loved by young people. The interior is designed with triple screen, equipped with Snapdragon 8155 chip and a new generation of Coffee OS system, and its performance in intelligence is excellent.


  Most importantly, Haval Xiaolong MAX is the first vehicle equipped with Hi4 intelligent electric hybrid four-wheel drive system, a new hybrid architecture of Great Wall. The biggest highlight of this system is the deep integration of hybrid and four-wheel drive. It is equipped with a 1.5L hybrid engine, front and rear dual motors and a DHT hybrid gearbox, which can realize "three engines and nine models" and has excellent multi-scene adaptability. The fuel consumption of four-wheel drive models has reached the level of two-wheel drive hybrid models. In addition, as a plug-in hybrid system, it also supports pure battery life of 105km(NEDC working condition), with an acceleration of 6.8s per 100 km, and its overall performance is balanced and comprehensive.

  (This version of the manuscript was written by reporter Fu Yongcai)

BYD Qin L DM-i Beijing Auto Show is the world premiere: it will be listed in the second quarter of this year, and it is estimated that the sword finger will be sold at the intermediate level from 120,

At the 2024 Beijing Auto Show, Qin L DM-i, a new member of BYD Dynasty series, made its world premiere. The model is scheduled to be officially launched in the second quarter of this year, and the price is expected to start from 120,000 yuan.

BYD Qin L DM-i Beijing Auto Show is the world premiere: it will be listed in the second quarter of this year, and it is expected to start selling at 120,000 yuan.

Qin L has a body size of 4830mm×1900mm×1495mm and a wheelbase of 2790mm, and is positioned as an intermediate car. Its birth aims to fill the gap between Qin family (compact crown) and Han family (medium and large crown) in the matrix of dynasty cars. On the one hand, Qin L will jointly challenge the joint venture mid-size sedan market represented by Camry with Han, and on the other hand, build a large and small Qin combination with Qin PLUS, aiming at the A+ market.

Based on the development of BYD’s new generation plug-in hybrid vehicle platform, Qin L is committed to breaking the traditional concept of "high fuel consumption" of mid-size cars and establishing a new fashion of "big and economical" mid-size cars through technological innovation.

In terms of intelligent configuration, Qin L is equipped with DiLink intelligent cockpit system, including 15.6-inch adaptive rotating suspended Pad, car ETC, NFC digital key and full-scene intelligent voice. In addition, the vehicle is equipped with DiPilot intelligent driving assistance system, which covers adaptive cruise, intelligent navigation, emergency lane keeping assistance, blind spot monitoring and other functions to improve driving safety and convenience.

It is reported that Qin L will enter the market in the second quarter of this year, and the pre-sale price will start from 120,000 yuan.

Krypton 001 FR, the strongest pure electrode on the surface, is on the market, and the price starts at 769,000 yuan.

  [October 27, 2023, Beijing] Today, Extreme Krypton Intelligent Technology officially released the pure electric hunting super run — — Krypton 001 FR, the official retail price starts at 76.9 yuan. Extreme Krypton 001 FR combines the performance of tens of millions of super-running, the extreme safety of "highway", the luxury and comfort of executive cars, the ability of off-road SUVs to get rid of difficulties, as well as the top intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving experience, the driving ability of F1 world champions, and the car satellite phone that never loses contact, which subverts the limits of traditional super-running and brings users real super-running in the era of intelligent electric power.

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  Pure electric hunting super running pole Krypton 001 FR official retail price

  Users who decide before December 31st can not only enjoy the six-year or 150,000-kilometer vehicle warranty, three-power lifetime warranty, free data flow, free road rescue during the warranty period, and free 7kW smart home pile-filling package (50 meters), but also get a "Raikkonen model" worth 60,000 yuan, with the same adjustment and driving experience as the "F1 champion".

  Extreme performance continues to evolve, with an acceleration of 2.02 seconds and a maximum horsepower of 1300 horses.

  Since its debut, Krypton 001 FR has been launched with five core technologies in global mass production: the four-motor distributed electric drive launched in global mass production, the world’s first ZVC four-wheel torque vector control, the world’s first "dragonfly structure" middle-section integrated die casting, the world’s first 8295 intelligent cockpit computing platform and the world’s first mass production satellite communication technology, making it the strongest pure electricity on the surface in the era of intelligent electric power.

