On foreign live broadcast platforms, there are millions of fans and Asmongold, who have played countless good games, have repeatedly praised "Wukong" and continuously expressed their recognition of th

When the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader recently chaired a symposium on solidly promoting the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta in Hefei and delivered an important speech, he stressed that we must adhere to the unity of goal orientation and problem orientation, and focus on key work closely based on the two keywords of integration and high quality, so as to promote the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta and continue to achieve results. The speech of the General Secretary of the Supreme Leader has pointed out the development direction and provided the fundamental follow for promoting the higher-quality integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta region in the new era.

This is after the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta was promoted to a national strategy at the end of November 2018, and this region has once again attracted the attention of the people across the country.

From the perspective of economic aggregate, the Yangtze River Delta region contributes nearly a quarter of the country’s GDP, making it the region with the most stable, active and healthy economic development in China.

Since the implementation of the integrated development strategy of the Yangtze River Delta for more than a year, economic ties have become more active, making due contributions to serving the overall situation of national reform and development and participating in global cooperation and competition. In 2019, the GDP of the Yangtze River Delta region totaled 23.70 trillion yuan, accounting for about 23.9% of the country’s total.

Under the influence of the rare epidemic in a century and the unparalleled changes in a century, the integration of the Yangtze River Delta is undoubtedly a major article in the regional economic development of our country during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period.

According to the country’s development "guide", the Yangtze River Delta region will be closely linked in the futureIntegrationandhigh qualityTwo keywords, insmoothDouble circulation inside and outsideFocus on.

"Integration "

Yangtze River Delta

"High quality"

Headquartered in Shanghai, an integrated circuit chip manufacturer –SMIC

"smoothDouble circulation inside and outside"

Recently, the domestic game masterpiece "Black Myth, Wukong" that the whole network has paid attention to


National attention

Why the Yangtze River Delta?

Key words:


Sandwiched between San Francisco and San Jose, a 25-mile strip of land has nurtured more than 50 Nobel laureates and brought together top talent from around the world under the motto "Live to work."

This is the Silicon Valley of the San Francisco Bay Area.

In 1924, Frederick Terman, later vice president of Stanford University, returned to Silicon Valley and founded the Electronic Communications Laboratory, ushering in the "Golden Age" of Silicon Valley.

In 1951, under his impetus, Stanford Industrial Park was established, which was the first park in the world to highly integrate "research" and "production", and became a pioneer of high-tech industrial parks that the world would follow in the future.

After 1960, with the development of the semiconductor industry, microprocessors in the 1970s, software in the 1980s, and the Internet in the 1990s all benefited from the high degree of integration of research and production (that is, the "industry-university-research" model often referred to in our country).Every step of Silicon Valley is stepping on the "cusp" of global technological development.

In addition to Hewlett-Packard (HP), Google (Google), Facebook (Facebook), Apple (Apple), Intel (Intel) and other enterprises, there are countless well-known technology companies that are born here.

The reason why Silicon Valley has become Silicon Valley is due to the high concentration of education and talents brought about by the integrated development of the San Francisco Bay Area.

There are 34 public universities, 49 private universities, and 5 national research laboratories.This is what we often call the "West Coast University Cluster"

According to statistics, in 2013, 42% of the population over the age of 25 in the San Francisco Bay Area had access to higher education, a higher proportion than in the eastern United States, which has the top ten schools.

Published by Guangming.com, data source: Moody’s Analytics, ACS

It’s not just the San Francisco Bay Area.The Tokyo Bay Area is a bay area for advanced manufacturing,The New York Bay Area is the Bay Area of modern financeThe three bay areas have different development models, but one thing is the same: they are all important growth poles for regional economic development, national economic development and even global economic development.

Based on this vision and precedent, the Yangtze River Delta region continues to promote integration construction on the basis of past development, which is a trend-oriented course of action.

The Yangtze River Delta region is rich in science and education resources, with two comprehensive national science centers in Shanghai, Zhangjiang, and Hefei, Anhui. About a quarter of the country’s "double first-class" universities, state key laboratories, and national engineering research centers. The annual R & D expenditure in the Yangtze River Delta region accounts for about 30% of the country’s total.

The proportion of annual R & D expenditure in the Yangtze River Delta region

Produced by Guangming.com, data source: National Bureau of Statistics

Attention.There are currently only four comprehensive national science centers in the country, with the Yangtze River Delta region accounting for two.

The huge population size and economic size, combined with the Yangtze River Delta region’s geographical superiority, suitable climate, rich products, densely populated, and economically developed development foundation.In 2016, the Yangtze River Delta’s total population exceeded 160 million, and its GDP was nearly 20% of the country’s total, more than three times the economy of the San Francisco Bay AreaIt even exceeds the total economic output of South Korea and India.

The Yangtze River Delta region has become one of the few regions in our country where industrialization, informatization, urbanization and agricultural modernization go hand in hand.

In addition, the Outline of the Long Delta Regional Integration Development Plan released on December 1, 2019A dedicated chapter is devoted to the construction of the new area,It fully reflects the significance of the new area for the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta.

