Gilebach: Galaxy E8 to be released in the fourth quarter, with deliveries to start within the year

Netcom interview During the 2023 Chengdu Auto Show, in an exclusive interview with Netcom News Agency, Bach, deputy general manager of Geely Automobile Sales Company and general manager of Galaxy Business Unit, said that the E8 is Galaxy’s first pure electric product, and he hopes that the vehicle can become Galaxy’s pure electric flagship masterpiece. As time progresses, the E8 is planned to be released in the fourth quarter and deliveries will start within the year.

Netcom: What are the highlights of Geely’s booth this year?

Bach:Geely brought all the family to the exhibition, including the Galaxy Light concept car, Galaxy L7, Galaxy L6 and other Galaxy series; China Star, Emgrand, and Planet and other auspicious star series; Panda mini, Geometric E Firefly and other geometric series were on display; there was also a new generation of Raytheon 8848 technology display. The biggest highlight this time is the pre-sale of Geely Galaxy L6 released today on the booth.

Netcom: Geely Galaxy L7 has become one of the best-selling hybrid models within 200,000 yuan since its launch. Galaxy is a new mid-to-high-end new energy series launched by Geely brand. Its first product, L7, is placed in the 150,000-class electric hybrid SUV market that has been dominated by the first movers. What do you think are the reasons behind it?

Bach:For many reasons, first of all, the domestic market has a large hybrid market, and this year there is a relatively large outbreak. The first half of the data is probably more than 90% growth space, so thanks to such a day.

In addition, we have relatively solid product fundamentals. On the one hand, our Raytheon electric hybrid technology, such as Raytheon three-speed variable frequency electric drive and mass-produced engine with peak thermal efficiency, allows electric hybrid products to achieve more extreme performance in terms of energy saving and performance. Another example is our battery quality, the Aegis battery safety system equipped with Geely Galaxy L7, which conducts more than 100 battery pack-level basic tests based on full-scenario extreme operating conditions, 80 more than the national standard, and the safety quality has passed the rigorous tests of many industry authorities.

On the other hand, Geely Galaxy L7 has also inherited Geely’s long-standing excellent product genes, including chassis and vehicle safety.

In addition, on this basis, we have also equipped this product with some of our internal features called charm configuration, such as some functions related to smart cockpit, such as pampering the co-pilot, multi-screen linkage, etc., which are now popular among young consumers.

So in general, on the one hand, the overall growth of the big environment is relatively good, and on the other hand, the products are specially developed and designed for the hybrid market. Combining these two aspects, coupled with Geely Automobile Group’s early strategic layout and deep technical investment in the new energy field, it has now built a complete set of strict intelligent electric vehicle industry chain system, covering from three electricity, chip, intelligent architecture, to intelligent cockpit, intelligent driving, intelligent computing center, to production and manufacturing, battery recycling and other technical fields. There have been more than 3,500 patented technologies in the new energy field, providing a strong technical guarantee for building safer new energy vehicles.

Net News Agency: You also mentioned that the Galaxy L6 starts pre-sale today. In fact, the competition in this segment is still very fierce. In this context, what are your expectations for it, and what are its competitive advantages compared to similar products?

Bach:L6 is the most intense A-class sedan market in China, so I think you must have real product strength in this field.

On the one hand, it inherits the family factors, hybrid system, 3DHT, and battery, including architecture, chassis, and our basic product mechanical qualities. In addition, we also carry the 8155 chip, and Galaxy’s operating system, including the AI big model we have introduced now, can do voice conversations outside the car, which makes Geely Galaxy series cars, including L6, have many new and different ways to play. That is, what I just said, the basic quality of the product and the charm configuration can be combined in this product.

At the same time, the L6 product, in this field, can achieve both power and energy saving, both maneuverability and comfort, which is relatively rare.

Netcom News Agency: In the past 5 months from Galaxy’s official announcement to the present, there are only 2 products, and the sales performance is good. In addition to sales, what progress has been made in channel construction? And has the sales performance met the original expectations?

Bach:First, we have created a new channel ecosystem of compound franchise authorization for the Galaxy series, with "a new channel ecosystem, a new service standard, and a new user experience", striving to "satisfy users" as the standard of Geely Galaxy. At present, our Galaxy stores across the country have reached more than 400, and it is expected to reach 650-700 by the end of the year. This scale has basically covered the vast majority of consumer areas. Even if there are more than 400 now, most consumers can buy cars nearby.

Second, we have also realized the model of online and offline channel linkage. Based on the digital empowerment of Xingrui Smart Computing Center, Geely Galaxy stores have created a "digital exhibition hall" to connect the full link of user car purchase by digital means, so as to achieve double improvement of service efficiency and user experience. Users can skip the annoying bargaining link, directly place an order through the online payment platform, and visually track the status of the vehicle anytime, anywhere; furthermore, the details are more attentive. For example, when users book a test drive through the Geely Galaxy APP, even the drinks they want to drink that day can be selected online and enjoyed directly at the store.

Continuously strengthening service quality and service quality, that is, the service level of national channels is also moving towards a new level, so relatively speaking, there is still considerable progress in these aspects.

Going purely online, users can directly place orders online, including reservations, including delivery, all of which can be fully reflected in our online.

Network News Agency: A few days ago, the Galaxy E8 has also seen some voices. Users have very high expectations for this car. Let’s briefly introduce the positioning of this car and what product advantages it will have after it goes on sale.

Bach:It is not convenient to disclose too much information now. I will pick some core points. The length of this car is more than 5 meters, which is based on the SEA architecture. In addition, in the cockpit, we now directly release a 45-inch, 8K high definition smart screen to you, which will carry more car applications in the future.

E8 is Galaxy’s first pure electric product, and we hope it can become Galaxy’s pure electric flagship masterpiece. As time goes by, we will meet users one after another in the fourth quarter, and finally go on the market and achieve delivery within the year.

Netcom: In the past two years, users have been considering an increasingly high proportion of intelligent driving when choosing a car. What do you think of this issue and Geely’s layout in this area?

Bach:Geely invested relatively early in intelligent driving, and invested relatively high in these traditional manufacturers in China. This ability at the L2 level is available. Later, we will also target the related capabilities of NOA, and continue to launch corresponding products through the superposition of products. There will also be product plans in the future, and NOA will also meet with users during the year. In this regard, including the L6, L7, and E8 mentioned just now, NOA will eventually be available.

