Didi Unified Hitch Service Hours: 20:00 to 5:00 am High number of sexual complaints

  On the evening of November 7, Didi, an online ride-hailing platform, announced that during the small-scale trial operation of Hitch, in order to ensure the safety of the trial product and service, the service time for all Hitch users will be adjusted to 5:00-20:00. That is, users will not be able to use Didi Hitch service after 8:00 pm.

  In the announcement, Didi said, "It is our principle to provide equal services to users. We should provide services uniformly or temporarily not provide services during the same time period. We have not considered this carefully and made mistakes in decision-making. We are very sorry."

  The previous day, Didi announced that Hitch would start trial operation in seven cities including Harbin and Beijing on November 20. What caused widespread controversy is that there are differences in the use time of male and female passengers in the trial operation plan of Didi Hitch. The service time for male passengers is 5:00-23:00, while for women it is 5:00-20:00, that is, after 8:00 pm, women cannot use Didi Hitch service.

  That evening, Didi President Liu Qing said on his personal Weibo, as a senior female white-collar worker, I also feel that the current ride product function is not very easy to use for female students; but in terms of safety, it is a practice run on thin ice.

  In the announcement on the evening of November 7, Didi said that after listening to the opinions and suggestions of all parties, it decided to adjust this rule, and the time for all Hitch users to provide services was adjusted to 5:00-20:00. Future product service rules will continue to be iterated and optimized.

  According to the data provided by Didi in the announcement, according to the statistics of past safety complaints of Hitch, the number of sexual complaints in the two time periods of 20:00-23:00 and 23:00-5:00 was 45% and 465% higher than that of 5:00-20:00, respectively.

  According to data released by the China Judicial Big Data Research Institute in 2018, night is also the peak time for criminal cases in the taxi and online car-hailing industry. In 2017, 52 cases of taxi driver crimes occurred at night, accounting for 30% of the overall crime cases of taxi drivers. Nine cases of online car-hailing driver crimes occurred at night, accounting for 50% of the overall crime cases of online car-hailing drivers.

  Therefore, Didi said, but based on the safety data mentioned above, it decided to choose a relatively conservative plan. (Reporter, Chen Yuxi)

  Attachment: Announcement of Didi Hitch on the evening of November 7

  Yesterday, we announced the plan for the trial operation of Hitch, one of which was about the night service rules for users (5-20 points for female users and 5-23 points for male users), which aroused discussion and criticism.

  Before the announcement of the plan, we did not discuss this rule with the public and did not fully listen to the opinions of all parties. At the same time, we apologize for the trouble caused to everyone due to poor consideration and improper communication.

  After listening to the opinions and suggestions of all parties, we decided to adjust this rule. During the small-scale trial operation of Hitch, in order to ensure the safety of the trial product and service to the greatest extent, the service time for all Hitch users is adjusted to 5:00-20:00. During the practice run (no information service fee), the product service rules may continue to be iteratively optimized, and there will be various inconveniences in use. Please understand and give us suggestions.

  Once again, I would like to express my sincere apologies for yesterday’s improper communication. Please believe in us and our safety efforts in the past year. Didi’s original intention is also to hope that all users and drivers can travel well and go home safely. But in the face of complex ride-hailing safety problems, we do have many areas that are not thoughtful and have no good policies at present. We will continue to improve in the days to come, constantly listen to opinions, and do our best to travel well.


  In addition, we would also like to share with you our thoughts on ride-hailing safety:

  In this trial operation plan, Hitch permanently logged off all sensitive information related to user privacy such as personalized avatar, gender, and long text evaluation; the owner of the joint ride needs to go through facial recognition, and both drivers and passengers need to check the information before getting on the bus. In the long-distance travel scenario, the number of face recognition times of the owner will be increased, the user will be reminded to set emergency contacts, and the itinerary will be automatically recorded. The user access link of Hitch has now realized full real names. The owner of Hitch and the driver of the express car need to carry out three-certificate verification, background screening and facial recognition, and the person who is discredited will not be able to register as the owner of Hitch.

  According to the statistics of past safety complaints from Hitch, we found that the number of sexual complaints in the two time periods of 20:00-23:00 and 23:00-5:00 was 45% and 465% higher than that in 5:00-20:00, respectively.

