The former king of Asia, 56-year-old Ren Xianqi, has become popular again, and he just wants to age gracefully

A single "Brother Qi" evoked many people’s memories, and a sentence "You are always too soft-hearted" made countless post-70s and post-80s couldn’t help but hum the melody softly.

Ren Xianqi, who is now 56 years old, is really a veritable "brother" among the male stars participating in the variety show.

He spoke in a familiar voice. The years did not make him more vicissitudes, but filled him with fashionable charm.

The road to fame of Ren Xianqi is always full of legends and hardships.

Once a generation of heavenly kings, he has returned…

The picture comes from the Internet

Unexpected choice

Someone said: If Ren Xianqi grew taller, wouldn’t there be no current king? But how can there be so many ifs in this world.

Ren Xianqi has always been passionate about basketball in high school, and at that time he always thought he would find his place on the sports court.

Perhaps because he did not have a deep connection with professional basketball, he had to give up because of his height. However, sports helped him in another way. Later, he was sent to college with the first place in sports.

After going to college, he still adhered to his own sports path and participated in the Olympic Winter Games many times. Perhaps God had arranged another destination for him, and he frequently missed the Olympic cause he was passionate about.

Ren Xianqi’s childhood

There is a saying that choice outweighs effort.

Influenced by the friends around him, of course, he may have been disappointed with the original choice. He played a 5-piece band with four like-minded friends.

And in order to perform better, he specially equipped musical instruments. During the performance, he shines on the stage like a dazzling sun.

Ren Xianqi in high school

He soon met the Bole of his life, an entertainment company that appreciated his musical talent.

Later, in an interview, Ren Xianqi mentioned his college band. And jokingly called it the "CEO" band, because the five members of the band are now worth hundreds of millions and have become CEOs in their respective industries.

This is probably what we often say about birds of a feather flocking together. Excellent people always attract equally excellent people around them.

The picture comes from the Internet

Rise and fall in the entertainment industry

He said that when he was signed by the company, his father disapproved. His father was more conservative and always believed that teachers and doctors were considered serious professions, while singers and celebrities always felt unreliable.

His father had always believed that his son would continue his previous path and pursue a career in sports.

Of course, his father’s concerns are not unreasonable. After all, there are many singers who are lukewarm, and people always have to watch for a long time.

He discovered at the time that sports journalism was also a good career, and he said: "At that time, I thought that if I couldn’t make it, I would become a sports reporter."

Ren Xianqi who loves sports

In the early years, Ren Xianqi also had a vision for his future.

Just like most celebrities, they try various methods to earn more traffic.

However, whether it is riding a motorcycle on a variety show or filming a show on a roller coaster, the results seem to be minimal.

Later, when promoting the new song, he didn’t even have the opportunity to sing on stage because he didn’t have a coffee spot.

In order to stay on the stage for a few more seconds and let the audience remember him, he has learned a lot of talents to attract people’s attention.

The picture comes from the Internet

The singers of that era worked very hard, and if they were attentive, they were all forced to become versatile, because it was too difficult to make a name for themselves.

He remembered the most memorable time when a rookie played Spitfire directly on the stage, which ended up causing serious injuries.

In some shows, he will set up various links for the guests to increase the audience rating, and will put a large box in the center of the stage with various animals for the guests to touch.

The picture comes from the Internet

Some even add some challenges to motivate the audience.

Remember that there are some clips of the program in Douyin, such as Du Dewei singing along the horizontal bar, and Faye Wong putting her hands in the box with bees.

These were all the tricks on the show back then.

However, if you say you are afraid and don’t go yourself, then without these exposures, who will know you. Many of them are that the bigger you play, the easier it is to be remembered by the audience, and the faster it will be popular.

No way, back then to say whether an artist was popular or not, it was based on the audience rating. So everyone knew what they would face, but they still squeezed their heads to participate.

The picture comes from the Internet

overnight fame

Many celebrities have said that the entertainment industry is like a Vanity Fair, and whether you are popular or not can be seen from the attitude of others.

Ren Xianqi, who was tepid back then, always had to perform various programs when he participated in the program, and was often marginalized by the host. At that time, the C-spots were all for those big-name stars, and the rest were foils. Ren Xianqi could only laugh at the whole process.

