Jackie Chan

2005 movie "Myth" stills

Time Network News, according to Korean media news, Jin Xishan guest starred in Jackie Chan’s new film "Legend", and will renew the "Myth" relationship after 18 years.

The film is directed and written by Tang Jili, starring Jackie Chan, Zhang Yixing, Naza, Li Zhiting, and others. The story tells the story of an archaeologist, Professor Chen (Jackie Chan, played), who accidentally discovered that the cultural relics found by students during a glacier expedition had very similar textures to the jade pendant he saw in his dream. With all his doubts, Professor Chen led an expedition into the Glacier Temple to explore the truth of his dream.

2005 movie "Myth" poster

Movie "Legend" poster

New consumption daily

K diagram 03690_0

K graph PDD_0

  New Consumer Daily, November 28th,The main contents of today’s new consumer daily are as follows: the number of M9 bookings in the world has exceeded 33,000; The report said that Shein submitted an IPO application in the United States; Tims Coffee Company increased its capital to US$ 150 million, an increase of about 24.9%.

  Industry news

  Meituan’s revenue in the third quarter was 76.47 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 22.1%.

  On November 28th, Meituan released its financial report for the third quarter of 2023 as of the end of September. Revenue in the third quarter was 76.47 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 22.1%, and it is estimated to be 76.01 billion yuan; In the third quarter, core local business income increased by 24.5% year-on-year to RMB 57.69 billion, and new business segment income increased by 15.3% year-on-year to RMB 18.78 billion. Third quarter3.59 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 195.3%, and an estimated 2.92 billion yuan. By the end of the third quarter, the total order volume of instant delivery reached 6.2 billion, a year-on-year increase of 23%.

  The revenue in the third quarter was 68.84 billion yuan, which greatly exceeded expectations.

  Revenue in the third quarter was 68.84 billion yuan, up 94% year-on-year, and it is estimated to be 54.87 billion yuan. In the third quarter, the adjusted income per ADS is 11.61 yuan, and it is estimated to be 8.81 yuan. NON-GAAP net profit in the third quarter was 17.03 billion yuan, up 37% year-on-year.

  Didi’s "collapse" for 12 hours is estimated to lose 10 million orders and 400 million turnover.

  At about 10:30 am on November 28th, according to the reporter’s actual measurement of Didi Chuxing App in Guangzhou, it was found that Didi Chuxing, including online car service and bike-sharing, had returned to normal, and this comprehensive functional paralysis lasted for nearly 12 hours, which was also the longest breakdown of Didi Chuxing in recent years.

  According to the financial report released by Didi Chuxing in the third quarter of 2023, the total transaction volume of China’s travel business in a single quarter was 72.5 billion yuan, and the average daily single volume reached 31.3 million. Based on the breakdown time, it is estimated that Didi will lose more than 10 million orders and more than 400 million transactions.

  The number of M9 bookings in the industry exceeded 33,000.

  On the afternoon of November 28th, Huawei held a press conference on the whole scene of Zhijie S7 and Huawei. At the meeting, Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei and chairman of BU, a smart car solution, said that the number of M9 bookings in the industry exceeded 33,000.

  Huawei Whole House Intelligence 5.0 was officially released.

  At today’s new product launch conference of Zhijie S7 and Huawei’s whole scene, Huawei’s whole house intelligence 5.0 was officially released, including the appearance of intelligent switch mondriaan, intelligent MINI Pro, music light of the voice of the sky, universal smart point, new UX interface of HarmonyOS and other products and functional upgrades. According to reports, Huawei’s whole house intelligence adopts PLC home connection, which supports controllable disconnection and the stability of equipment connection can reach 99.99%.

  Tims Coffee Company increased its capital to USD 150 million, an increase of about 24.9%.

  According to Tianyancha, on November 23rd, Tim (Shanghai) Catering Management Co., Ltd., an affiliated company of Tims Coffee, experienced industrial and commercial changes, and its registered capital increased from about US$ 120 million to about US$ 150 million, an increase of about 24.9%.

  Cuddy Coffee and other 100 million companies set up a baking company.

  According to Tianyancha, recently, Kuhong Baking (Anhui) Co., Ltd. was established, with the legal representative of Zhang Qingqiu and the registered capital of 100 million RMB. Its business scope includes food sales and consumption.Primary processing,And product sales, internet sales, beverage production, dairy production, grain processing food production, tea products production, liquor management, etc.According to the information, Kudi Technology (Wuhu) Co., Ltd. and Shanghai Hongshun Baina Technology Development Group Co., Ltd. hold 65% and 35% respectively.