  In just over a month, Krypton 001 FR once again subverted the limit and continued to evolve. Extreme krypton’s pursuit of the ultimate makes its acceleration from 2.07 seconds to 2.02 seconds, and it only takes 6.29 seconds to accelerate from 0 to 200km/h, which is more than half a second ahead of the tens of millions of super-runs. Under the continuous adjustment of the engineering team, the 001 FR has added a special "ejection mode", which makes its starting time 0.02 seconds faster than the normal acceleration. With it, the 001 FR straight-line racing can always be one step ahead of others.

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  The 0-200km/h acceleration of Krypton 001 FR takes only 6.29 seconds.

  The intelligent drive evolution of Krypton 001 FR is not only an instantaneous explosion, but also a full-range high-energy power output. The "overclocking mode" developed by Krypton for 001 FR turns the "nitrogen acceleration" function in racing games into reality, making the maximum horsepower burst instantly. The power of overclocking mode is increased by 10% compared with that of standard mode at high speed, and it can be started at any time of acceleration, so that the extreme krypton 001 FR can maintain a strong explosive force during the whole acceleration, whether it is cornering acceleration or overtaking straight. After the overclocking mode was started in "Raikkonen mode", the maximum horsepower of Krypton 001 FR was also increased from 1,265 at the time of debut to an astonishing 1,300.

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  Relying on Raikkonen mode and overclocking mode, Krypton 001 FR racing shows full-range high energy.

  Behind the extreme performance of Krypton 001 FR is the core technology of Krypton high-efficiency hard core. Extreme Krypton 001 FR is equipped with the world’s first mass-produced 800V high-voltage system of silicon carbide, and each motor is equipped with a silicon carbide electronic control module separately, which is stable, efficient and accurate in control. The combined output power of the four motors can reach up to 956kW, matching with the leading performance of 100kWh Kirin battery, and the maximum charging rate can reach 4C. It only takes 15 minutes to charge the battery from 10% to 80%. The discharge power of krypton 001 FR battery reaches megawatt level. At the same time, the "straight waterfall oil cooling technology" is used to dissipate heat for the motor, and the PTM 2.0 global thermal management system is used to dissipate heat for the battery. The powerful thermal management system allows the peak power of krypton 001 FR to be continuously output for 12 times without attenuation. After 8 consecutive times of uninterrupted acceleration from 0 to 100km/h, and then braking to 0, the internal temperature of the battery only increased by 3.6 degrees during the vehicle test.

  It is not only the temperature, but also the strength of the Krypton 001 FR intelligent electric drive that keeps stable. Krypton uses a 249-meter-long high-strength carbon fiber material to cover the motor rotor, which is covered with 15 layers. The sleeve is only 1.1 mm thick and weighs only 88 grams. It can withstand more than 16 tons of tension at the highest speed. This is also the reason why the maximum speed of the rear double motor of Krypton 001 FR exceeds 20,000 rpm, and its high-speed performance can still explode to the maximum speed.

  Extreme safety is the strongest confidence on the surface, delivering 160 thousand, the only zero spontaneous combustion in the industry

  Delivered more than 160,000 units, the only zero spontaneous combustion record in the industry, and the safety limit of electric vehicles has been constantly refreshed. Safety is the core gene of krypton, and krypton safety is the foundation of extreme performance of krypton 001 FR. Extreme Krypton 001 FR has been specially upgraded on the basis of the technology of "Road Tankryon". In addition to the 720-degree omni-directional safety armor, the middle part of the body of Extreme Krypton 001 FR adopts the world’s first "dragonfly structure" middle-section integrated die casting, and the entire aluminum rear body is also manufactured by the world’s original "four-section" rear-end integrated die casting process to minimize the impact on the battery pack during collision. Inside the battery, Krypton 001 FR adopts the world’s first double-large-face liquid cooling technology, and the heat exchange area is four times larger than that of the traditional liquid-cooled battery pack at the bottom, which realizes the integration of three functions: cooling, heat insulation and structural strengthening, and adds code layer by layer to effectively eliminate fire hazards.