  According to the data released by the China Judicial Big Data Research Institute in 2018 *, in the taxi and online car-hailing industry, night is also the peak time for criminal cases. In 2017, 52 cases of taxi driver crimes occurred at night, accounting for 30% of the overall crime cases of taxi drivers. Nine cases of online car-hailing driver crimes occurred at night, accounting for 50% of the overall crime cases of online car-hailing drivers.

  We are well aware that too many rules will harm the shared experience of car owners and passengers, but the platform still needs to make every effort to guard against human uncertainties and do everything possible to keep safety risks out. Since the ride-sharing is a private car ride-sharing relationship, the owner and the passenger are mutual assistance and the car belongs to the owner’s private space. It is impossible to force the installation of camera equipment and regular offline Security Training for the owner like the express car. Feasible measures to improve night safety are limited.

  The trial operation time is adjusted to 5:00-20:00, which is definitely not the most perfect solution, but it is indeed a choice we made under various conditions. We have also considered adjusting it to 23:00 uniformly, but based on the safety data mentioned above, we still decided to choose a relatively conservative solution. Please understand.

  In addition, providing equal services to users is a principle we should abide by. We should provide services uniformly or temporarily not at the same time. We are very sorry for our poor consideration and wrong decision-making.

  Thank you to all the friends who have criticized, cared about, and helped Didi Hitch. We will carefully study everyone’s opinions and do our best to provide safe, economical, and smooth travel services.

  * Data source: "Special Report on Judicial Big Data on Crime in the Process of Online Car-hailing and Traditional Taxi Services", China Judicial Big Data Research Institute under the Supreme People’s Court, September 2018.

What changes have taken place in the past three years?

A large number of innovative drugs and "life-saving drugs" have entered the medical insurance drug list, which is the space saved by centralized procurement.

       On December 6, 2018, the centralized procurement of drugs in "4+7" pilot cities was opened in Shanghai. This means that the long-brewing national drug centralized procurement with quantity has officially kicked off.

National centralized drug procurement with quantity, referred to as "centralized procurement" for short, means that drug procurement institutions "package" the scattered purchases of medical institutions through public bidding, and purchase a clear number of drugs from drug suppliers by "group purchase", thus reducing procurement costs.

       At that time, the national medical insurance department entrusted the Shanghai Pharmaceutical Centralized Bidding and Purchasing Affairs Management Office under the Shanghai Medical Insurance Bureau to undertake the daily work of the national drug joint purchasing office (hereinafter referred to as "joint purchasing"). In the past three years, the joint procurement has organized six batches and seven rounds of national centralized procurement, and the scope of implementation has expanded from 11 cities to the whole country. The procurement content has expanded from oral dosage forms to injections, from chemical drugs to biological drugs, and the variety, quantity and degree of competition have been constantly breaking through.

       Specifically, what are the breakthroughs?Let’s take a look at the changes in these three years through the data.

The original drug was greatly reduced in price, and the "patent cliff" appeared.

       Among the six batches and seven rounds of centralized mining, the first five batches and six rounds are all chemical drugs. From the first batch of "4+7 quantity procurement" to the fifth batch of quantity procurement,A total of 218 varieties were covered, and the average price of the selected products decreased by 53%, which reduced the burden on patients by about 250 billion yuan.

       The number of selected products shows an upward trend.In the "4+7 quantity procurement", 25 of the 31 pilot generic drugs were successfully selected, with a successful selection rate of 81%. Since then, the number of selected varieties has reached 32, 55, 45 and 61 respectively. The sixth batch of insulin special procurement is the first time that the national centralized procurement has been extended to the field of biopharmaceuticals, which is quite different from the first five batches of procurement rules, and the number of selected varieties is 16.

       Except for the sixth batch of insulin special procurement, the average decline of the other five batches and six rounds of centralized procurement was above 50%, which remained stable. The fifth batch of centralized mining decreased by 56%, which was higher than other batches. It can be clearly seen that the centralized collection and extrusion of drug price moisture has played a positive role in promoting the return of drug prices to rationality.

       Centralized purchasing not only reduces the burden of drug use for the masses, but also improves the efficiency of the use of medical insurance funds.After calculation, the results of each batch of bidding saved 5.8 billion yuan, 19.5 billion yuan, 9.1 billion yuan, 19.5 billion yuan, 13.2 billion yuan, 24.1 billion yuan and 9 billion yuan for the pilot areas or the whole country. Among them, the fifth batch of centralized procurement selected the most varieties, involving a total amount of 55 billion yuan, saving medicine costs to the highest in previous centralized procurement.