  Bawang Chaji and Chabaidao set up a new company.Technology research and development

  According to Tianyancha, recently, Sichuan Chabenyuan Technology Co., Ltd. was established, with Shang Invention as its legal representative and a registered capital of 20 million RMB. Its business scope includes technology research and development, bio-based materials manufacturing and sales.Manufacturing and marketing, manufacturing and marketing of industrial textile products, manufacturing and marketing of paper products, etc. The panoramic view of the equity shows that the company is owned by Guochao Information Technology (Dongtai) Co., Ltd. and Sichuan Rongshang Jiahe Technology Co., Ltd., which are owned by Bawang Chaji, with 67% and 33% respectively.

  It is worth mentioning that Sichuan Rongshang Jiahe Technology Co., Ltd. was established not long ago. The company is owned by Sichuan Huizhijie Enterprise Management Co., Ltd., Sichuan Shuxin Tongyuan Enterprise Management Consulting Co., Ltd. under Chabaidao, and Guochao Information Technology (Dongtai) Co., Ltd. under Bawang Chaji. 55%, 25% and 20% respectively.

  Huawei MatePad Pro 11 tablet released at 4299 yuan for sale.

  On the afternoon of November 28th, Huawei released the HUAWEI MatePad Pro 11 tablet at the full scene conference. The price of the 12GB+256GB version (including Wi-Fi) was 4,299 yuan, and the price of the 12GB+512GB version was 4,799 yuan. Yu Chengdong, managing director of Huawei and chairman of BU, a smart car solution, said that this is the world’s "thinnest 11-inch tablet" and the world’s first popular tablet supporting two-way Beidou satellite messages.

  Australia will ban one-off imports from January next year.

  Australian Health Minister Mark Butler announced on the 28th that Australia will ban disposable imports from January next year, and extend the import ban to non-therapeutic categories in March to reverse the "disturbing" growth trend of young people smoking e-cigarettes.

  Zhiran Food Technology Landing in Huzhou

  A few days ago, Professor Jiang Lianzhou, the founder and chairman of the plant meat track company Zhiran Company, revealed to reporters that the company had landed in Huzhou City and established Huzhou Zhiran Food Technology Co., Ltd.

  Cross-border sailing is new

  It is reported that Shein submitted an IPO application in the United States.

  According to a report by Reuters on the 28th, the cross-border fast fashion e-commerce company Shein has secretly applied for listing in the United States, or will launch an initial public offering (IPO) in 2024. The US "Wall Street Times" said that Shein’s listing in the US may become one of the largest IPOs in recent years.

  SHEIN was founded in Nanjing, China Shein 2012 and moved its headquarters to Singapore in 2021. According to the report, it sells clothing products to online shoppers in more than 150 countries at ultra-low prices, and the United States is its largest market. In a round of financing in May this year, the company was valued at about $66 billion. According to Singapore’s Lianhe Zaobao, in the global market announced by market research firm CB Insights,In the corporate valuation list, Shein ranked third with $66 billion.

  China-Europe trains have accumulated more than 20,000 trains in ten years.

  On the morning of November 28th, the X 8155th China-Europe train loaded with daily necessities, fitness equipment and other goods left Xi ‘an International Port Station for Hamburg, Germany, which indicated that China-Europe train (Xi ‘an) had been in operation for ten years since its first trip on November 28th, 2013, with a total of 20,897 trains.

  At present, China-Europe Train (Xi ‘an) has opened 17 international transportation trunk lines, achieving full coverage of major sources of goods in Europe and Asia.

  Express delivery of industry views

  The whole city of Shenzhen in the first 10 months856.309 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 7.3%.

  According to statistics from Shenzhen, from January to October, the total retail sales of social consumer goods in the city was 856.309 billion yuan, up 7.3% year-on-year. In terms of consumption types, retail sales of goods increased by 6.5%; Catering revenue increased by 14.8%. The sales of basic commodities were good, among which the retail sales of grain, oil and food in units above designated size increased by 12.9%.

  Consumption-upgrading commodities maintained rapid growth, among which the retail sales of communication equipment and cosmetics of units above designated size increased by 20.4% and 11.0% respectively. Online retail sales continued to grow rapidly, and the retail sales of goods realized by units above designated size through the Internet increased by 26.4%.

  The agency predicts that global TV shipments will fall below 197 million units for the first time in 2023.

  On November 28th, according to the TrendForce Jibang Consulting Survey, despite this year’s European and American consumer price index () cool down, but the current high.The environment, the suppression of the overall business and consumer spending, coupled with the downturn in the property market, have suppressed the demand for TV. In addition, the price of TV panels rose sharply this year, causing brands to reduce the scale of large-scale promotional activities, resulting in the decline of TV shipments to 197 million units in 2023, down 2.1% year-on-year.