In addition, most of Geely’s layout in this area is self-researched, which is actually Geely’s long-term layout, including our low-orbit satellites to provide high-precision positioning for future mobile travel. Therefore, the technological achievements of smart Geely 2025 will gradually be landed and empowered on Galaxy products.

Network News Agency: This year’s intelligent driving has been very popular, but Geely may not have performed so well in terms of the overall model price.

Bach:We can pull out some space to give the user experience. So this is also a process of gradual adaptation. People who choose new energy products in the early stage will pay more attention to smart cockpit and smart driving, but now in fact, new energy products have reached a stage of popularization. When they are popularized to the vast majority of users, they may not care much about smart cockpit or smart driving at the beginning, but as time goes by, he will find that this thing is easy to use and convenient for it, so the popularity rate will gradually increase.

NEWS: This year, the new energy penetration rate in the automotive market has approached 30%, and it is likely to reach 35% or even higher in the second half of the year. At present, Geely’s new energy sales are not rising month-on-month in the past few months. What do you think of Geely’s overall performance in the new energy market and Geely’s follow-up plans for the whole?

Bach:In the first half of the year, Geely’s overall new energy sales were nearly 200,000, and there were about 40,000 sales in July. In the field of new energy, as far as the Geely brand is concerned, we now have two major new energy pillars, Galaxy and Geometry. Geometry is biased towards popular pure electric products. Galaxy’s mid-to-high-end new energy products, especially the first two products of our Galaxy are mainly hybrid, and then the following products are mainly pure electric, and the overall layout is relatively perfect. Therefore, whether it is from low to high, or from hybrid to pure electric, Geely has been in the horizontal and vertical layout, which can gradually be reflected in our sales.

(Photo/text, Mao Kaiyue)

The global champion family of good car Tiggo 8: free purchase tax+multiple premium benefits

  Recently, the gift package of reducing the purchase tax of some passenger cars by 60 billion yuan officially landed. During the period from June 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, the purchase of passenger cars with a bicycle price (excluding value-added tax) of 2.0 liters and below will be halved.

  The Tiggo 8 Champion Family is not only within the scope of enjoying the policy bonus, but also will continue to lavish benefits on it in order to further reduce the burden of car purchase for users. From June 1, 2022 to June 18, 2022, the purchase of the designated models of the Tiggo 8 champion family can not only enjoy the free purchase tax, but also the main sales models can be superimposed with a red envelope of up to 6,800 yuan. In addition, from June 1 to June 18, the designated models can be purchased at the Chery flagship store of Tmall, JD.COM, Pinduoduo, Easy Car, car home and Tik Tok and the 618 car venue, enjoying 1000 yuan coupons.

  Tiggo 8 PRO— Avant-garde technology is full of power

  The recently launched Tiggo 8 PRO is the flagship car of global power technology mainly for young families. The appearance of the car adopts Chery’s brand-new "time-space matrix" design language, and it is full of avant-garde technology, which will surprise everyone when it is driven out. LED interstellar particle technology headlights are bright and eye-catching; The large-size irregular front grille is covered with neatly arranged chrome-plated decorations. From a distance, the light and shade are interlaced, as if in front of the eyes and in a dreamland, giving people an avant-garde sense of reaching the future world, which is in line with the aesthetics of young people and makes them fall in love at first sight.

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Tiggo 8 PRO

  At the same time, the Tiggo 8 PRO comes standard with the Lion5.0 AI technology smart cockpit, which is built with intelligent equipment and a number of industry-leading configurations. When you get into the car, it is like entering the future world. In terms of power, the Tiggo 8 PRO is equipped with the top ten Kunpeng 1.6TGDI/2.0TGDI engines of "China Heart" and the strongest product lineup of the same level of Kunpeng DHT super hybrid technology, which can not only meet the needs of users for full-scene car purchase, but also bring them an extremely fast driving experience.

  Tiggo 8 PRO has excellent face value, attractive strength and great purchase value. Now you can also enjoy 1 half-price purchase tax when you buy a car, and 2 7000 yuan cash-filled red envelopes when you book a car (which can be converted into half-price purchase tax); ③ Financial gifts: ultra-low annual rate of 1.99%, monthly payment of 1,000+; 4 replacement ceremony: buy a car up to 10,000 yuan; ⑤ Free warranty gift: Enjoy free basic maintenance (replacement and maintenance) for 6 times in 3 years and grab a bicycle and buy a car in 1000 yuan before 618.

  Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+— Technical Excellence, new experience

  As Chery’s first new energy vehicle, Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ is an important vehicle for Chery Automobile to lay out a new energy track. With advanced technology, it pioneered the full scene mode of "3 engines, 3 gears, 9 models and 11 speeds" in the industry, and achieved excellent results such as pure electric battery life of 100km, comprehensive fuel consumption of 1L per 100 km, and acceleration of 7 seconds at zero speed (two-wheel drive type), locking in the leading position in the industry.

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  Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+

  Of course, excellent technology gives the car an absolute right to speak in terms of intelligence. Equipped with Xiaoqi Smart Car Manager 3.0, it realizes the upgrade and regrowth of five dimensions, and has three characteristics: deep learning, cloud life and entertainment interconnection, and enhanced natural voice interaction. Voice control of vehicles and real-time monitoring of vehicle energy dynamics can be easily done. In addition, the car has achieved five leading advantages, such as booking travel, intelligent charging, intelligent electronic control braking, intelligent car housekeeper and cloud life entertainment, making it easier and more convenient to use the car. Excellent strength makes it sell well when it goes on the market, and the order has exceeded 9000 units so far.

  In addition to advanced technology, intelligence and convenience, Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ also brought eight super-intimate gifts to car buyers, including a financial car subsidy of 7,000 yuan; This product can enjoy a subsidy of up to 10,000 yuan for replacement (up to 8,000 yuan for non-replacement of this product); Basic traffic is free for life; Entertainment traffic is free in the first year (2G); per month); Free OTA upgrade for the whole vehicle for life; Engine lifetime warranty; Lifetime warranty of three power systems (first owner, non-operation); Six-year or 150,000-kilometer vehicle warranty; Give charging piles (users who don’t need charging piles give maintenance packages) and other rights.

  2022 Tiggo 8 PLUS— Luxurious cockpit has a lot to offer.

  As a "luxury land flight cabin", the 2022 Tiggo 8 PLUS has good strength and is an all-round car with luxury and technology, technology and health. Its exclusive close-fitting luxury leather seat, designed according to the Asian body shape, can perfectly support the user’s riding posture and effectively reduce the fatigue of long-distance travel. The freely adjustable aviation pressure head pillow has passed the authority verification of J.D.Power’s master comfort level, and with the flexible space layout, it can bring people in the car a comfortable experience like being in first class.