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  Extreme krypton safety comprehensive advanced

  "Not afraid of collision and not catching fire" is only the basis of extreme krypton safety, and excellent control is the core of extreme krypton 001 FR safety. Relying on ZVC four-wheel torque vector control, Krypton 001 FR can not only realize the tank turning without picking the road, but also realize the high-speed turning of the track. In the track test, the speed of Bugatti crossing S-bend on dry ground is 80km/h; Sprinkling water in the same bend, extremely Krypton 001 FR can cross the S-bend at a high speed of 80km/h, with stable body and precise control. Based on this, Krypton has also brought the much-anticipated "drift mode", so that drivers can enjoy the exciting high-speed drift and cornering experience.

  Excellent performance under extreme dynamics benefits from the perfect cooperation of top software and hardware. Krypton 001 FR has the world’s largest carbon fiber roof, which is 1.46m long and 1.16m wide, and weighs only 6.5kg, which is 65% lighter than the traditional glass roof and 67% stronger. In addition, the front lip, side skirt, tail and diffuser of Krypton 001 FR are all made of carbon fiber aerodynamic kits, which can reduce the overall weight by more than 17kg and increase the downforce by 178kg when the vehicle is driving at high speed. With the strong grip brought by high-performance tires with narrow front and wide back at the track level, you can always maintain the best "flying on the ground" posture no matter how fast you are. KW, the world’s top shock absorber brand, customized the shock absorber for the original factory of Krypton 001 FR, so that the vehicle can perfectly match different track characteristics and different driving styles, bringing a more pure dynamic texture. The original factory comes standard with AP Racing 10-piston forged aluminum brake calipers and racing car’s exclusive oversize Brembo carbon ceramic perforated brake disc, so that polar krypton 001 FR rushes into the two-second club, while the braking distance of 100-0km/h is only 33.4 meters, even if it is driven fiercely for a long time, it can maintain the best braking state.

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  Excellent control is the core of kryptonian security.

  The global evolution Raikkonen model allows you to have the same driving experience as the F1 champion.

  The evolution of krypton is always inseparable from the co-creation of users, and the evolution of krypton 001 FR ushered in the help of F1 world champion kimi raikkonen. As the first European car owner and the chief performance consultant of Krypton 001 FR, kimi raikkonen participated in the development and adjustment process of Krypton 001 FR, and constantly tapped the great potential of this performance beast. At the press conference, An Conghui, CEO of Extreme Smart Technology, and kimi raikkonen jointly started, and the world’s first world champion who used intelligent algorithms to write in the car — — Raikkonen model copies the experience and ability of F1 champion to all owners of Krypton 001 FR.

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  The experience and technology of F1 world champion Raikkonen will be perfectly integrated into krypton intelligent drive.

  The rich track experience and skillful skills of F1 world champion are perfectly integrated into the intelligent drive system. Raikkonen mode not only brings the maximum horsepower increase of 1,300 horses to Krypton 001 FR, but also makes exclusive customized adjustments to nine parameters of Krypton 001 FR, giving users a real chance to have the same driving experience as F1 champion. The new model will be officially launched by OTA in the first quarter of next year after the winter test. In the future, the evolution of the extremely krypton intelligent drive system will also empower all extremely krypton 001 models to achieve advanced performance.

  The 8295 intelligent cockpit computing platform, which was first launched and delivered in the global mass production of extreme intelligence.

  As a hard-core technology-driven company, Krypton has the ultimate pursuit for every product. Extreme Krypton 001 FR not only has the ultimate safety and performance, but also completely subverts the industry’s cognition of super-running and high-performance vehicles. Extreme Krypton 001 FR is the first in global mass production and the first to deliver the 8295 intelligent cockpit computing platform, which is 2.2 times more powerful than the 8155 computing platform, and the graphics and video processing capacity is 2.7 times higher. Based on the 8295 computing platform, Krypton has created an exclusive intelligent space for pure electric supercar for 001 FR.

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  Krypton created the world’s first exclusive intelligent space for pure electric supercar for 001 FR.

