Geely Galaxy’s first model, Galaxy L7, makes a major debut at the Shanghai International Auto Show

The 2023 Shanghai International Auto Show will be held at the National Convention and Exhibition Center (Shanghai) from April 18 to 27. Among the participating car companies, Geely Automobile Group will bring the first product of its new mid-to-high-end new energy series "Geely Galaxy" – the intelligent electric hybrid SUV Galaxy L7.

As one of the new cars with the highest expectations at this auto show, Galaxy L7 is the first to use Geely’s "Aegis Battery Safety System, a new generation of Raytheon Electric Hybrid, and a new Galaxy N OS" three blockbuster intelligent technologies. In the five core areas of "inductance modeling, power saving hybrid, second understanding car machine, pet co-pilot, and native safety", it has comprehensively surpassed the same level and refreshed high value. Galaxy L7’s five super value product capabilities have fully verified the super strength of the "smart electric hybrid SUV of choice for families".

How did Galaxy L7 break the electric hybrid SUV market pattern? April 18, Hall 5.1 – Geely Auto Booth 5A07, so stay tuned!

Female representatives of the two sessions tell stories about their duties with deep affection.


  Today is March 8th International Women’s Day, which coincides with the National People’s Congress and the National People’s Congress. Although it is a holiday, the female delegates stick to their respective posts. Every year, the female delegates and members of the two sessions spend their holidays in the busy process of performing their duties and participating in the discussion of state affairs.

  It is said that "women hold up half the sky". How do the female delegates and committee members in Beijing play the role of "holding up half the sky"? What good suggestions have you made? Outside the venue, they are mothers, wives and daughters; In the meeting place, they are "counselors" who offer advice and suggestions for the country, showing the charm of women. Busy, they are the most beautiful scenery at the two sessions.

  To this end, Yang Guangwang interviewed five women deputies to the National People’s Congress. Let us follow their eyes, pay attention to people’s livelihood, education and other fields, and listen to their proposals and suggestions.

  Viewpoint: Increase the intensity of precision poverty alleviation in the old revolutionary areas.

  A red shirt and a black suit. As for being called "the most beautiful rural female branch secretary", she smiled and said that this is trust and respect, as well as responsibility and responsibility. It’s not that I’m beautiful, it’s that I do practical things for the masses.

  From Gansu to Beijing, Ma Yinping was both honored and nervous when she was elected to the National People’s Congress for the first time.

  Ma Yinping attended the opening meeting of the first session of the 13th National People’s Congress in the morning and participated in a panel discussion in the afternoon. The day’s itinerary is tight and full. The reporter noticed that there was a pile of draft paper on Ma Yinping’s desk, which was full of words. Ma Yinping said that for the first time, I was worried that I couldn’t remember the figures and I was well prepared.

  Ma Yinping’s suggestion this year is to increase the intensity of precision poverty alleviation in the old revolutionary areas. She said that according to local conditions, she is "confident in helping the poor accurately" in her village. The report of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China proposed to implement the rural revitalization strategy. She said that the next step is to build beautiful countryside, develop tourism resources, and broaden the channels to get rid of poverty and become rich.

  When it comes to the topic of poverty alleviation, Ma Yinping opened a chatterbox. There are many happy things on the road to poverty alleviation, big and small. She told reporters the story of many poor households getting rid of poverty, and she could feel that she knew everything about each situation. She said that a seemingly trivial matter is "a big deal" for poor households. When their problems were understood and solved, Ma Yinping said, "My heart is full of joy and a sense of accomplishment."

  Ma Yinping also introduced the "one household, one policy" program for accurate poverty alleviation to reporters. That is, adhere to the policy of households, vary from person to person, project to household, and policy to people. Ma Yinping said, find out the causes of poverty, formulate a poverty alleviation menu, "don’t rush headlong into it" and formulate a policy of "grounding gas".