       As a result, has the medical insurance expenditure decreased? Where did all the money saved go? In fact, to improve the efficiency of the use of medical insurance funds is not only to "cut costs", but also to spend money on the cutting edge. In recent years, a large number of innovative drugs and "life-saving drugs" have entered the medical insurance drug list, which is the space saved by centralized procurement. The continuous increase of medical insurance expenditure has prompted pharmaceutical enterprises to intensify innovation and promoted the process of high-quality development of the pharmaceutical industry.

       The participation and winning bid rate of each batch of original research pharmaceutical companies have always been the focus of attention. Although the average decline of the selected original drugs in the first four batches of centralized procurement was relatively high, climbing from 71% and 79% to 82% and 84%, there were 10 foreign companies involved in 11 products in the fifth batch of centralized procurement, and their participation was significantly improved.

       Foreign companies actively embrace centralized purchasing. On the one hand, the fifth batch of centralized purchasing involves many kinds of injections, and the successful result will have a great impact on the sales of enterprises in hospitals. Faced with such a big market change, foreign companies can’t "sit idly by". More importantly, it has been gradually accepted by the industry and society because the original drug is equivalent in quality and can compete on the same field. This is the embodiment of the implementation effect of the generic drug consistency evaluation policy and the embodiment of the normalization and institutionalization of centralized purchase.

       More and more original drugs have been greatly reduced in price, indicating that the phenomenon of "patent cliff" has appeared.The so-called "patent cliff" means that after the patent protection of a newly developed and listed drug expires, more generic drugs will appear on the market, and the increase in supply will lead to a cliff-like decline in the price of the original drug. In the past, the prices of some original drugs in China were higher than those in neighboring countries and regions for a long time, and the phenomenon of "patent cliff" failed to happen. Now, this phenomenon has finally happened because of national centralized mining.

"Taking quantity" is the core, and promoting "exchanging quantity for price"

       Six batches of centralized mining, which drug varieties have the highest decline?Based on the 457 drugs with known historical prices, the top drugs have different uses. Rivaroxaban, an anticoagulant in the fifth batch of centralized mining, dropped by as much as 99.5%, which is a veritable "price reduction king". Memantine for the treatment of Alzheimer’s Harmo’s disease and olanzapine for the treatment of schizophrenia are also in the forefront with a drop of over 97%. Taking olanzapine orally disintegrating tablets as an example, patients used to spend 849 yuan a month, but now they can save 822 yuan by using the selected varieties, which can save more than 9,000 yuan a year.

       Some time ago, the "soul bargaining" in the national medical insurance drug list negotiation triggered a heated discussion. Is collective purchasing "soul bargaining"? In fact,Centralized purchasing and medical insurance negotiation are two different things.Although both of them belong to the "drug price reduction" initiative, the medical insurance negotiation is to include drugs in the catalogue, so that they can be reimbursed through medical insurance, and there is no provision for hospital dosage; Centralized procurement requires hospitals to give priority to the use of selected drugs and complete the contract dosage on time. It can be said that "with or without quantity" is the main difference between the two. In addition, the drugs selected in centralized procurement include both varieties in the medical insurance catalogue and those outside the catalogue.

     "Carrying quantity" is the core of centralized purchasing, and "exchanging quantity for price" can promote enterprises to reduce prices. So,What are the ten varieties with the largest purchase volume?It can be seen from the agreed procurement volume in the first year of the country that the drugs for common diseases, such as hypertension and hyperlipidemia, are still in the greatest demand, among which metformin for treating type 2 diabetes has the largest procurement volume, with the agreed procurement volume reaching more than 5 billion tablets in the first year, and the actual procurement volume in the first year of the country exceeds 8 billion tablets. 2021 is the 100th anniversary of the discovery of insulin, and insulin has been continuously introduced in the past 100 years. At present, the second generation of recombinant human insulin and the third generation of recombinant insulin analogues are commonly used products in clinic. Relatively speaking, the third-generation insulin is safer and more effective, and the price is higher.

       Just at the end of last month, the sixth batch of centralized purchase of insulin was opened in Shanghai. This collection covers the second and third generations of insulin, including 16 generic varieties. The purchasing demand of medical institutions in China in the first year is about 210 million pieces, and the purchasing amount involved is about 17 billion yuan according to the pre-centralized purchasing price. The average price reduction of the products to be selected is 48%, and it is estimated that the annual cost can be saved by 9 billion yuan.