  The intelligent follow-up seat solves the problem that the traditional bucket racing seat sacrifices comfort for performance. Daily driving can provide 10 points and 6 massage functions, and the comfort is full. When driving fiercely, the seat will respond dynamically within 0.1 second according to the vehicle dynamics, increasing the lateral support of the waist and legs, so that the driver can realize the integration of people and vehicles in the most comfortable sitting position. In addition, Extreme Krypton 001 FR will also be equipped with a brand-new 2.5K flexible OLED central control panel, 35.5-inch super-large imaging HUD, competitive style instruments and atmosphere lights as standard; There is also the top Yamaha stereo, with a rated power of 2400 watts and 28 speakers in the whole car, so that each seat is 7.1.4-channel surround sound. Top-level full-featured attributes also satisfy the passion of track driving and the comfort of street commuting.

  In addition to hardware, there is also a comprehensive upgrade of software. The full digital capability of the krypton intelligent drive system opens all the performance parameters of the krypton 001 FR. Extreme Krypton 001 FR matches the first built-in professional track APP in the history, which can make all four categories of performance parameters open, each item can be adjusted by more than 10 gears, and there are more than 13,000 custom driving styles. In addition, this track APP also has a perfect video recording function, which can perfectly restore the driver’s driving performance on the track and easily share it with other riders. It is a real track dating artifact.

  In terms of intelligent driving that users pay attention to, Extreme Krypton 001 FR is also an intelligent pure electric supercar that can be equipped with laser radar, and has intelligent driving ability covering the whole scene of cities and high speed. Lu Yu extreme weather, strong perception can still better identify road conditions, both safe and worry-free. Even if we drive to no man’s land, the vehicle-mounted satellite communication technology, which was launched in the global mass production of Krypton 001 FR, can escort users and make safety never lose contact.

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  Krypton 001 FR is an intelligent pure electric supercar that can be equipped with laser radar.

  Embracing the era of users, polar krypton provides sufficient choice space for car owners. All car owners of polar krypton 001 FR will have two kinds of car roofs for free: if you want to be extremely pure, you can choose the world’s largest carbon fiber car roof; If you want to be intelligent and advanced, you can choose lidar+intelligent light roof. No matter which roof you choose, the ZAD fully intelligent driver assistance system will be standard on the Krypton 001 FR, which will bring users an unprecedented leading intelligent experience in super-running.

  Let the face value of hunting clothes, the performance of super-running, the comfort of cars, the space and ability of getting rid of difficulties of SUVs, and the top-level intelligent experience be met at the same time in one car. Get on the track, get off the street, and even pursue poetry and distance. Extreme Krypton 001 FR will be an all-round pure electric hunting supercar covering all road conditions and scenes.

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  Full road condition, full scene, all-round pure electric hunting super run

  Eight hard-core technologies were launched in the global mass production, and six performance parameters ranked first in the global mass production, with over 100 luxury configurations as standard. Extremely, 001 FR once again subverted the tradition and opened the era of intelligent electric supercar. Whether it’s hunting coupe or hunting supercar, Krypton has always evolved in the spirit of pursuing the ultimate, setting a real value benchmark for users.


Huizhou Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris drastically reduced its price! The promotion discount is 15,000 yuan, which is very beneficial today.

Friends in Huizhou, are you ready? Car home preferential promotion channel brings you a wave of good news! Preferential activities are being carried out in Huizhou, with a maximum discount of 15,000 yuan! The minimum starting price is 137,800 yuan. Don’t miss this offer. Click "Check the car price" in the quotation form to see how much discount you can get!

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is a futuristic SUV, and its design is full of dynamics and tension. The front face uses a large area of chrome trim and sharp LED headlights, creating a very domineering momentum. The air intake grille adopts the iconic starry design of Xingtu brand, which shows the unique style of the brand. The body lines are smooth and the overall style is fashionable, which leaves a deep impression on people. In addition, the car also uses 21-inch large-size wheels, which further enhances the sense of movement of the whole car. On the whole, the appearance design of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is in line with young people’s aesthetics and has a high degree of recognition, which is believed to attract many consumers’ attention.

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is a medium-sized SUV with a body size of 4781*1920*1671mm and a wheelbase of 2815mm. The body lines are smooth, and the side contour lines are simple and powerful. The front and rear wheel tracks are 1641mm and 1642mm, respectively. With 235/55 R19 front and rear tires, the vehicle is more stable when driving. The overall design is fashionable, and the rim adopts a unique shape, which shows the luxury and sports sense of the vehicle.

