Autonavi Space-Time Map: Linking Everything About Travel

Recently, the Verge, a well-known foreign technology media, launched an interesting survey to ask people how many apps they have installed on their mobile phones.

Most people’s answers ranged from dozens to hundreds, but there was an extreme "cultivator" in the answer, claiming that he did not install a third-party APP, and that communication, payment, and email were all using the APP that came with the mobile phone.
This conclusion sounds incredible, but it may not be nonsense.
After all, GMS and iOS bring-your-own services are really manageable for many foreigners without the bells and whistles; and their daily use of smartphones is far less "far ahead" than ours.
Without installing a third-party APP, it would definitely not work in China, and a WeChat could not be bypassed. However, from another perspective, a WeChat could be everything for many people, capable of covering almost all their needs… Even Douyin, who was at the height of the sun, could use WeChat Channels to replace it.
Especially with the Mini Program, a universal system, if you don’t consider the experience and/or some heavy vertical requirements (such as 3A game masterpieces), you can really live with WeChat in China.
Therefore, it has been said for a long time that WeChat is not an application, but an operating system.

But there is one type of service that WeChat has yet to handle.

On WeChat, you can still know where you are or where you want to go in various ways, because WeChat can call the map through the interface; but if you decide to leave, the above picture will appear, which cannot be avoided.
Navigation may be the most special kind of app, because it must be strongly related to time and space: where you are, where you go, and how you get there. The core variable is "positioning", and WeChat can be used even if the positioning is turned off; but without answering the above three questions, navigation has no meaning.
This may also be the core reason why Autonavi claims that the latest version is a "space-time map".
WeChat or most other applications essentially consume information and content services, and a lot of computing takes place before consumption. In order to get the best results, users will only see whether the results are good or not (such as whether the searched articles are good or not, and whether the recommended products meet the needs). Of course, people who use Autonavi also value the results. Navigation to the destination and destination-based services are the core, but they also value the process – they are all driving home, driving all the way and detouring because of traffic jams. Half a life is obviously much worse.
Due to this, Autonavi’s location perception and calculation not only occurs in front of the line, but also in the line (traffic conditions change rapidly). It needs to directly or indirectly "locate" to link everything related to travel in real space in real time: traffic lights, intersections, tunnels/viaducts, congestion conditions, lanes, obstacles, and even the shadow area of trees and buildings; in addition to space, it also needs to compare historical data across time to obtain future trend predictions, and timely prompt or guide users.
To perform this kind of real-time, large-scale computing requires extremely strong information links and underlying technical capabilities, which is why Autonavi must essentially be a technology company.

It can be said that Autonavi is essentially an enterprise based on the "space-time interconnection", and it was not until the latest release of v13 that the name "space-time map" was implemented, perhaps because the ability to perceive and calculate on a large scale has reached a qualitative change node.

The newly released Wonderland MAX, a neural rendering technology based on deep neural networks and physics engines, helps users get a bird’s-eye view of the scene stereo model from multiple time periods and directions, so as to feel the immersive "sense of place" across time and space, and even further understand the more detailed introduction and consumption information of the destination, which is to give users better travel results.
Autonavi Space-Time Map: Linking Everything About Travel
There are also blind spot meeting warnings based on the Beidou system, Beidou lane-level navigation 2.0, tunnel navigation, elevated navigation, and parking space navigation for special travel scenarios, as well as along-the-way search services, all of which are connected to more physical details and elements in the real world, continuously carry out real-time large-scale interactive computing, and deduce the optimal travel solution at the time and space level, essentially for a better travel process.
The results and process are both great, and naturally more people will be willing to use Autonavi.
People are nothing more than two states, either staying in the same place or on the road.
Autonavi Space-Time Map: Linking Everything About Travel

Autonavi Space-Time Map: Linking Everything About Travel

Autonavi Space-Time Map: Linking Everything About Travel
WeChat is undoubtedly a very powerful application, almost representing the ultimate form of static consumption of information and content. A person with a mobile phone and a WeChat, finding a place to sit, is enough to satisfy most of your imagination of the mobile Internet.
"I can do this all day."
But WeChat doesn’t do it all. Because people are in different states when using Autonavi, the current time-space transfer is another dynamic dimension of the ability: find a good place that suits you best, and then escort you to navigate in the most time-saving and labor-saving way.
Staying is important, but there are many good things when you go out.