August 28,At the first "Cloud Discussion" of the "Walking Free Trade Zone" online theme activity of the Central Cyberspace Administration, the main leaders of the Lingang New Area of the China (Shanghai) Pilot Free Trade Zone participated in the talks.

When asked by a reporter from Guangming.com, Zhang Xiaoyang, director of the Financial and Trade Department of the Lingang New Area Management Committee, pointed out:

The new Lingang area should focus on the construction of a science and technology innovation center, the construction of a capital management center, and the innovative development of high-end advanced industries, and give full play to the superposition effect brought about by the opening and linkage development of the international financial center and the new area

Aerial view of Lingang New Area (picture provided by Lingang New Area Management Committee)

In recent years, the functions of international trade, shipping, and finance in the Yangtze River Delta region have been increasingly improved. The region’s cities such as Nanjing, Zhenjiang, Wuxi, and Suzhou have strong manufacturing capabilities, and there are many private enterprises in southern Jiangsu and northern Zhejiang. Agricultural production is prosperous in the areas north of the Yangtze River, which will make the future "Yangtze River Delta Bay Area" economy show a diverse pattern and comprehensive development momentum.


Key words:

high quality

The extreme pressure of the United States on China’s technology companies has made the independent manufacturing of chips the focus of people’s attention.

How can China develop with high quality and move towards a higher industrial chain? The practice of the Yangtze River Delta has given us the answer.

The United States wields the stick of sanctions at will, unpopular, source: Xinhua News Agency

Recently, with the Huawei incident, more and more people have begun to realize the importance of chips to a country. During this period, it was SMIC that allowed us to see the future of domestic chips.

Why is this chip company located in the Yangtze River Delta so powerful? Let’s start with its founder Zhang Rujing.

Before founding SMIC, Zhang Rujing was already a well-known tech expert in the industry. He worked for the US semiconductor giant Texas Instruments.

During his more than 20 years with the company, he has presided over the construction of factories in the United States, Japan, Singapore, Italy, and other places, becoming the company’s absolute core talent.

Just then, Zhang Rujing’s father, Zhang Xilun, flew to the United States from Taiwan and asked him a question:

"When can you come to the mainland to build a factory?"

Zhang Xilun was a famous steelmaking expert in our country. During the Anti-Japanese War, the 21st Arsenal, which he and his wife presided over, produced 90% of China’s heavy machine guns.

He had always hoped that his son could build a chip factory on the mainland. His father’s words moved Zhang Rujing. After some consideration, Zhang Rujing decided to resign. He abandoned all the shares of his former company and resolutely went to Shanghai.

In April 2000, SMIC was established. In June 2001, the mask factory (Plant 1 and Plant 3B) was completed in Shanghai.

The high concentration of talents, equipment, capital, technology and industrial chain in the Yangtze River Delta region has allowed Zhang Rujing to see the future development potential.

At that time, the process technology of mainland chips was stuck at 0.5 microns and stagnated. The capital required to build a wafer processing plant is huge. To build the most ordinary 8-inch production line, it costs 1 billion US dollars. In this context, Zhang Rujing played the role of pioneer.

At present, SMIC has developed into one of the world’s leading integrated circuit chip foundry enterprises, and is also the largest and most technologically advanced integrated circuit chip manufacturing enterprise in the Chinese mainland.

According to the "Yangtze River Delta Digital Integration Development Report" jointly released by 21 Economic Research Institute and Ali Research Institute, in 2018,The scale of the integrated circuit industry in the Yangtze River Delta region accounts for more than 50% of the country’s totalIC design, packaging and testing, and wafer manufacturing respectively account for 32.6%, over 60%, and 53.35% of the national industry.

Among them, the scale of Shanghai’s integrated circuit industry reached 145 billion yuan, accounting for the national totalOne fifth. Fully reflects the high-quality development results of the Yangtze River Delta region.

2018 Yangtze River Delta Integrated Circuit Industry Scale Overview

Data source: 21 Economic Research Institute, Ali Research Institute

The Yangtze River Delta High-Quality Development Index Report (2019) points out thatSince the central government decided in 2018 to support the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta region and raised it to a national strategy, the Yangtze River Delta’s key areas of science and technology innovation, infrastructure, ecological environment, and public services have beenSubstantial breakthroughs have been made in integrated development.

In 2018, the high-quality development index of the Yangtze River Delta reached 122.2, an increase of 22.2 points from 2013 and 4.1 points from 2017.

Comprehensive Index of High-Quality Development in the Yangtze River Delta Region (2013-2018)

Data source: "Yangtze River Delta High-Quality Development Index Report (2019) "

Hosted by China News Agency this yearThe country is on the forumBai Ming, deputy director of the International Market Research Institute of the Academy of Commerce, said:

meshPreviously, the G60 Science and Technology Innovation Corridor along the Yangtze River Delta (including Shanghai, Jiaxing, Hangzhou, Jinhua, Suzhou, Huzhou, Xuancheng, Wuhu, and Hefei) was the largest economy in ChinaOne of the most dynamic and urbanized regions, many advanced industrial clusters are clustered here.