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2022 tiggo 8 PLUS

  In addition, Chery’s brand-new "C-PURE Clean Cubic Green Cockpit" equipped with the 2022 Tiggo 8 PLUS not only uses European standard environmental protection technology and more than 25 environmentally-friendly and healthy materials to ensure its own green health, but also provides CN95 air conditioning filter and RICSCS remote active cockpit self-cleaning system, giving people in the car a clear breath as if they were in a forest.

  In addition to the luxurious cockpit and fresh technology, the 2022 Tiggo 8 PLUS also provides users with eight courtesies, full of sincerity! ① Enjoy the full purchase tax, and then send it up to 6800 cash; 2 financial ceremony: enjoy a financial subsidy of up to 7,000 yuan; 3 replacement ceremony: buy a car up to 10,000 yuan; 4 purchase gift: enjoy a subsidy of 3,000 yuan; ⑤ Free warranty gift: Enjoy free basic maintenance (replacement, purchase increase and maintenance) for 6 times in 3 years, and buy a car in 1000 yuan before 618.

  Tiggo 8 Kunpeng Edition — The speed of chasing the wind "oil" is your decision.

  The Tiggo 8 Kunpeng version, which was launched in 2021, has been widely sought after since its launch. Its matching with Kunpeng 2.0TGDI engine originated from the global power architecture of Chery 4.0 era, and its power performance is not much better than that of some luxury brands 2.0T engines. Thanks to many "black technologies", its 2.0TGDI model only takes 7.5 seconds to accelerate at zero speed, and the surging power makes the car one step ahead of others, whether starting or overtaking. The 7DCT gearbox matched with the power system is also good in strength, with smooth upshift and neat downshift. The two complement each other to enable the car to release power smoothly and continuously, and provide users with lightning speed on the premise of ensuring comfort.

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Tiggo 8 Kunpeng Edition

  In addition, this model also overturns the proposition that strong power equals "oil tiger", and its fuel consumption is only 7L/100km, which is the best representative of "eating less and running fast". While galloping heartily, it also firmly locked the user’s wallet.

  Tiggo 8 Kunpeng Edition is not only full of power, good fuel economy and value for money, but also provides car buyers with ① full purchase tax, and then send it up to 6800 cash; 2 financial ceremony: enjoy a financial subsidy of up to 7,000 yuan; 3 replacement ceremony: buy a car up to 10,000 yuan; 4 purchase gift: enjoy a subsidy of 3,000 yuan; ⑤ Free warranty gift: you can enjoy free basic maintenance (replacement, purchase increase and maintenance) for 6 times in 3 years, as well as the benefits such as grabbing a bicycle and buying a car in 1000 yuan before 618.

  As a heavyweight model under Chery Automobile’s "big single product" strategy, the Tiggo 8 champion family has not only won the sales crown of China brand medium-sized SUV and 7-seat SUV in 2020 /2021 due to its excellent quality, but also won high praise from domestic users, and even conquered the favor of overseas consumers such as Brazil and Chile with hard-core strength, and is fully capable of meeting the needs of users for daily travel, go on road trip and other multi-scene vehicles. Not only that, but now when buying a car, you can enjoy the bonus of halving the national purchase tax, and you can also get the value-added benefits of car companies. (Photo courtesy of Chery Automobile)

Huawei BU actively contacts state-owned automobile groups.

On April 17th, photos of the "secret meeting" between Huawei and GAC were exposed. The trip to GAC was led by Chi Linchun, president of Huawei’s smart car solution BUMarketing and Sales Service Department, and Hu Runze, chief expert. Feng Xingya, general manager of Guangzhou Automobile Group, Huang Yongqiang, general manager of Guangzhou Automobile Passenger Car, and the core technical backbone are all listed. It is generally speculated that Guangzhou Automobile Company, Huawei’s cooperation project this time, landed in Guangzhou Automobile Chuanqi, and it is very likely that Guangzhou Automobile and Huawei will reach a heavy cooperation, or the official announcement of the Beijing Auto Show that will open next week. (Interface news)

new energy

  Since 2015, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in China ranked first in the world for seven consecutive years. In October, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in China were 762,000 and 714,000 respectively, up by 87.6% and 81.7% respectively, and the market share reached 28.5%. The production and sales of new energy vehicles and the volume of automobile exports both reached record highs, which continued to drive the steady growth of automobile production and sales in China. With the rapid popularization of new energy vehicles, China’s automobile industry is facing an excellent opportunity of "changing lanes and overtaking". We should give full play to our advantages, tap the potential of domestic demand and external market, and then cultivate the new advantages of China’s new energy automobile industry in international cooperation and competition under the new situation.

  At the 2022 China (Tianjin) International Automobile Exhibition, which officially opened on November 10th, all new energy brands came to the exhibition with brand-new product lineup and cutting-edge technology concepts, so that the audience could visit and appreciate the latest development achievements and future development trends of new energy vehicles at one time.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image001.

  In 2022, China Tianjin International Auto Show exhibited 990 vehicles, including 260 new energy vehicles, accounting for nearly 1/3 of the total. Compared with the last exhibition, the proportion of new energy auto shows has increased this year. In recent years, with the country positioning the new energy automobile industry as a national strategic emerging industry, and launching a series of support policies, combined with the advantages of domestic supply chain, China’s new energy automobile industry has led the world in an all-round way, and enterprises have paid more and more attention to new energy vehicles. Many traditional automobile companies have launched independent new energy brands. In the process of the strong rise of new energy automobile brands in China, many enterprises have taken active actions and embarked on the advanced road of "going new and upward" in terms of brand culture and product upgrading.

  Zhiji automobile

  As a brand-new user-oriented automobile science and technology company jointly built by SAIC, Zhangjiang Hi-Tech and Alibaba Group, Zhiji Automobile presented its first masterpiece "New World Driving and Control Flagship" Zhiji L7 and mass production concept car AIRO at the booth of Zhiji Automobile in Hall S9, bringing users the pinnacle of the new electric and intelligent world.