  After listening to this year’s government work report, Ma Yinping said that there were many bright spots and she was very touched. She said, especially in the renovation of dilapidated houses of poor households, there has been a great improvement, "feeling particularly obvious." In poverty alleviation work, "more precise" and "more grounded" will bring back the spirit of the meeting and implement it. (Reporter Du Jing Ma Yuan Li Xuenan)

  Viewpoint: increase the investment in mass sports and suggest setting up a national Wuqinxi promotion center.

  Wuqinxi originated in Bozhou, Anhui Province, and was created by Hua Tuo, a physician at the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty. It has a history of more than 1,800 years and is an excellent traditional fitness culture of the Chinese nation. In recent years, with the rise of the national fitness campaign, people’s attention to Wuqinxi has obviously increased.

  However, Chen Jing, who has more than 30 years’ experience in spreading and learning Wuqinxi, found that Wuqinxi is very popular abroad, and its love and promotion are increasing day by day. However, the popularity in China and the province is still lacking, which belongs to "flowers in the wall and fragrance outside the wall".

  Therefore, Chen Jing suggested setting up a national Wuqinxi promotion center to promote the development of national fitness.

  In order to adapt to the development of the national fitness campaign, Chen Jing proposed to revise and promulgate the Sports Law, which has been implemented for more than 20 years. The current "Sports Law" does not clearly define and express citizens and their sports rights, and the right protection mechanism is seriously lacking; There are more and more sports disputes, but the dispute resolution mechanism is obviously absent.

  Chen Jing suggested that relevant legislation should be improved. At the same time, in the form of legislation, the "National Fitness Day" on August 8 will be established as a national sports festival. It is also suggested that the whole people should have a holiday on this day, so that the people of the whole country can take various kinds of physical exercises, so as to drive the people to remember the glorious history, carry forward the Olympic spirit and promote national fitness, thus realizing the new sports rejuvenation of the Chinese nation. (Reporter: Wang Li)

  Person: [Fang Min, deputy of the National People’s Congress and senior engineer in charge of thermal control of Yinchuan Thermal Power Co., Ltd., Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region]

  Viewpoint: Promote the reform of energy structure in the east and west by using the west-to-east power transmission channel.

  "When you are a representative, you have to do something and solve some problems better." In his first year in office, Fang Min, a representative of the 13th National People’s Congress, set himself a goal. This year, she focused on the problem of overcapacity in the power industry, using the West-to-East Power Transmission Channel and big data to promote the reform of energy structure in the east and west, and achieve energy conservation and emission reduction.

  Fang Min, a senior engineer in charge of thermal control in Yinchuan Thermal Power Co., Ltd., Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, has participated in the innovation and transformation of thermal control system for more than 20 times, and is a veritable technical backbone of the company. As a newly elected deputy to the National People’s Congress, Fang Min actively prepares for the two sessions of the National People’s Congress and earnestly performs her duties with her consistent craftsman spirit.

  In recent years, Ningxia has built a positive and negative 660 kV DC transmission project from Ningdong to Shandong and a positive and negative 800 kV HVDC transmission project from Ningdong to Zhejiang, and a large power transmission channel from west to east has been completed. In view of the relatively backward development in the western region and the strong demand for electricity in the eastern region, she suggested that three power plants with a total scale of 5.32 million kilowatts should be put into operation in 2018, effectively promoting the adjustment of energy structure in the east and west.

  One month after being elected as a deputy to the National People’s Congress, Fang Min also consulted experts extensively, collected data and compared experiments. She found that there was a waste of resources in the usual power grid dispatching. If the national power grid needs a 500,000-kilowatt adjustment range, and more than two small thermal power units with 300,000 kilowatts participate in peak shaving, the coal consumption will be greater than that of a 600,000-kilowatt unit. In short, the coal consumption of two small units is higher than that of one large unit. Nowadays, more and more new energy power, such as wind power, photoelectricity, etc., are incorporated into the national power grid, and the peak shaving and dispatching of the power grid will become more frequent, and the waste of resources will become more serious. Fang Min hopes that relevant departments should organize power grid dispatching departments and thermal power generation enterprises to set up a project to jointly discuss the scientific dispatching scheme of thermal power units supported by big data, rationally dispatch power plants with different energy levels, and introduce corresponding incentive and subsidy policies to achieve the effect of energy saving and emission reduction. (Reporter: Xu Sheng)

  Viewpoint: "Make way for ambulances" depends on the system rather than praise.