       The three years that Ji Cai has gone through are three years of challenges and achievements. The "Tenth Five-Year Plan" for National Medical Security proposes that by the end of the "Tenth Five-Year Plan", the number of drug varieties purchased by each province through national and provincial centralized quantity will reach more than 500. Practice has proved that only by holding on to the reform achievements and constantly promoting the normalization and institutionalization of centralized drug procurement can we better serve the overall situation of national medical and health reform and development and provide people with all-round and full-cycle health services.     

◆ Source | Jiefang Daily/China Medical Insurance

Xingyue L has been listed for 137,200 times, all of which are equipped with Volvo 2.0T engine and Aisin 8AT gearbox.

Write in front:

Although the rise of domestic brand SUV in recent years has also promoted the development of the whole China brand, it is undeniable that after the joint venture brand launched the SUV market, the China brand was greatly threatened, which can be seen from the trend of the proportion of models in the SUV sales list. Through the analysis of SUV market, we can easily find that the main battlefield of China brand is below 150,000 yuan, but the SUV market with 150,000 yuan or even more than 200,000 yuan is still occupied by joint venture brands. For example, Tiguan L, Haoying, RAV4, Qijun and other products are still the vanguard in the 200,000-yuan market.

Is there any product that China brand SUV can get in the market of 150,000 yuan or even 200,000 yuan? Is there a China car that can impact the joint venture brand SUV market? It is difficult for us to find such a China brand SUV that can compete with the market at the same level or seize the share of joint venture brands, but with the appearance of L, this situation is likely to bring new changes.

Xingyue L is listed, and the price is even more surprising.

L is an SUV model that was born and paid attention to super height. From its earliest appearance to the launch of Shanghai International Auto Show, Xingyue L has its own aura wherever it goes. Not only that, it has also become a new car with the highest attention of unlisted new cars. Netizens frequently watch the Star Yue L on the Internet, and they can also see the charm of the Star Yue L. The voice of this car is getting higher and higher.

Under the persistent voice, the long-awaited Xingyue L of netizens and users finally ushered in the listing. On July 20th, 2021, the brand-new SUV Xingyue L was officially launched in Hangzhou, the automobile base camp. This time, the new car launched two power combinations, totaling six models, and the official price range of the new car was 137,200-185,200 yuan. Not only that, Xingyue L also brought multiple car purchase policies including rejuvenation gift, financial gift, flow gift, maintenance gift, and gift box quality enjoyment gift.

As soon as the price came out, the voice of the new car conference kept on, and the author was directly shocked by such a price. You know, as a car like Xingyue L, the starting price of 137,200 yuan is absolutely delicious, while the top price of less than 190,000 yuan is even equal to the beggar version of the compact joint venture SUV. The sincerity of price and the absolute advantage of product strength make the author call: this will be another new car on the SUV hot-selling list.

Li Shufu, the head of the platform, Xingyue L stands for the brand flagship.

Not only that, but also a mysterious figure was seen at the launch conference of the new car: Li Shufu, the head of the car. As we all know, at all kinds of major events of the automobile group, especially at the launch conference of new cars, we hardly see the figure of Li Shufu, the head of the automobile group, but this time he is uncharacteristically present at the new car launch conference of Xingyue L, which is somewhat unexpected.

In his speech at the new car launch conference, Li Shufu also revealed the reason why he appeared at the listing meeting of Xingyue L: Xingyue L is a unique new car, a model that connects the past with the future and the latest flagship SUV of the brand. Li Shufu, who has not appeared in front of the new car or even the press conference for a long time, is a platform for Xingyue L, which is somewhat puzzling. The speech was short, the tone was ordinary, and Li Shufu, who was dressed in casual clothes, gave a brief account of his mental journey by telling stories. Until the "good luck all the way, forever" turn, the back that disappeared on the stage made the author see the bright future of the car.

Walking all the way to the venue in the Asian Games venue of Hangzhou Olympic Sports Center, the new car of Xingyue L greeted us all the way, which made us see something different. The strategy of "parent brand’s high-end" is quite different from other independent brands’ impact on the high-end. The automobile’s brand-new high-end brands are all bypassed by parent brand, but this time, they directly gave their products high-end on "parent brand", launched a brand-new Star Yue L, and directly competed with mainstream joint venture vehicles for their equivalent values.