  Zhiji L7 shows the charm of "treasure model" with its product strength and subversive experience polished for users. The only "four-wheel steering+mixed tire width" at the same level makes the "driving control ceiling" clear at a glance; The "more human-like" intelligent driving experience makes the intelligent driving strength that shakes the global head players indisputable; 180+ clean taste healthy cockpit, refreshing the "new benchmark of air quality"; The high value of "long in the user’s aesthetic point" makes people fall in love at first sight and unforgettable.

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  In addition to Zhiji L7, AIRO, a mass-produced concept car, also shows the audience a new picture of the future of Zhidian. Zhiji AIRO is the first cross-border car circle created by Heatherwick Studio, a partner of Zhiji automobile brand. AIRO’s vision is to create a "home for future travel and life", and let the natural and smooth ripple shape flow in the aesthetic point of users in the form of art, revealing that "the coexistence of technology and art is the only choice to create future life".

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  Ruilan automobile

  Ruilan Automobile, which entered the new energy automobile market with the differentiated advantage of power exchange, landed in Tianjin, China, with a number of heavy models, and set off a new trend of power exchange with the attitude of "changing power and making light travel" and accelerated its March to the C-end market.

  Ruilan 9, which has just opened the global pre-sale, is a full-size pure electric SUV with a long wheelbase of 2825mm and a reasonable layout of 6 /7 seats. Its performance in space is perfect, bringing people a more comfortable and exclusive driving experience. It also supports 60-second non-inductive power exchange and 30-minute DC fast charging, providing users with more flexible options for energy replenishment.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image004.

  Another "pure electric 6-seat MPV" Ruilan Maple Leaf 80vPRO has a large driving space of 1798L and a maximum luggage volume of 1198L, flexible 6-seat space and 23 storage spaces, making the driving experience comfortable and smooth.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image005.

  Ruilan Maple Leaf 60sPRO sedan, with a quick-back streamlined body, gives people an elegant and dynamic impression. The interior features an eco-friendly cockpit, which is made of high-quality eco-friendly cockpit materials and ergonomic eco-leather seats. It has 17 flexible storage spaces, which can improve the ride comfort and bring fashionable and elegant sensory experience.

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  AITO made a stunning appearance with the series of questions. Wen Jie series is jointly designed by Cyrus Auto and Huawei, which continuously enriches the product matrix and brings new smart driving experience to more consumers. The Wujie M5 is the first model of the Wujie series, positioning the intelligent luxury electric drive SUV, which adopts the ultimate design and creates luxury aesthetics. The pure electric drive extended range platform gives it the ultimate performance, which brings the long battery life of WLTC with full oil and full electricity over 1100 kilometers and the acceleration of 100 kilometers in 4.4 seconds.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image008.

  Ask the world M7 positioning smart luxury large electric SUV, focusing on home users, IKEA is suitable for business. It uses humanized technology to meet the needs of comfortable travel, adopts 2+2+2 three rows and six seats spatial layout, and the original six-in-one range extender powertrain expands the forward space of the passenger compartment, and cooperates with 14 places and 23 storage spaces of the whole vehicle to create ample space for the whole family. In particular, it is equipped with the industry’s first commercial AITO zero-gravity seat to create a luxurious ride.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image007.

  It is worth mentioning that all the products of the Wenjie family are equipped with the HarmonyOS smart cockpit, which gives the products an extremely intelligent technology experience. Not only can you enjoy the extremely smooth, relaxed and natural interactive experience, but you can also enjoy rich car applications and convenient cross-device connectivity, and you can also make the smart cockpit often new through OTA.


  NV, a luxury medium-and large-scale urban exploration SUV, has pure electric version and extended range version, and pure electric+extended range dual powertrain to meet the needs of multiple scenes. Thanks to the GEMINI power module system developed by Mars Stone Technology, the self-propelled traveler NV is fully compatible with both pure electric and extended range driving modes. The new car is equipped with iAWD dual-motor intelligent four-wheel drive system as standard, equipped with high-efficiency permanent magnet synchronous motor. The integration of the three-electric system and the power density ratio of the motor are ahead of the same level, and the acceleration time of 0-100km/h of all models can reach 5.9s s.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image009.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image010.

  The comprehensive cruising range of the self-traveling NV Extended Range WLTC is 939 km (the comprehensive cruising range of CLTC exceeds 1257km), which meets the needs of users for long-distance intercity travel; At the same time, the extended-range model has a pure electric cruising range of 150km (WLTC working condition), which makes daily commuting in the city convenient and efficient. The self-traveler NV pure electric long battery life version has a cruising range of 560km under CLTC conditions, and at the same time provides a pure electric standard battery life version with a cruising range of 440km under CLTC conditions to meet the needs of different users. In terms of intelligent driving, the self-guided traveler NV comes standard with 24 AAD high-order auxiliary driving system functions, such as AEB (automatic emergency braking), ACC (full speed adaptive cruise), BSD (blind spot monitoring) and LCA (changing lanes), which has high safety and stability.


  Lantu brought its "performance-level intelligent electric SUV" Lantu FREE family model and "electric luxury flagship MPV" Lantu Dreamer series model to the auto show. Among them, Lantu FREE, Lantu FREE ultra-long battery life pure electric version and Lantu Dreamer model all made their debut at Tianjin Auto Show.

  With the label of "Perfect Balance, Value Benchmark", Lantu FREE Standard Edition perfectly balances performance and intelligence, and its super power brings an accelerated experience of 4.5 seconds. With high-quality driving and control, high-quality comfort and high-quality safety, it fully meets the daily car needs of users in different scenes. Lantu FREE DNA shows more pioneering design and powerful performance. It inherits the performance gene of Lantu FREE, adds many aerodynamic designs, and accelerates to 4.3 seconds at zero speed. It is one of the SUVs with the strongest performance parameters in China at present.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image011.

  At this year’s Tianjin International Auto Show, Lantu Auto also brought the seven-seat version of Lantu Dreamer and the personal tailor version (four-seat) to the same stage. Lantu Dreamer was born from ESSA’s native intelligent electric architecture. Its zero-hundred-speed acceleration takes only 5.8 seconds at the earliest, and its longest battery life reaches 750km, bringing a zero-anxiety travel experience. Dreamer personal tailor Edition is based on the official customized ecology of Lantu, and it is the only official customized electric MPV. It has three exclusive interior colors, which can realize more personalized and exclusive customized requirements for users.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image012.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image013.

  Nezha automobile

  Nezha S, the first landing vehicle based on Shanhai platform, was officially put on the market for pre-sale on July 31st. Resonant with the ever-changing users’ demands, Nezha S displays the exclusive style of "Sports Smart Coupe" with its high intelligence and high performance, and brings new driving experience to users with its core values of sports, technology and youth.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image014.