  Whenever I drive on the road, whenever I see an ambulance passing by, Li Yan, deputy of the National People’s Congress and president of Qilu Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., always lets the ambulance go first, and at the same time, I feel a sweat for the patient in my heart, even a little worried. "Because the 120 ambulances that perform the task are racing against time, once some vehicles are blocked on the road, it will cause a waste of ambulance time." Therefore, during the two sessions this year, Li Yan brought a proposal on "unblocking the ambulance" life channel ".

  In an interview with a reporter from the Central Broadcasting Network, Li Yan appealed that it is suggested to install a camera on the ambulance to take pictures of private cars that refuse to let go, and the behavior of not avoiding the ambulance must be clearly stipulated and severely punished. She seems a little urgent to implement the above suggestions. This year, she also plans to shoot a public service advertisement about comity ambulances.

  Li Yan said: "In real life, there are some car owners who refuse to give way when they meet 120 ambulances to perform emergency tasks, and even occupy the emergency passage. I usually feel very angry when I meet such car owners. This is a disregard for life. We are in the pharmaceutical industry, and we have a strong desire in ourselves: there will be a strong rescue complex in our hearts. Therefore, when I heard that I died because of time delay, not because of medical skills or medicine, I couldn’t accept it. "

  It is understood that at present, in Shenzhen, Fuzhou, Fujian, Nanjing, Jiangsu and other places in China, attempts have been made to establish relevant systems on ambulance avoidance. For example, Shenzhen has launched a "worry-free avoidance" penalty-free system, but those who fail to avoid it for more than the set time will be entered into the law enforcement database as illegal information, and 300 yuan will be fined and deducted 3 points according to law. For another example, on October 17th last year, Jinan City, Shandong Province launched the "Fearing for Life and Avoiding Worry" campaign, and the newly-developed "Intelligent Driving Recorder" was put into use in 75 ambulances under the Jinan Emergency Center ….. and so on, which are all worth learning.

  For unblocking the ambulance "life channel", Li Yan suggested that a camera should be installed in front of every 120 ambulance to collect evidence for vehicles that cut in line, cut off or give way to ambulances, and relevant data should be shared with the traffic control department as evidence of punishment. In addition, Li Yan also suggested that the unimpeded ambulance "life channel" should be included in the evaluation index system of civilized cities (units). From the system to the concept, the fundamental solution to this problem is to make the ambulance become everyone’s conscious action. (Reporter: Jing Wong)

  Person: [Chen Jianyin, deputy to the National People’s Congress, chairman of the trade union of Chuzhou RT Mart Commercial Co., Ltd. and director of the human resources department]

  Viewpoint: It is suggested that every city or public place should set up a maternal and child room reasonably according to its size, and incorporate it into relevant laws and regulations.

  "Being elected as a deputy to the National People’s Congress is very exciting on the one hand and a heavy responsibility on the other. This time, I pay more attention to the content of setting up a maternal and child room in public places. " Chen Jianyin, deputy to the National People’s Congress, chairman of the trade union of Chuzhou RT Mart Commercial Co., Ltd. and director of the human resources department, suggested that every city or public place should reasonably set up a maternity room according to its size and incorporate it into relevant laws and regulations.

  According to Chen Jianyin, in her previous research, she found that although the construction of maternal and child nursing rooms in some cities has been relatively perfect, the construction progress of maternal and child nursing rooms in public places such as expressway service areas, railway stations and bus stations is still unsatisfactory.

  Chen Jianyin believes that this phenomenon is incompatible with the pace of social civilization and progress since the reform and opening up. "Society is constantly improving, especially women need more private privacy."

  Therefore, Chen Jianyin suggested that the establishment of maternal and child rooms should be rationally allocated according to the size of each city or place. At the same time, she also hopes to incorporate this content into laws and regulations to better protect the rights and interests of women and children. (Reporter: Xu Peng)