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris’s interior design style is fashionable and simple, with a lot of soft materials and high-grade decoration, creating a luxurious and comfortable atmosphere. The steering wheel is made of leather, which feels comfortable and supports manual up and down+front and rear adjustment, which is convenient for the driver to adjust to the most comfortable position. The central control screen has a size of 12.3 inches and is equipped with a voice recognition control system, which can control multimedia, navigation, telephone, air conditioning, sunroof, window and other functions, making driving more convenient. The front and rear rows are equipped with USB and Type-C interfaces, which is convenient for passengers to charge. Both the main driver’s seat and the co-pilot’s seat support front and rear adjustment, backrest adjustment and height adjustment (2-way), and the ride comfort is fully guaranteed. The second row of seats also supports backrest adjustment, and the rear seats can be laid down in proportion, which improves the practicability of the vehicle.

Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is equipped with a 2.0T 261 horsepower L4 engine with a maximum power of 192 kW and a maximum torque of 400 N m.. This engine adopts advanced turbocharging technology, which can provide abundant power output and excellent acceleration performance. At the same time, with the 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox, the shift is smooth and fast, so that drivers can fully enjoy the fun of driving. In addition, the engine also has the characteristics of high efficiency combustion and low emission, which provides a reliable guarantee for environmental protection travel. Overall, this engine is an important support for the performance of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris, which brings excellent driving experience to drivers.

In the word-of-mouth evaluation of the owner of car home, we can see that he spoke highly of the exterior design of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris. He mentioned that when he booked a car in a 4S shop, he took a fancy to the black car at a glance and felt very atmospheric. However, after picking up the car, he saw many existing cars with gray rhinoceros horns, which were placed together with the black body and felt very good, even more attractive to him than black. He thinks the shiny wheel hub of the flying fish version is very beautiful, but he also realizes that it costs a lot of money to change tires.

The exterior design of Xingtu Eta Ursae Majoris is really attractive, especially its atmospheric appearance and rhinoceros horn gray body, which makes car owners irresistible. The bright wheels of the flying fish version are icing on the cake, making the vehicle more outstanding. Although it will cost some money to change tires, it will not affect the owners’ preference for Star Road Eta Ursae Majoris. Generally speaking, the exterior design of Starway Eta Ursae Majoris is excellent, which makes car owners fall for it.

Xingyue L Hi·P Raytheon’s big lock list officially opened the subsidy, and the price was 253,700 yuan.

Yichexun On November 7th, according to the official announcement, L Hi·P started the limited-time event. The activity time was from 14: 00 on November 7th to 24:00 on November 13th, with a limited number of 3,000, and the deposit was expanded five times. The subsidized price was 253,700 yuan.

Users who have successfully paid the deposit to lock the order this time can enjoy rich car purchase rights: delivery will be started as soon as it is completed, and it is expected that the delivery of users will be completed before December 10; Five times the deposit rights, enjoy a deposit of 3,000 yuan to 15,000 yuan, and the price after comprehensive rights is 241,700 yuan; The rights and interests of new energy subsidies will be listed before December 31, 2022, and enjoy the price after the national new energy subsidies.

In terms of appearance, the Xingyue L Hi?P has not changed much compared with the current Xingyue L Raytheon Hi?X version, but the style of the front fog lamp has been fine-tuned to improve the overall recognition. Specifically, the new car adopts the latest design language, and it looks very burly as a whole. At the same time, the headlights on both sides are quite satisfactory in shape, and they look calm and atmospheric when matched with the front air intake grille.

From the side of the car body, the new car has added a charging interface to the rear fender on the left side of the car body, and a new plug-in hybrid logo has been added to the lower right corner of the tailgate. The new car has been declared before, and its body size is still 4770/1895/1689mm, and its wheelbase is 2845 mm.

The most striking thing about the interior of the new car is the penetrating multimedia touch screen of the center console, which extends from the central control area to the front of the co-pilot and can display many driving information and multimedia entertainment functions. In addition, the new car is also equipped with a full LCD screen and a yacht-type electronic shift lever. At the same time, the color scheme with deep top and light bottom also makes this car look more textured.