Although there are high-end brands like Krypton at present, compared with itself, it has different significance to Li Shufu, the head of the company. In my opinion, as far as personal feelings are concerned, the success and weight of ""is the original intention of Li Shufu to build a car. I think this should also be the reason why Li Shufu chose to cross the L platform for the brand-new model at this time.

High-end, not high-end price, but high-end products. Provide high-end products at affordable prices and declare war on joint venture brands. The significance of the "Star Series" product itself is to drive the overall value of the brand, to ordinary people, to afford higher-end products at more appropriate prices, and to the whole China brand, it is the strength embodiment of declaring war with the joint venture brand.

The space advantage of Xingyue L far exceeds the same level.

Back to L, the flagship product itself, Xingyue L is superior among domestic products with the same price and value. Xingyue L itself is defined as a compact SUV, but it has more advantages than the space of a compact SUV of the same level. The length, width and height of the new car are 4770*1895*1689mm, and the wheelbase is 2845mm, which is close to the size level of a medium-sized SUV.

It is worth mentioning that the Xingyue L is still a big five-seat layout. You know, in the current domestic SUV market, there are not a few seven-seat SUVs, but from the actual use and experience, even at the level of medium-sized or even medium-sized SUVs, the overall experience of the seven-seat layout is still not satisfactory. Compared with 5 seats, the third row of 7 seats can only be used in an emergency, and long-distance use will be very tasteless. The layout of the big five seats, coupled with the overall design of acoustic materials, sound insulation materials and NVH of Xingyue L, make the cockpit more spacious and comfortable.

The appearance and interior design can be said that radish and vegetables have their own tastes. We won’t go into details here, but it doesn’t mean that Xingyue L is a bright spot in internal and external design. However, the price of 140,000-180,000 makes Xingyue L reach the level and value of the joint venture brand of 300,000.

Smarter, safer, and the advantage of leapfrog L.

For example, the new car is equipped with the Galaxy OS system for the first time, which adopts the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8155 chip with the strongest vehicle specification, and can realize the three-screen linkage of IMAX and the four-screen linkage of 25.6-inch AR-HUD. As the intelligent cockpit with the largest "screen ratio", the author experienced this function at the scene of the new car launch. On the co-pilot, we can easily catch up with dramas, movies and variety shows. This design not only appeals to young users, but also appeals to children’s likes. It is estimated that no child will refuse to drive long distances.

At the launch of the new car, we saw the powerful function of Xingyue L to simulate the sounds and sounds from the short words of real people and copy them to the voice of personal tailor. I believe it belongs only to your voice function, and no one will refuse it. In addition, it opens up the ecology with Internet partners such as WeChat and Tik Tok, and realizes the functions of online WeChat and Tik Tok. The 5G-AVP intelligent unmanned parking system is also absolutely practical, which also reflects the advantages of Xingyue L in intelligence.

It is also worth mentioning that consumers are most concerned about: car safety. Affected by mergers and acquisitions, the safety concept of "zero casualties" has been carried forward in the brand. Xingyue L appears under the top safety pedigree of CMA Super Matrix in the world. It can be said that Xingyue L is a China safety car armed from head to toe. For example, it is equipped with EMA emergency steering assistance system, and the elk test has passed 79 km/h. In addition, the HWA Expressway assists driving, which can help you drive safely to the greatest extent.

High-strength steel in the car body accounts for 78.94%, the roof pressure resistance is 5.2 times, and it exceeds the highest standard in the industry by 30% …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

It has the largest number of 24 sensing originals, 26 active safety configurations, 360-degree full detection without dead angle, 540-degree transparent chassis, patented battery tray design, front grille collapse, aluminum alloy anti-collision beam, anti-whipping safety seat, etc … How many cars can you find out from head to toe, even if you put aside the price of 140,000-180,000 yuan and put it at a level above 300,000 yuan?

Power far exceeds the same level, in one word: fragrance.

Having said that, let’s talk about the performance of Xingyue L in power. As a brand-new model from CMA super matrix, Xingyue L can be said to have a "good foundation". The new car comes standard with the Drive-E series 2.0TD engine, in which the high-power version has a maximum power of 175kW, a maximum horsepower of 238Ps and a maximum torque of 350 N m..

In terms of transmission, it is matched with Aisin 8AT gearbox, which is characterized by high reliability and smooth shifting. In addition, the high-power version of the car is also equipped with the sixth-generation electro-hydraulic four-wheel drive system launched by Borgwarner in China, which makes its 100-kilometer acceleration reach 7.7 seconds and its 100-kilometer braking reach 37.37 meters, which is comparable to luxury cars.