  TrendForce Jibang Consulting said that TV brand shipments have increased quarter by quarter since this year. However, the growth rate in the traditional peak season in the fourth quarter was only 4.7%, and both the growth strength and shipments hit a new low in nearly 10 years, reaching only 54.55 million units, down 1.7% year-on-year.

Sexual harassment, injury and disability, overlord clause beware of these "pits" in the gym

   Sexual harassment and verbal insults should only be regarded as "mouth addiction"

   On April 9, it was reported by the media that Ms. Xiaoqian of Hangzhou paid a deposit for private lessons in a gym. Afterwards, she felt that the price was too expensive and wanted to return it. In order to retain her, the fitness instructor proposed the conditions of accompanying sleep. Xiao Qian told the media: "I said that I can find their coach or him to sleep with me for one night, and that if I need a woman, they can also provide a woman, saying that their director is a lesbian, so that their director can sleep with me for one night." When asked, a supervisor of the fitness center said that the social atmosphere was more open, but it was just a mouth addiction.

   Prior to this, Ms. Zhang, a citizen of Nanjing, was inexplicably "helped" by a fitness instructor while running in the gym. She felt harassed and called the police station. Finally, the gym apologized to him and refunded the card fee in full.

   Article 38 of China’s Constitution stipulates that the personal dignity of People’s Republic of China (PRC) citizens is inviolable, and it is forbidden to insult or slander citizens by any means. Article 40 of the Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests stipulates that sexual harassment of women is prohibited. Article 38 of the Beijing Measures for Implementing the Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests in People’s Republic of China (PRC) (Revised Draft) stipulates that it is forbidden to sexually harass women in any form such as language, writing, images, electronic information and physical behavior. The Measures for Implementing the Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests in People’s Republic of China (PRC) Province stipulates that "it is forbidden to sexually harass women in the form of obscene language, words, pictures, electronic information and behaviors that violate laws and ethics."

   The coach put forward a clear demand for small money, which caused him to have obvious psychological discomfort and constituted sexual harassment. According to the law, if sexual harassment of women in violation of the law constitutes a violation of public security management, the victim may request the public security organ to impose administrative punishment on the illegal act according to law, or bring a civil lawsuit to the people’s court according to law.

   Injuries and disabilities are not uncommon. The qualification review of coaches needs to be standardized.

   In recent years, a large number of newcomers have poured into the field of fitness, but there is a lack of professional private education, and disability incidents are frequent due to improper or unprofessional guidance.

   In July, 2014, Zhang Wanting, a 17-year-old girl from Shenyang, died suddenly in a gym weight-loss training camp. According to media reports, Zhang Wanting had undergone high-load training and was strictly controlled in diet, and the coach at the time of the incident had no relevant qualifications and first-aid knowledge.

   In 2015, a fat man accidentally fell down and broke his achilles tendon because of bending over and lifting his legs, which was not suitable for his weight load. At that time, private teachers and members were still laughing and chatting, thinking that there was no serious problem.

   In 2016, Pearl Krabs, a second-year graduate student in Beijing, bought 4,500 yuan of private education courses in a fitness chain. Three months later, the hospital diagnosed the second degree damage of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus of the right knee; Previously, Pearl Krabs’s coach had been encouraging her to keep exercising. When defending rights, the coach could not produce any professional certification. Finally, the gym returned 4,000 yuan to Pearl Krabs and dismissed the coach.

   It is understood that there are roughly three types of private education sources in the industry: graduates from major sports colleges, retired athletes and social fitness enthusiasts. Even some are just in good shape, and they can be employed after attending some short-term training courses. There is no uniform standard for the post qualification of private education in the whole fitness industry, and the threshold for employment is completely grasped by the fitness institutions themselves.

   According to the 2015 Career Development Report of Fitness Coaches in China issued by the Vocational Skills Appraisal and Guidance Center of the State General Administration of Sport, 52% of the fitness coaches who have been employed for 1-3 years are students from sports colleges, and the remaining 48% have no professional background.

   At present, there are two types of qualification certificates recognized by the fitness industry, one is the "national job certificate". The other is the qualification certificate certified by non-governmental organizations, or the award-winning certificate of bodybuilding competition. Among them, the "national job certificate" belongs to the level evaluation category and is not mandatory. Just because a fitness instructor wants to be employed does not mean that he must pass the national vocational examination and obtain a "national vocational certificate".