  Nezha s model is equipped with industry-leading hardware, luxurious and comfortable configuration and leading intelligent level, and the whole system comes standard with NETA PILOT 3.0 intelligent driving assistance system developed by Nezha Auto, so that the intelligent experience can benefit every user. In addition, Nezha S also has ten highlights, such as the body size reaching the B+ class car level, the rare Hozon-EPT 4.0 thermal management system and high-performance heat pump system in the same class, the rare chassis texture within 300,000 yuan, the ultra-low drag coefficient of 0.216Cd in the same class, the super-large central control panel within 300,000 yuan, and the sky sound effect brought by the customized surround sound of 720 Nezha, making it the "best coupe within 1 million yuan".

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image015.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image016.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image017.

  Hechuang automobile

  As the title partner of EDG Hechuang Automobile Team, Hechuang Automobile fully integrates the superior resources of shareholders, joins hands with a number of leading cutting-edge technology companies, and injects elements such as e-sports and national tide, aiming to make new energy smart cars the best entrance to link multiple scene hubs and intelligent ecology.

  Hechuang A06 is the first model based on the global pure electric architecture of Hechuang self-developed H-GEA, equipped with a fully upgraded H-VIP 2.0 intelligent driving interconnection system, and truly realizes the beautiful vision of "technology serving people". It adopts a brand-new vector aesthetic design language, which has a trendy dynamic appearance and an ultra-low wind resistance of 0.217Cd; The whole system is loaded with Qualcomm 8155 chip, and equipped with a brand-new self-developed car system HI-OS, which realizes a 3-second extremely fast boot experience.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image018.

  Hechuang Z03 is a trend intelligent driving pure electric SUV jointly created by Hechuang, EDG and users, with the design concept of "combat aesthetics" and showing the future attitude; The car is equipped with H-VIP intelligent language control system, which can voice control the vehicle with a simple sentence, and at the same time, it develops the advanced technology of automatic parking service to respond to the user’s full-scene intelligent travel demand. As a car brand created in depth with users, Hechuang has joined hands with the world-class e-sports team EDG and Dingliu Guoman "Linglong" to bring a future, technology and cross-dimensional immersive car feast to Z generation users from the inside out.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image019.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image020.

  NIO weilai

  Weilai brought all the main models (ES8/ET7/ES7/ES6/EC6) and this year’s highly anticipated Weilai ET5 to the show. Rich colors and car models, especially the annual color of ET5 (mirror powder/cloud yellow) were present together to satisfy the audience’s curiosity and expectation for all the models of Weilai.

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  "I’ve heard of it, but I haven’t seen it." Wei Lai changed the scene of the power station airborne auto show. The original closed bottom structure of the power station was made transparent, and the power exchange process was demonstrated in real time at multiple times on site, so that friends could feel the real charging speed of "starting with full power, as long as the time of a song". In addition, the exhibition areas of over-filled piles, fast-filled piles and home-punched piles 2.0 are also set up on site to understand the complete energy-replenishing experience of Weilai vehicles that can be recharged, replaced and upgraded.

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  At the same time, Weilai Center also moved into the auto show site. The audience can experience Weilai vehicles, replenish energy, explore NIOLife Surprise Mall, or go to NIO Café to taste a variety of Weilai special drinks. The owners’ exhibition area can also see the works of Weilai owners, or take children to explore and create in Joy Camp.

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New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image024.

  In addition, Weilai also prepared three auto show special live broadcasts, and partnered with the volunteer owner-Weilai pre-sales and after-sales system employees to take everyone to the "cloud" exhibition without leaving home! Explore the annual most valuable car purchase policy, surprise interactive gifts, hard-core vehicle knowledge, city general manager connection and other exciting content.

  Zero run car

  On September 28th, 2022, Zero Run Auto held an immersive conference on "Zero Run C01 Advanced Life C" online. Under the witness of thousands of Leaper, the latest flagship model of Zero Run Auto — — Zero-run C01 officially went on the market, opening a new journey of multi-scene intelligent luxury electric car.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image025.

  The five versions of the zero-run C01 only differ in battery capacity and single and double motors, while all the other 80 smart luxury configurations are fully loaded. The whole system comes standard with 28 high-precision sensing hardware and 23 intelligent driving assistance functions, covering the exterior interior, intelligent interconnection, entertainment, audio and video, safety protection and humanized configuration, and will be changed from standard to standard, so as to easily enjoy the car-owning experience of "getting started with high gear".

  The zero-run C01 is equipped with a super-capacity power battery, and the cruising range of CLTC under comprehensive working conditions is as high as 717km, which is enough to meet the needs of multi-scene and long-distance travel. It can be called an artifact for users and their families to travel. With the self-developed full-time AI BMS intelligent battery management system, the whole life cycle of the power battery can be controlled, making every trip more secure.

  As the flagship model of the brand, Zero Run C01 shows the latest achievements of global self-research of Zero Run, which will greatly meet the needs of users for multi-scene vehicles, and its leading five C-bit hard power will also completely change the market structure of medium and large family cars and redefine the new value of medium and large cars.

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New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image027.

  Geometric automobile

  Based on the new users’ pursuit of personalized in-vehicle intelligent experience, Geometric Automobile has launched two models, namely Geometric G6/M6. All the new cars are equipped with ultra-electric intelligent cockpit developed based on HarmonyOS, which once again raises the upper limit of users’ intelligent experience and explodes users’ demand for diversified and scene-based travel with "true intelligence" and "true safety".

  Geometry G6/M6 has built a high-value intelligent cockpit environment for users, realizing the seamless switching between driving and life and the seamless connection of intelligent experience. At the same time, Geometry G6/M6 has a carefree experience of "starting in 3 seconds", and the "hard core" configuration of 8G+128G ensures that the car app is synchronized with the driver’s behavior, and the running speed is "seconds" to the same level.

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New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image029.

  Geometry G6/M6 makes L2-class intelligent assisted driving system the only standard system at the same level, and rich application scenarios make novice drivers no longer feel embarrassed on the road. At the same time, the ultra-electric intelligent cockpit standard in Geometry G6 and Geometry M6 can not only bring users a smoother, more convenient and richer ultra-electric intelligent cockpit, but also upgrade the entertainment mode and user experience, making the car change from a simple means of transportation to a life partner, making the car expand from a simple driving space to an entertainment space, a social space and a leisure space, and become the core carrier of the "third living space".