According to the official statement, compared with the traditional PHEV model, Xingyue L Hi?P can lock the engine as a range extender to generate electricity for the battery, thus maintaining the maximum efficiency of electric drive; Compared with pure electric vehicles, Xingyue L Hi?P can enjoy the convenience of refueling at the same time, completely eliminating mileage anxiety; Compared with extended-range electric vehicles, Xingyue LHIP has a parallel hybrid system and a three-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro, which has lower energy consumption. The highlight worth mentioning is that Xingyue L Hi?P comes standard with DC fast charging, which can achieve the highest charging power of 85kW, and it takes only 27 minutes to charge the battery from 30% to 80%.

What does Aauto Quicker mean?

Aauto Quicker is an application software for short video production and sharing. Users can easily shoot, edit and share their short video works through Aauto Quicker. The usage of Aauto Quicker will be described in detail below.

I. Download and Registration

First, you need to search for "Aauto Quicker" in the app store and download and install it. After the installation, open the application and click the "Register" button to register. You can use mobile phone number, WeChat, QQ and other ways to register, fill in the relevant information and set the password, and you can complete the registration.

Second, shoot video

After the registration is completed, you can start shooting videos. Click the "+"button at the bottom of the app to enter the shooting page. You can choose to shoot a new video or edit an existing video. On the shooting page, you can adjust the camera direction, use filters, add music and other functions to make your video more vivid and interesting.

Third, edit the video

After shooting, you can enter the editing page, edit the video, add subtitles, adjust the volume and so on. The editing page provides a wealth of functions, which you can adjust according to your own needs. After editing, click the "Next" button to enter the publishing page.

Fourth, release the video

On the publishing page, you can add a title, select a category, set the visible range and so on. You can choose to publish the video to your home page or to a popular recommendation page, so that more people can see your work. After the release, your video will appear on the Aauto Quicker platform for other users to watch and interact.

V. Interaction and socialization

Besides watching videos, you can also interact and socialize with other users on the Aauto Quicker platform. You can follow other users, like and comment on their videos, or participate in topic discussions. Through interaction and socialization, you can make more like-minded friends and share your life and creativity.

In a word, Aauto Quicker is a powerful short video production and sharing application software. With simple operation, you can easily shoot, edit and share your own short video works, and interact and socialize with other users. I hope this tutorial can help you use Aauto Quicker better and enjoy the fun brought by short videos.

The movie channel 6.30 broadcasts "Artificial Intelligence" to explore the true meaning of emotion with AI.

Special feature of 1905 film network When artificial intelligence has a sense of autonomy, where will human beings go?In recent years, with the birth of powerful AI robots such as ChatGPT, a difficult problem has been invisibly thrown to human society. "When the development of science and technology makes robots have emotions, is this really a good thing?"

In the movieI, Robot.At the time of broadcasting, we once released such a short video about "the awakening of robot self-awareness", which caused a heated discussion among netizens.

This week, the film channel will broadcast another thought-provoking science fiction film, directed bySteven Allan SpielbergDirectedArtificial intelligenceThis movie is about a robot with human emotions. The film was released in the United States on June 29th, 2001, 22 years ago. Did Spielberg think that artificial intelligence would develop to this point in 22 years?

Love that spans thousands of years

Henry, an employee of a robot manufacturing company, and his wife adopted the first robot boy who was input into the emotional program.David.With getting along day by day, David seems to really become the son of the couple, but all the peace is broken with the return of their real son.

And David had to leave his "parents" because of the accident, and embarked on the road of seeking to become a "real person".Artificial intelligence with human emotions — — This sounds like a very dangerous existence, but David, as a robot in this movie, has an endless sad background.

Monica, David’s human mother, woke David up to make up for the vacancy in her heart because her own son was dying, made him a substitute for her own son, and abandoned David cruelly after her own son returned.

Henry, David’s human father, took David home only because he saw David as a gift to ease his wife’s pain.

After thousands of years, human beings have long since disappeared. When David was awakened by aliens, he still had only one thought: turn me into a real child and let me go back to my mother.

Ironically, human beings, who should have deeper feelings, seem to be as cold as robots in this movie, while robots, who should have been ruthless, have the most eternal feelings in this movie.

After watching the movie, people may have such a question in their hearts: is the changeable emotion of human beings not even as good as the program piled up by numbers after all?