Even the low-power version has excellent power performance. The low-power version has a maximum power of 160kW, a maximum horsepower of 218Ps and a maximum torque of 325N.m. In terms of transmission, it is matched with a 7-speed wet dual-clutch gearbox. The biggest feature of this set of power is better power acceleration and better fuel economy. The front McPherson independent suspension and the rear multi-link independent suspension of Xingyue L also ensure its driving comfort to the greatest extent.

Write at the end:

For me, Xingyue L is not only a new product, but also a new starting point, a transformation and sublimation of the brand. It is not difficult to understand that Li Shufu, the head of the company, stands at Xingyue L. From the perspective of product strength and positioning, Xingyue L is undoubtedly a new car that directly targets joint venture brands such as CR-V, Tiguan L, Haoying, RAV4 and Qijun, and it also has such strength.

At the scene of the new car launch, we also saw the China Star composed of Xingyue L, Xingyue S and Xingrui, which represent the highest level of car-making in China, and also let us have a deeper understanding of the brand CMA high-end series. China Star, the strongest lineup of China’s flagship, also shows us the real strength of the China brand to compete with the joint venture brand.

Leapfrog space, leapfrog luxury, leapfrog intelligence and safety, leapfrog motivation and such sincere price make the author have to expect that there will be another new player on the SUV hot-selling list in the future.

Beij is facing that most complicate and severe prevention and control situation since the COVID-19 epidemic.

CCTV News:On November 21st, the Information Office of Beijing Municipal Government held the 420th routine press conference on epidemic prevention and control to inform the latest situation. At the meeting, Liu Xiaofeng, deputy director of the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced that the current epidemic situation in this city continues to be at a high level, showing a rapid upward trend, with obvious regional differences. This city is facing the most complicated and severe prevention and control situation since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, and is at the most critical and tight moment. We should further understand the situation, unify our thinking, unswervingly implement the general strategy of "external defense input, internal defense rebound" and the general policy of "dynamic zero clearing", compact the "four-party responsibility", optimize prevention and control measures strictly, timely and appropriately, and pay close attention to the implementation of various prevention and control work; It is necessary to further strengthen the territorial responsibility of areas with serious epidemic situation, reduce social mobility, advocate flexible work, reduce the rate of arrival, online teaching, and make appointments in public places to limit the flow in areas with serious epidemic situation, effectively implement regional nucleic acid screening, and make orderly arrangements to avoid getting together; It is necessary to further strengthen the investigation and control of risk personnel and risk points, do a good job in standardized management and service guarantee of high-risk areas, pay attention to epidemic prevention management in crowded places, and implement various prevention and control measures in key links in a timely, effective and high-quality manner.

"online celebrity Bookstore" has become a holy place for punching cards. Are you going to read books or take photos?

  Beijing, April 23rd (Reporter Shangguan Yun): Innovative and distinctive decoration, ingenious book display, and accompanying coffee and water bar … … Nowadays, this "online celebrity Bookstore" similar to the cultural consumption space has attracted a large number of fans with its high value.

  However, the purpose of people going to bookstores in the early days was generally clear: buying books or reading books. However, in the eyes of a large number of people who walk into "online celebrity Bookstore", books are not the key point, but taking pictures is: finding the angle, posing, pressing the shutter, and you’re POSE.

  Bookstores are becoming more and more beautiful, but some people’s focus is not on books? On the eve of World Book Day, the reporter learned during the interview that the above phenomenon is not uncommon. Moreover, even the "online celebrity Bookstore" needs to think deeply about how to improve people’s reading enthusiasm.

  Warm memories in the old bookstore

  Bookstores carry many people’s warmest reading memories, as they did decades ago.

  Liu Yida, a writer and author of Tao Beijing, especially likes visiting bookstores since childhood. In the past, his impression of bookstores mainly came from Xinhua Bookstore, in addition, there were China Bookstore, which monopolized ancient books and used books, as well as foreign language bookstores and children’s bookstores.

  At that time, bookstores were mostly old-fashioned wooden doors with high steps, and books of different categories were stacked behind the counter. The shop assistant wears uniform overalls and sleeves, and occasionally takes a feather duster to clean up the dust. Readers will say hello to which book they like, turn it over first, and make out the invoice and pay the money when it is suitable.