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  Aouita Science and Technology, together with its first product, Aouita 11, presents the fans and consumers in Tianjin and even North China with a brand-new travel feast brought by the world’s first "emotional intelligent electric coupe SUV" with its attractive, open and intelligent product charm.

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  As a new generation of intelligent electric vehicle technology platform — — CHN’s first product, Aouita 11, embodies the advantages of Changan Automobile, Huawei and Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited in their respective fields, integrates the three characteristics of "new architecture, strong computing and high-voltage charging", and leads the new track of intelligent electric vehicle (SEV) with the strong product strength of Yan value ceiling, comprehensive performance ceiling and intelligent ceiling.

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  In-depth cooperation with Huawei, Aouita 11 became the first vehicle in the world with HI Huawei’s full-stack smart car solution as standard. Equipped with 34 intelligent driving sensors including three laser radars, and using a high-performance intelligent driving computing platform, AVATRANS intelligent navigation system including high-speed NCA intelligent driving navigation assistance, urban NCA intelligent driving navigation assistance (open user subscription through OTA), APA automatic parking assistance, RPA remote parking and other functions has been brought to consumers, achieving full scene coverage in highway sections, urban sections and parking links.

  Yuanhang automobile

  Yuanhang Automobile, a high-end new energy luxury brand under Universiade Group, was officially unveiled.

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  Yuanhang Y6 locates the D-class ultra-luxury car, which is luxurious and intelligent, and adopts the driver-centered design concept. The 17.38-inch oversized central control panel is located in front of the driver and extends above the center console. It is full of science and technology and integrates all the operating functions in the car. The number of physical buttons is minimal, simple and generous.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image034.

  Yuanhang Y7 locates the D-class sports luxury car, which shows its extraordinary charm in an instant. The sculptural side lines depict the charming waistline and light posture, which makes people unforgettable. The interior layout of Yuanhang Y7 is very sporty, showing a simple and open feeling. Precise sports car-level ergonomic design, specially designed for the enduring and extremely fast driving experience of Fengchi Electric Engine.

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  Yuanhang H9 locates a large-scale sports luxury SUV, and the novel spoiler front apron and side panel design make Yuanhang H9 not only sporty, but also unique in personality. The car is equipped with 256-color variable atmosphere lights and 20-level brightness level, which can change intelligently according to the driving mode, breathing mode, running water welcoming mode and music rhythm mode, so that the car presents a completely different atmosphere tone and creates an excellent driving experience with passion and comfort coexisting, impact and calmness.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image035.

  Gaohe HiPhi

  Gaohe brought its dual flagship models, the evolvable super-running SUV HiPhi X and the digital life GT HiPhi Z, to the show.

  HiPhi X, the first model of Gaohe, was built based on the three breakthrough concepts of "scene definition design, software definition car, and creating defined value together". The world’s first mass-produced open electronic and electrical architecture H-SOA super-body electronic and electrical architecture for vehicle application became an evolvable super-running SUV. The ultimate control and super-running dynamic performance show the personality of HipHi X. The vehicle is equipped with a dual-motor high-efficiency powertrain. Thanks to the dual 220kW motor blessing, HiPhi X has a 100-kilometer acceleration of 3.9 seconds. The world’s first evolvable high-performance proactive dynamic chassis can monitor and analyze the current road conditions and driving habits of users in real time, and make accurate control of vehicles.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image037.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image038.

  Digital Life GT— the second flagship model of Gaohe Automobile; — Gaohe HiPhi Z continues Gaohe’s consistent TECHLUXE? technology luxury DNA. As a luxury smart coupe, HiPhi Z is a future car dedicated to the contemporary "young" creators. Manipulation in the electronic age gives HiPhi Z excellent performance. HiPhi Z is equipped with front and rear high-performance dual motors, with a single motor power of 247kW and a torque of 410Nm, achieving a 100-kilometer acceleration time of 3.8 seconds. Its 120-degree CTP battery pack is at the leading level in the industry in terms of power and energy density, and can provide a maximum CLTC cruising range of 705km.

  Concentration degree

  The limited edition of Jidu ROBO-01 lunar exploration completed the first stage of Jidu in the auto show. As a joint model of the lunar exploration project jointly launched by Jidu and China, in order to fit the theme of lunar exploration, Jidu took Star china white as the exclusive body color of the limited edition "Moonlight Skin" of ROBO-01 lunar exploration, and decorated it with the exclusive golden paint of the lunar exploration spacecraft, with the silk-screen printing of the "LUNAR EDITION" icon and multi-layer varnish technology, which greatly enhanced the uniqueness and product value of the limited edition. The LOGO of "China’s lunar exploration" and the addition of 21-inch aerodynamic wheel lunar exploration elements have enabled the joint elements to be presented in a panoramic view, showing their individuality in chic.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image039.

  In the field of intelligent driving that car owners are most concerned about, with the help of PPA(Point to Point Autopilot), the limited edition of ROBO-01 lunar exploration will have the high-order intelligent driving ability of "three-domain integration" of high-speed, urban and parking, and realize the high-order intelligent driving facing the complex road conditions in urban areas while ensuring the safety of users, as well as the driving experience covering the whole scene in expressway sections, urban sections and parking links. At present, Jidu has launched the scene generalization of high-level intelligent driving in Beijing and Shanghai, and will ensure that the official version of PPA will gradually cover the national core cities with the industry-leading efficient research and development rhythm.

  Li Auto

  Ideal L8 was officially launched on September 30th, and L8 Pro and L8 Max are available. Ideal L8 provides metallic paints in four standard colors: gold, silver, gray and black, and three special edition car paints: purple special edition pearl paint, green special edition pearl paint and blue special edition cold light paint. LI brought a special edition pearl paint to this auto show.

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  Ideal L8 Max comes standard with ideal AD Max intelligent assisted driving system. The dual NVIDIA Orin-X computing chips carried by the ideal AD Max intelligent assisted driving system finally reach 508TOPS, which makes the intelligent driving system run more stably. It can process the fusion signals of high-definition camera, laser radar, millimeter wave radar and ultrasonic sensor in real time and efficiently. In the future, the system will realize the intelligent assisted driving function of the whole scene.