In the future, the Yangtze River Delta region should further strengthen cooperation and focus on key national development breakthrough industries, such as semiconductors, chip design, and chip manufacturing.

In the current external environment of shrinking global markets, it is necessary to accelerate the formation ofWith domestic circulation as the main body, domestic and international double circulation promote each otherIn the new development pattern period, the Yangtze River Delta region should give full play to many advantages such as talent enrichment, high technological level, and great market potential, and actively explore the path to form a new development pattern.


Is it actually a job advertisement?

Key words:

double loop

Release 2 hours rushed to the video site hot first, while the number of online viewers over 60,000, a day to play the amount of broken 7 million, bullet comments over 114,000, this is the domestic stand-alone game "black myth: Wukong" real machine demonstration video to hand over the answer sheet.

Previously, domestic players’ awareness of domestic games was mostly low-quality products with insufficient technical skills. But this time in "Black Myth: Wukong" (hereinafter referred to as "Wukong"), the real machine demonstration directly compares with the foreign 3A masterpiece (A lot of time, a lot of resources, a lot of money).

It can be said that "Wukong" really went viral this time.

On August 25, 2020, the "People’s Daily Review" WeChat official account "Chat for a while before going to bed" column published an article "Why is it Wukong who detonated attention?" pointed out:"It was’Black Myth: Wukong ‘that let him know that this powerful monkey came from China."

And "Wukong"’s "out of the circle" this time,Not to sell games, but to recruit people.

In fact, in 2018, Hangzhou released the "Implementation Opinions on Promoting Hangzhou’s Animation and Game Industry to Be Better and Stronger", which mainly involved four major sections: encouraging high-quality masterpieces, encouraging the development of overseas markets, encouraging capital operation, and encouraging the strengthening of public services.

The "Wukong" team chose to locate the studio in the suburbs of HangzhouXiangshan Art CommuneIn the pursuit of a quiet development environment, what we like is the talent density and preferential policies in this area.

The COVID-19 epidemic that has raged for months has plunged the global game industry into recession, and China has taken the lead in controlling the epidemic and resuming production. Domestic high-quality games have begun to fill this gap.

According to a survey report released by GDC (Game Developers Conference), the report investigated the office situation of nearly 2,500 game developers during the epidemic and the impact of the epidemic on them.

Foreign games have been postponed, but domestic players’ demand for high-quality games has not declined, which has given rise toThis is a development opportunity for domestic game makers.

"Wukong" is one of the products of this contradiction. And it represents the huge potential of the digital economy in the Yangtze River Delta region.

As the highland of China’s digital economy, the "Yangtze River Delta" is bursting with greater development momentum.According to the White Paper on China’s Digital Economy Development (2020) recently released by the China Academy of Information and Communications, the digital economy in Shanghai has exceeded 50% of GDP, and the digital economy in Zhejiang and Jiangsu provinces and cities has also exceeded 40%.

Shanghai’s digital economy as a share of GDP

Data source: White Paper on the Development of China’s Digital Economy (2020)

The strong industrial advantages and location advantages of the Yangtze River Delta play a particularly important role in promoting domestic circulation.

Moreover, the double cycle emphasizes not only the domestic circulation,Pay more attention to the mutual promotion between international and domestic "double cycles".

The biggest difference between this year’s domestic games and previous years is that this year’s domestic games have been tempered by domestic players’ high quality requirements, and their quality has also been able to compete with foreign masterpieces, and they have begun to enter overseas.

"January-June 2020 China Game Industry Report"The main target markets for self-developed games to go overseas are the United States, Japan and South Korea. From January to June this year, the marketing revenue of self-developed games in overseas markets totaled 7.589 billion US dollars (about 53.362 billion yuan), an increase of 36.32% year-on-year.

Like "Wukong", more and more domestic game manufacturers are taking root in the Yangtze River Delta, relying on the advantages of talent, finance, logistics, and industrial chain here to focus on domestic and overseas.

Behind this series of changes, what we see is:

The integration of the Yangtze River Delta involves Shanghai, Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Anhui provinces and cities. The industrial system is relatively complete and the industrial chain is relatively complete, especially the strategic emerging industries, advanced manufacturing and high-tech industries have certain strength. Statistics show that the scale of the integrated circuit and software information service industries in the Yangtze River Delta region is about one-half and one-third of the ** countries respectively.

Video games, digital trade, cross-border e-commerce…Under the premise of accelerating the construction of a new development pattern with domestic circulation as the main body and domestic and international double circulation promoting each other,The Yangtze River Delta is a pioneer and is striving to become an important bridge between the international market and the domestic market.


The Yangtze River Delta is the most promising economic sector in China and one of the six world-class urban agglomerations internationally recognized. Accelerating the integrated development of the Yangtze River Delta is not only the general trend, but also an inherent requirement.

As the saying goes:

You have eighty-one difficulties to stop

I have seventy-two changes, so why not