  Because there is no money, Liu Yida will go to read books with her classmates. The shop assistant didn’t tell the truth, still handed the book in a friendly way, watching a group of children squatting under the counter against time to finish reading the book, and at most reminded them when they were leaving work.

  After the reform and opening up, a large number of foreign classics were introduced, and bookstores became a place where people gathered together. Liu Yida once rode a bicycle to "patrol shops" all over the city, and once got up at three or four in the morning to queue up, perhaps just to buy a copy of Resurrection.

  If you can’t buy your favorite books, some readers will stay near the bookstore and exchange their books with others. Liu Yida once traded two books by Russian writers for Zola’s Nana.

  "Today’s young people may find it difficult to understand people’s enthusiasm for bookstores and books at that time." Liu Yida sighed.

  From experiencing the cold winter to "breaking the shell"

  With the east wind of economic development, private bookstores were once very good. However, it didn’t take too long for the physical bookstore to usher in the "cold winter" in the mouth of the industry: the closure of Beijing roof of the world Bookstore and the closure of Photosynthetic Bookstore & HELIP; … Physical bookstores such as Shanghai Thinking Music Bookstore also withdrew.

  According to statistics, from 2002 to 2012, especially after 2011, there was a large-scale collapse of private bookstores. In fact, even if some physical bookstores don’t have relevant stores, they need to move because of a series of reasons such as rising rents and e-commerce shocks.

  With the development of the Internet, fragmented reading methods have gradually spread, and fewer and fewer people seem willing to go into bookstores to buy books and read books as before. More and more people are calling for "protecting the development of physical bookstores".

  In recent years, with the support of favorable policies, some traditional bookstores began to seek changes by taking advantage of the situation; Some characteristic physical bookstores have gradually taken root: new chain bookstores such as Sisyph and Yanjiyou appear in front of people … …

  Unconsciously, physical bookstores are quietly picking up, and readers have more good places to go.

  The hustle and bustle of "online celebrity Bookstore"

  However, some readers obviously find that some bookstores now are a little different from the past: not only are the interior decorations particularly novel, but also various lectures and cultural activities are held; They also sell coffee or light meals. People seem to have added another purpose to the bookstore: taking pictures.

  The Page One Bookstore in Qianmen, Beijing, once painted a wave of screens with its beautiful bookstore interior design: the tall "Tongtian Book Wall", which is like the roof of the starry sky … … It has attracted many readers to punch in, and it is called "online celebrity Bookstore".

  Nowadays, it is not uncommon to find a high-value "online celebrity Bookstore". It’s just a little embarrassing: quite a few people come to it, the main purpose is not to study, but to find angles, pose, and then take pictures and make friends, and you’re done.

  On the weekend before World Reading Day, in the Page One Bookstore near Qianmen, the reporter roughly counted six or seven readers taking pictures in about five minutes. Professional, and brought a camera.

  "Bookstores are places to spread knowledge. You don’t have to buy books or listen to lectures. At least do something related to books and reading." A young reader half-jokingly "spits" that bookstores are getting better and better, but it doesn’t seem to attract readers in direct proportion to this.

  Bookstores are getting more and more beautiful. Why didn’t the reading of paper books go up much?

  Not long ago, the main findings of the 16th National Reading Survey were released. The data showed that the average reading volume of paper books for China adults in 2018 was only 4.67, which was basically the same as 4.66 in 2017.

  Therefore, some people ask, bookstores have become more beautiful and have more complete functions. Why don’t people read more paper books?

  Writer Sanshi believes that the increase of high-value bookstores and online celebrity bookstores is a good phenomenon in itself. "This is the result of the transformation and upgrading of physical bookstores in recent years, with the purpose of attracting readers’ attention and stimulating the public’s desire to read."

  "Readers are keen to punch in and take photos at online celebrity Bookstore, which has an objective propaganda effect and can let more people know about the bookstore." Sanshi said, however, these "online celebrity-style" photo traffic needs to be effectively converted into the traffic for readers to read.

  On the other hand, the popularity of mobile phones, short videos and live broadcasts has also squeezed out too much time for readers. The fast-paced life and the fragmented way of obtaining information make it difficult for many people to even have the patience to finish reading a novel.

  "For bookstores, what needs to be considered is how to hold interesting activities, so that people who simply punch in and take pictures are attracted by the fun of reading and take the initiative to buy books to study. This is combined with other reading promotion activities to promote the increase of people’s reading. " Sanshi said that this is the responsibility of bookstores to spread knowledge, but it may be a long process. (End)