  The ideal L8 is equipped with a four-wheel drive system consisting of a 1.5T four-cylinder range extender and front and rear dual motors, with a comprehensive maximum power of 330kW, a peak torque of 620 N m and an acceleration time of 5.5 seconds per 100 km. The capacity of the battery pack is 42.8kWh, the CLTC battery life is 210km, and the CLTC battery life can reach 1315km when it is fully charged with oil.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image041.


  Tucki G9 is positioned as a medium-sized and large-scale pure electric SUV, which is built on the basis of X-EEA 3.0 electronic and electrical architecture. It is the first product of 800V SiC ultra-fast charging platform in China, and it will realize the ability to recharge energy in the future when it is overcharged for 5 minutes and its battery life exceeds 200 kilometers. At the same time, the new car is also the flagship model of Tucki brand, and it will be equipped with a variety of intelligent configurations.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image042.

  The central control part of Tucki G9 is equipped with the industry’s first mass-produced human-computer interaction system based on 3D UI, with dual 14.96-inch high-definition intelligent conjoined screens equipped with Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chips, and the new car will also be equipped with Xmart OS 4.0 UI operating system. In terms of intelligent driving, it will be equipped with dual NVIDIA DriveOrion intelligent assisted driving chips, with a computing power of 508 TOPS, which will help the XPILOT 4.0 system. In the power part, Tucki G9 is equipped with XPower 3.0 power system, which will provide two choices: two-drive single motor and four-drive dual motor, in which the maximum power of single motor is 230kW(312 HP), and the maximum power of dual motors is 175kW(238 HP) /230kW(312 HP) respectively, and it is matched with ternary lithium batteries, with a cruising range of over 700 kilometers. It is reported that Tucki G9 has two battery life versions, of which the single-motor version has a battery life of 702km, and the dual-motor version has a battery life of 650km. Both versions will be equipped with a 98kWh ternary lithium battery pack.

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New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image045.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image044.

  ARCFOX polar fox

  As a brand of high-end luxury new energy vehicles in China, Extreme Fox Auto has made its debut with a number of its heavy models with the core concept of "Extreme Fox Technology+". Scened product experience and diverse forms of user interaction make Extreme Fox one of the most popular brands at this auto show.

  The new HI version of Extreme Fox Alpha S takes intelligent driving to a new height. It is the world’s first production car that supports high-level intelligent driving on urban roads. The new car has 34 high-sensing hardware, which forms a set of ultra-high fusion sensing system with 360-degree full coverage, which truly restores the 3D physical world and accurately identifies obstacles. MDC810 intelligent driving computing platform supports 400 TOPS super computing power, and can easily cope with the test of complex road conditions with super brain.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image046.

  The standard endurance versions of Extreme Fox Alpha T and Alpha S are also important thrust to achieve increment. Through these two new cars, while greatly lowering the entry threshold of "high-end new energy vehicles", Extreme Fox has also stirred up the market of pure electric vehicles with a price of 200,000 yuan, bringing more surging market vitality and giving consumers more choices in terms of quality and price. Most importantly, the quality of the new car has not decreased at all. While ensuring the core safety and core configuration, the performance of the new car has been greatly upgraded, which greatly enhances the overall market competitiveness.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image048.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image047.

  Aean AION

  Guangzhou Automobile Aian officially released its new generation of high-end pure electric exclusive platform — — APE 3.0。 The platform inherits the three advantages of the previous generation, such as long battery life, large space and high security, and opens a brand-new "runway" with the release of high-end product Hyperplatinum as the starting point. In addition, the new AEP 3.0 platform draws lessons from the super-running low-center-of-gravity and lightweight body structure, so it realizes the track-level rear-drive driving control, that is to say, it uses the rear-drive layout with higher handling limit and supports the expansion of the four-wheel drive system.

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  Through the unique AICS intelligent chassis system, Aeon can adjust the wheel output torque, braking force and suspension rigidity according to a series of parameters such as wheel speed, turning angle, throttle and yaw rate, and realize multi-system dynamic matching control. Finally, the turning radius is as low as 5.3 meters. Note that this is done in a wheelbase of nearly 3 meters, and the steering accuracy and sensitivity are also improved by 30%, the cornering roll is reduced by 40% and the braking distance per 100 kilometers is less than 35 meters.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image050.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image051.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image052.

  APE 3.0, a new generation of high-end pure electric exclusive platform, has the world’s fastest super-running electric drive technology, adopts X-PIN flat wire technology and intelligent multi-mode gear shifting technology, and can achieve a zero-acceleration performance of 4.9s under the condition of single motor drive. If it is driven by dual motors, it can achieve a zero-acceleration time of 1.9s, and the top speed can reach 300km/h..


  Feifan Auto made a wonderful appearance with the extremely intelligent high-grade pure electric SUV Feifan R7 full of sincerity. As the first flagship model of Feifan Automobile, Feifan R7 has fully demonstrated the strength of the "screen tyrant" in the intelligent cabin industry and the "roll king" in the intelligent driving industry with the help of hard-core products such as RISING MAX 3+1 giant screen, RISING OS intelligent cabin interactive system and RISING PILOT fully integrated high-order intelligent driving system.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image053.

  The RISING MAX 3+1 giant screen of Feifan R7 is composed of the 43-inch wide true-color triple screen with the largest size of China brand mass-produced models and Huawei’s first mass-produced AR-HUD head-up system, which is known as the "screen tyrant" in the intelligent cabin industry. Not only is the size amazing, but it also has powerful functions. The RISING MAX 3+1 giant screen supports four-screen linkage, which can easily realize the seamless flow and interaction of information between the main driver and the auxiliary driver, and create an immersive and scene-based cockpit experience for users. Feifan R7 is also equipped with RISING OS intelligent cabin interactive system, which is equipped with the highest single-chip computing power in the industry and super brain — — The flagship chip of Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 has set a new standard for the interactive intelligent cabin of smart cars. In terms of interface design, the RISING OS intelligent cabin interactive system adopts Kepler UI design aesthetics, which continues the design concept of "not complicated, that is, extraordinary" of Feifan automobile, integrates more natural landscape elements of the planet into the original elegant rational design, and shows the romance of technology.


  Euler Lightning Cat was officially unveiled. It is positioned as a medium-sized pure electric car. While its shape is very retro, it also highlights the sense of technology through some details. In addition, the body also presents a dynamic slip-back shape, and the overall visual effect is very distinctive.

New energy brands are unstoppable and concentrated on the 2022 Tianjin International Auto Show _fororder_image054.