   Lu Dajiang, a graduate tutor at the School of Sports Science of Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, suggested that the admission system for fitness instructors should be established with reference to the supervision methods of high-risk industries such as swimming and rock climbing. The relevant coach qualifications are subject to the access system, that is, the personnel engaged in guiding teaching must obtain the national vocational qualification certificate before they can take up their posts and engage in related work.

   Article 32 of the National Fitness Regulations stipulates that those who engage in high-risk sports must have a specified number of social sports instructors and rescuers who have obtained national vocational qualification certificates. The first batch of high-risk sports announced by the state in 2013 include swimming, skiing, rock climbing and diving.

   Fitness institutions have overlord clauses, and it is difficult for consumers to transfer or return their cards.

   At present, many fitness cards on the market require me to hold the card. If consumers require to pay a handling fee ranging from several hundred yuan, some gyms even stipulate that they cannot transfer cards.

   Jiang Dianliang, a southern legal aid lawyer, said that because the consumer card generally indicates that "this card is not transferable", if the consumer does not sign the relevant agreement on returning, transferring and stopping the card before handling the card, when he gets the card, he has already acquiesced that the merchant needs to pay for the card transfer. Before handling various consumer cards such as fitness cards, you need to read the relevant agreements carefully, ask whether the fitness card can be extended or transferred or returned in case of illness, business trip, etc., and sign the relevant payment agreement for returning, transferring and stopping the card. When signing the relevant consumer card agreement, in order to protect your legitimate rights and interests, you must read the terms carefully. If you find anything unclear or unreasonable in the terms, you should raise it in time.

   In addition to high transfer fees and prohibition of card transfer, it is also difficult for many consumers to return the card.

   In December 2016, consumer Mr. Chen complained to Hebei Consumers Association that in September 2015, he applied for an annual card with an amount of 2,300 yuan in a gym in Shijiazhuang. Since then, Mr. Chen has been suffering from illness and needs chemotherapy. The doctor’s advice is not suitable for exercise. The previous annual card was not used, and Mr. Chen proposed to return the card to the gym. The other party refused to refund the money on the grounds that there are clauses in the contract, such as "The contract shall not be terminated except for force majeure" and "The service cannot be accepted due to its own reasons, and the individual shall bear the responsibility".

   Hebei Consumers Association believes that after the establishment of the contract, the objective situation has undergone major changes that are not commercial risks and cannot be foreseen by the parties at the time of conclusion of the contract. It is obviously unfair for one party to continue to perform the contract or the purpose of the contract cannot be achieved. If the consumer proposes to change or terminate the contract, the operator should change or terminate the contract accordingly according to the principle of fairness. It is illegal for the operator not to change or cancel the conformity. In other words, consumers have the right to terminate the contract according to law in special circumstances.

Beij is facing that most complicate and severe prevention and control situation since the COVID-19 epidemic.

CCTV News:On November 21st, the Information Office of Beijing Municipal Government held the 420th routine press conference on epidemic prevention and control to inform the latest situation. At the meeting, Liu Xiaofeng, deputy director of the Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention, introduced that the current epidemic situation in this city continues to be at a high level, showing a rapid upward trend, with obvious regional differences. This city is facing the most complicated and severe prevention and control situation since the outbreak of the COVID-19 epidemic, and is at the most critical and tight moment. We should further understand the situation, unify our thinking, unswervingly implement the general strategy of "external defense input, internal defense rebound" and the general policy of "dynamic zero clearing", compact the "four-party responsibility", optimize prevention and control measures strictly, timely and appropriately, and pay close attention to the implementation of various prevention and control work; It is necessary to further strengthen the territorial responsibility of areas with serious epidemic situation, reduce social mobility, advocate flexible work, reduce the rate of arrival, online teaching, and make appointments in public places to limit the flow in areas with serious epidemic situation, effectively implement regional nucleic acid screening, and make orderly arrangements to avoid getting together; It is necessary to further strengthen the investigation and control of risk personnel and risk points, do a good job in standardized management and service guarantee of high-risk areas, pay attention to epidemic prevention management in crowded places, and implement various prevention and control measures in key links in a timely, effective and high-quality manner.

Wolf Warriors screenwriter Liu Yi’s new work exposes that the story of War Wolf 3 has been completed.

Screenwriter Liu Yi was interviewed by 1905 Film Network in Australia.

Special feature of 1905 film network Liu Yi, the screenwriter of the series of films, recently accepted an exclusive interview with 1905 Film Network at the Australian AACTA Awards Ceremony, and he revealed that War Wolf 3 has a relatively complete story. At the same time, Liu Yi also revealed that his new work will once again challenge the theme of military action. This time, he set the story in a submarine deep in the South China Sea. What kind of deep-sea legend Liu Yi will create for the audience this time is quite exciting.