A movie, two directors.

The creative process of Artificial Intelligence is full of twists and turns.The original director of the film was not Spielberg, but the original inspiration of the film actually came from the famous movie master.Kubrick. This also makes the film "Artificial Intelligence" have the shadow of two film masters at the same time.

Spielberg (left), Kubrick (right)

Kubrick always loved a 1969 novel called "Super Toys Playing All Summer" and wanted to adapt it into a movie, so in 1985, Kubrick asked his old friend Steven Allan Spielberg to be the producer together with Jane Harlan.

However, because no suitable child star could play the role of "David" at that time, and the computer technology was not mature enough to create the image of CG "David", Kubrick temporarily shelved the film.

In 1999, the 71-year-old great director died of a heart attack, and Artificial Intelligence became his unfinished last wish.

At the entreaties of Harlan and Kubrick’s wife, Steven Allan Spielberg decided to be the film director himself. He said:"In the 1980s, I learned this unforgettable wonderful story from Kubrick, and I was deeply attracted by the ingenious integration of science and humanity. Let me tell this story for him after the Sri Lankan has gone away."

Most of the filming of this film was done in Warner Studio in California, which took 67 days.The most popular actor in the film is undoubtedly haley joel osment, who plays David.

His screen debut was playing Forrest Gump’s son in a famous film in the history of the world. In 1999, he won eight nominations, including the Academy Award and the Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor.

Forrest Gump (I), The Sixth Sense (II)

As a talented child star, haley joel osment’s acting skills in movies are naturally remarkable. He interprets David’s stubborn pursuit of maternal love in detail and brings strong empathy to the audience.

Play David’s friend in need — — Robot Joe’s actor also contributed wonderful acting skills in the film. With perfect body expression and handsome appearance, it seems that Jude Law is really the charming robot dancer in the film.

During the filming process, the film also encountered many difficulties, the most serious of which was how to present the teddy bear that always followed David.

Teddy bear is a complex combination of model and digital technology, and it is necessary to seamlessly integrate computer images and real images for its shooting.

This seemingly unremarkable teddy bear is actually equipped with 50 servo motors, 24 of which are located in the head, which can be used by special effects technicians to control complex facial movements. The seemingly light and portable teddy bear weighs 30 pounds.

Even Haley Joe osmond said when he saw the teddy bear, "It is really a super toy, because under the action of various motors in the body, it can not only swing its body, nose and ears, but also catch objects. I really almost believed it."

Artificial Intelligence Films in Film History

The initial birth of robot image in the world film history can be traced back to 96 years ago.In 1927, the filmMetropolisBecame the first film in the world.In personThe film of industrial intelligence is also the most expensive silent film in film history.

The original director of Artificial Intelligence mentioned above — — The film directed by movie master in 1968 is regarded as "the milestone of modern science fiction film technology".

Hal, the AI program that produces human emotions and kills human beings in the movie, made many people realize the horror of highly evolved artificial intelligence at that moment.

In 1982, according to the famous science fiction writer Philip K. Dick’s novel "Do bionic people dream of electronic sheep? The film adapted from "The Replicator" is a group of robots created by artificial intelligence technology. The release of this film has further aroused people’s thinking about the relationship between human beings and artificial intelligence.

In 1984, the film directed and starring came out, and Schwarzenegger’s permeability terminator T-800 with human face and skin became one of the most famous robot images in film history.

Released in 1999, it tells a dream story about a robot falling in love with human beings and eventually becoming a human being. As a robot-themed movie, although there are no gorgeous special effects, the warm story expression of "Machine Butler" also impressed fans.

The movie "I, Robot", starring, which was released in 2004, has a chilling self-awareness of robots, and the fighting in the movie is also brilliant.

In 2014, the robot Dabai, the first animated film jointly produced by Disney and Marvel Comics, was popular all over the world because of its cute appearance, and the film also won the "Best Animated Feature Film" award at the 87th Oscar.

When robots have self-awareness and emotion, should we give them the same rights as human beings?If one day in the future, when you face a robot as close to human as David in Artificial Intelligence, how will you react?

The movie channel will broadcast the movie "Artificial Intelligence" on Friday, June 30th. Let’s explore the true meaning of emotion from the perspective of artificial intelligence.