  Lightning Cat provides a unique 10.25-inch three-barrel combined motion instrument and a 12.3-inch high-definition central control panel, using Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 intelligent cockpit chip. In addition, its central saddle part is provided with a plurality of physical keys and knobs, and a three-spoke multi-function steering wheel is adopted, and some models also provide W-HUD head-up display function. In terms of intelligent driving function, the high-profile model of Lightning Cat is equipped with ORA-PILOT 3.0 intelligent assisted driving system, which can realize L2+ level automatic driving.

  Lightning Cat has launched single-motor and dual-motor versions, in which the single-motor version has a maximum power of 150kW(204 HP) and a peak torque of 340 Nm, while the dual-motor performance version has a comprehensive power of 300kW(408 HP) and a comprehensive peak torque of 680Nm. In terms of battery life, the cruising range of CLTC in Deluxe Edition and Premium Edition is 555 kilometers, the cruising range of CLTC in Long Edition is 705 kilometers, and the cruising range of CLTC in Four-wheel Drive High Performance Edition is 600 kilometers.

Fukuhara Ai retired, but the story of table tennis between China and Japan continues.

  CCTV News:If one day any foreign table tennis player can win a medal in the Olympic Games, I hope it is Fukuhara Ai;

  If one day I can only support one foreign table tennis player, I think it will be Fukuhara Ai.

  There are less than 100 days before 2019 and less than two years before the Tokyo Olympic Games, so without warning or a trace of preparedness, Fukuhara Ai told us that he had retired.

  Fukuhara Ai Weibo announced his retirement.

  Fukuhara Ai is probably the first Japanese athlete who received a blessing from netizens in China because of his retirement. As of press time, the Weibo that she announced her retirement has received more than 70,000 reposts, more than 70,000 comments and more than 620,000 likes. I wish her a happy life.

  Fukuhara Ai is probably the first Japanese athlete who "alarmed" the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China because of his retirement. At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 22nd, Hua Chunying, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that Fukuhara Ai was "loved not only by the Japanese people, but also by many people in China" and was "very cute, and also had outstanding performance in the field of table tennis".

  As of press time, Fukuhara Ai announced his retirement from Weibo’s comment 7w+, forwarded 7w+ and liked 62w+

  Fukuhara Ai, who has a round face and a crisp smile, can be said to be a Japanese athlete "watched and grown up" by netizens from China and Japan. Fukuhara Ai has been training under the guidance of coach China since he was five years old. In the long run, Fukuhara Ai has also forged a deep friendship with China players and even China. In addition to being beaten and crying in the game, Xiao Ai also shed tears in the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. She has always been a lively wave and she is quite depressed in front of the reporter’s camera. "Japan went to 60 people (rescue), so xx is not enough. I am going, at least 61 people." It is this lovely appearance that left a deep impression on China fans, and Fukuhara Ai also had a nickname "porcelain doll". Familiar fans can know a little about her.

  Knowing that four-year-old Xiao Ai participated in the national competition for the first time, she lost her shoes happily when winning, and cried in her mother’s arms after losing; Knowing Xiao Ai’s stubbornness with tears in her eyes and insisting on finishing the training task; Knowing that Xiaoai can say "dry ha" with an authentic northeast accent, knowing that Xiaoai and table tennis players have close feelings, he brings him Japanese cookies every time he meets ZhangJike; I also know that Xiao Ai fought against the three generations of big devils of China table tennis women’s team from Zhang Yining to Li Xiaoxia and then to Ding Ning … …

  The great devil of running water, Fukuhara Ai made of iron. Fukuhara Ai rarely wins against China athletes in international competitions, and his career has been shrouded in the shadow of the "big devil" of table tennis, which is helpless. The advantage of China table tennis team, especially the women’s team, over other players is hellish.

  Fukuhara Ai made his first sound after he announced his retirement, thanking the fans in China and China.

  It’s really distressing that Fukuhara Ai tried her best but couldn’t win, but that doesn’t prevent her from making great contributions to the rapid development of Japanese table tennis. He was selected to the national team at the age of 12 and made his Olympic debut at the age of 15. From 2003 to 2016, Xiao Ai gradually became the absolute core and leader of Japanese women’s table tennis. The younger generation regards her as an idol. Japanese table tennis player Ito Meicheng once said: "Looking at Captain Fukuhara, I know very well that it is not easy for her to bear the name of Japan. If I can become a captain in the future, I also want to be a player like her."

  Under her leadership and influence, a new generation of Japanese players also became attached to China. These players, who were trained in China since childhood, or developed under the training of China coaches and sparring partners, helped Japanese table tennis to make rapid progress, but also laid a deep "China brand". With Fukuhara Ai, a beloved predecessor, as an example, they also gained a lot of "audience affinity" in China.

  More importantly, with Fukuhara Ai’s great concern and the continuous improvement of Japanese table tennis level represented by her, the Japan Table Tennis Association is also making great efforts to develop this sport. Since 2003, the Japan Table Tennis Association has established a national team for primary school students, adjusted the training mechanism of age groups, conducted regular closed training and overseas competitions, and strengthened the training of grassroots coaches. In 2008, the Japan Table Tennis Association built a national training center in Tokyo, and absorbed some professionals including coaches from China and other places, which became the training base of the Japanese table tennis team. Moreover, the Japanese table tennis team has established a system of substituting competition for training, and specially trained a group of players to participate in the world series of adult groups from the age of fifteen or sixteen, which made them feel the atmosphere of the competition ahead of the players of the same age in our country and increased their competition experience.

  In the past two or three years, we can see that although the national table tennis still has absolute advantages, Japanese table tennis has made rapid progress. On the men’s team, Zhang Benzhihe, whose parents are both from China, has defeated Malone, ZhangJike and Fan Zhendong successively. On the women’s team, Meicheng Ito defeated the world champion Liu Shiwen in this year’s team table tennis World Cup finals. It can be seen that Japan’s challenge model to China has taken shape.

  As we all know, from the ITTF to the national associations, from the constant changes in table tennis materials to the changes in the points system and the addition of mixed doubles, it is a "clear thing" to try to limit the absolute advantage of China, and the China table tennis team is also happy in this "encirclement and suppression". Because in the long run, it will do more good than harm to table tennis and the China team. After all, for sports, only more intense competition and stronger suspense can attract more audiences and promote the technical level to a higher level.

  Next, Tokyo, Japan, in 2020 is the focus of preparation and competition between China and Japan in the past four years.

  Wait and see!

  (Text/Liu Chang Zhu Xinyu)