Leifeng network(Official account: copyright article, unauthorized reprinting is prohibited. For details, please refer to the reprinting instructions.

Li Ning’s revenue increased by 7% in 2023, and basketball running and fitness category contributed over 60%.

  Li Ning’s performance in 2023 shows that the three core professional sports categories account for 64% of the total revenue.

  In 2023, sportswear brand Li Ning released a performance report. The report shows that the group’s revenue increased by 7% year-on-year to 27.598 billion yuan; Gross profit increased by 6.9% year-on-year to 13.352 billion yuan, and the overall gross profit margin was 48.4%, which was consistent with the previous year. In addition, the profit attributable to equity holders of the Group was 3.187 billion yuan, the interest rate attributable to equity holders was 11.5%, and the net operating cash inflow increased by 19.8% year-on-year to 4.688 billion yuan.

  Aspect 1: In terms of categories, the running water of the three core professional sports categories of basketball, running and fitness accounts for 64% of the total revenue, among which the running water and fitness water increased by 40% and 25% respectively, showing the important role and market growth potential of these three categories in Li Ning Group.

  Aspect 2: In terms of sales channels, direct sales revenue has increased by 29%, and offline discounts have improved year-on-year. The annual wholesale flow achieved a low growth rate of 10%-20%, indicating that Li Ning maintained a stable performance in offline business.

The story of the high wall | (with video atTAched) ta said with personal experience that these behaviors should be "imprisoned"



World Consumer Rights Day


These acts are illegal and criminal!

-315 topics

The French open is long and sparse, but it does not leak.

Another year, 3.15.

Food and drug safety

Relate to people’s health and life safety.

However, some unscrupulous merchants

In order to pursue the immediate "interest"

And finally send yourself into a high wall …


【 production and sale of toxic,

Crime of harmful commodities]

Article 144 of the Criminal Law: Whoever adulterates toxic and harmful non-food raw materials into food produced or sold, or sells food knowingly adulterated with toxic and harmful non-food raw materials, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than five years and fined; Whoever causes serious harm to human health or has other serious circumstances shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than five years but not more than ten years and fined; Whoever causes death or has other particularly serious circumstances shall be punished in accordance with the provisions of Article 141 of this Law.


[Crime of Counterfeiting a Registered Trademark]

Article 213 of the Criminal Law: Whoever uses the same trademark as its registered trademark on the same commodity or service without the permission of the owner of the registered trademark, if the circumstances are serious, shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years and shall also, or shall only, be fined; If the circumstances are especially serious, he shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years and shall also be fined.


Crime of producing, selling and providing counterfeit drugs

Article 141 of the Criminal Law, whoever produces or sells counterfeit drugs shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years or criminal detention and shall also be fined; Whoever causes serious harm to human health or has other serious circumstances shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than ten years and fined; Whoever causes death or has other particularly serious circumstances shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years, life imprisonment or death, and shall also be fined or confiscated.

obey the law

Legal operation is the bottom line, and legal provisions are the red line. Greedy for small profits, loss of trust, and contempt for the law will pay a corresponding price. Only by joint efforts of all parties can we create a legal, fair, healthy and harmonious consumption environment.

Chongzhou Prison will adhere to the principle of "combining punishment with reform, aiming at reforming people", strictly enforce the law and scientifically reform prisoners involved in manufacturing and selling fake and shoddy goods, harming consumers’ rights and interests, and guide them to tell their criminal experiences with their own words, so that consumer "scams" and "traps" have nowhere to hide, and jointly build a more stringent consumer rights and interests protection system.

Original title: "The Story of the High Wall | (with video attached) TA tells the story with personal experience, and these behaviors will be" imprisoned ".

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