The stories of "Wolf Warriors 2" and "War Wolf 3" were reversed, and Liu Yi exposed Jason Wu to be very competitive. 

Although there is still more than half a month before the end of the year, the box office performance of "Wolf Warriors 2" of 5.6 billion yuan has already been booked as the box office champion this year, bringing the box office record of Chinese movies to a high point of 5 billion yuan. After the nationwide rush to watch Wolf Warriors 2, the audience also looked forward to the third part of Wolf Warriors. In fact, War Wolf 3 had a complete story.

"At present, Wolf Warriors 2, which the audience saw, actually used the story of War Wolf 3, and the original script of Wolf Warriors 2. Because some working conditions were not available at that time, I put it down first. At present, it is very likely that the original "Wolf Warriors 2" story will be put directly behind the film as a continuation of the whole story. Of course, we will make a series of adjustments to the specific details. " Liu Yi revealed that the script of War Wolf 3 has not been revised yet, but the overall story is relatively complete and the main line is relatively clear, so the audience can get a glimpse from the eggs at the end of Wolf Warriors 2.

Wolf Warriors 2 poster

Referring to director Jason Wu, Liu Yi said frankly, "He is a very competitive person! When Jason Wu made the first film of Wolf Warriors, no one was optimistic, even friends around him opposed it, saying that the audience would not watch such a film, but Jason Wu kept insisting that he was such a competitive person, so he could make the Wolf Warriors series. " Liu Yi said with a smile, "Therefore, when we cooperate, we will have a fierce debate and collide with many innovative things. Even when we are discussing the script, we already have a very specific action design." Liu Yi said that as a creator, it is very happy to cooperate with Jason Wu. "He knows exactly what he wants, so we all rack our brains to help Jason Wu realize it. If you meet a director who is always reinventing himself, it will be difficult. "

It is also worth mentioning that "Wolf Warriors 2" will also represent China for the Best Foreign Language Film Award in the 90th Academy Awards. Liu Yi was very excited about this. "The box office performance of" Wolf Warriors 2 "really exceeded all our expectations, but I think the biggest surprise was being chosen to represent China’s" Chongao ",which is also an honor for us." The nominations for the best foreign language film in this year’s Academy Awards will also be announced this month. Let’s wish China the best of luck.

The diving photo taken by Martin, the Scottish captain, for Liu Yi.

Liu Yi’s new work challenges the battle of the deep sea and will extend its tentacles to science fiction movies in the future.

Referring to his new work, Liu Yi revealed, "I’m writing a story about a submarine called Deep Sea, which is set in the South China Sea and similar in genre to Wolf Warriors 2. It’s still a military action movie."

Liu Yi himself is a senior diver and a technical diver. Compared with ordinary divers, Liu Yi often goes to deeper waters or confined spaces to experience a more wonderful underwater world. "I have tried to be hit by rocks falling from caves, and I have been pinned down by broken steel beams in shipwrecks, but in the end I have successfully escaped." Liu Yi said that his diving experience was not thrilling, but this hobby brought infinite inspiration to his new book Deep Sea.

The sunken ship photographed by Liu Yi in diving.

Undoubtedly, after the great success of Wolf Warriors 2, more and more producers asked Liu Yi to write military movies. In Liu Yi’s heart, he still had an unfinished dream of sci-fi movies. Liu Yi said, "I will definitely write a story close to sci-fi in the future, and now I have an idea. I hope I can find a suitable production company and complete this dream with me."

However, it must be said that science fiction films have always been the weakness of China films, and China’s lack of imagination has also been criticized. Liu Yi has different views on this. "Not only in the creative process, but also in the production and self-confidence. Taking science fiction films as an example, in addition to their own imagination, we must also improve our understanding of science fiction films and improve film technology. " Liu Yi said, "You see, this time the Australian Aita Award has added the Best Asian Film Award for the first time, and China’s film Wolf Warriors 2 has also been shortlisted. What does this mean? On the one hand, China’s position in the world has improved; on the other hand, China’s films are more industrialized and commercialized, and their values are more detailed! On the contrary, I think that science fiction films will be a feasible way. "

As a successful screenwriter, Liu Yi is still very modest, saying that he still has a lot to learn. When it comes to the advice to China’s screenwriter, Liu Yilian said "I dare not". "Let me talk about my own feelings, or we should learn the skills and rules of genre movies and commercial movies in a down-to-earth and all-round way. Everyone always thinks that movies are art, and art has no rules. In fact, art has rules to find."