In this way, he has been in the entertainment industry for a few years, and he also said that if it wasn’t for the fact that there is someone in the company who has been helping him.

The picture comes from the Internet

This person took him along the way and pulled him out of the saving list again and again, and there would probably be no Ren Xianqi today.

He once said on the program: "My noble teacher, Little Bug, told me that singing is not about skills, but about heart. Only when you put yourself into it can those who listen can enter the song and be attentive. So after that, I think my songs are better than before."

Finally, luck came to him, and he often said that he met the right song at that time. In 1996, the appearance of a song "Too Soft Heart" saved Ren Xianqi from the storm of termination.

The picture comes from the Internet

After releasing the album, he was always very nervous because he had failed too many times before, and he had no confidence in himself. Later, he didn’t expect that the album would be popular, and it was so popular.

He recalled that when he went to Beijing, he was told that this could become another popular work after Teresa Teng. He said that after listening to such words, he felt that he was going to be popular.

Looking at the sales of tens of millions, he was like, if everyone buys their own genuine albums, then he can buy the company at this time, and then see who dares to cancel the contract.

The picture comes from the Internet

Everyone thought that Ren Xianqi was just like the fireworks on that day, the beauty of that moment. When the heat is over, there is nothing left.

But who would have thought that under the guidance of Teacher Bug, he seemed to have turned on the switch of success, and several songs in a row were highly sought after by the public.

Like "The Girl Opposite Look Over", "Sad Pacific" and "I Am a Fish", these have exploded one after another. Ren Xianqi’s name is also well known by everyone, which has allowed him to climb to a peak in his career.

The picture comes from the Internet

At that time, Andy Lau and the others were called the "Four Heavenly Kings", and Ren Xianqi was also given a "New Heavenly King of Asia". With Ren Xianqi’s influence at that time, this title deserved it.

At that time, Ren Xianqi’s song was so popular that the director made a movie for one of his songs, which had the same name as the song and was also called "Ren Xiaoyao".

The picture comes from the Internet

It was also the film that brought Ren Xiaoyao’s song to Cannes, which made Ren Xianqi’s popularity reach a new high again.

It was also this opportunity that gave Ren Xianqi the idea of singing the movie’s theme song. Once on the set, he was asked by the producer. The producer asked Ren Xianqi if he wanted to play Yang Guo? Later, he accidentally starred in a TV series.

Overall, the audience rating is quite impressive. It was this TV series that made Ren Xianqi see another possibility besides singing. He starred in several martial arts dramas in succession, and then opened his own film and television career.

The picture comes from the Internet

Perhaps as his popularity continued to increase, many movie directors discovered Ren Xianqi’s rating code and came to ask him to play the role in it. Later, the response was very good.

Ren Xianqi once said in an interview: At that time, I thought acting was very fun, because almost all the previous movies were played by myself, and the characters in them were very similar to myself. They usually looked casual.

The picture comes from the Internet

Later, Director Du Qi contacted him, saying that he was going to act in a police drama, and that he wanted to meet to discuss the script. Director Du’s words moved him, and he also wanted to challenge the role of the bad guy, so Director Du discovered this kind of potential in Ren Xianqi.

When filming started, he didn’t see the script for a long time, and later he knew that he had to work on the script while filming. Ren Xianqi, who had never acted like this, really thought he heard it wrong. Before he started acting, he panicked and felt that the director was joking with him.

Later, Director Du pointed out that he should really understand this person and devote himself to this role. In order to show the true feelings of the characters more perfectly, the scenes of falling and beating in the play are all real.

Later, due to being too involved in the play, some habits were thought to affect their lives.

Playing a bank robber in "The Big Event"

Such a special shooting method was a test for his acting career, and of course the harvest was huge. He obviously felt that he was different from before. Later, he even won the Best Actor award abroad for the movie "Fire Dragon Showdown".

What pleased Ren Xianqi the most was that after his movie "The Tree Attracts the Wind" was broadcast, many netizens said that his eyes made people look very terrifying, which made him feel that his character portrayal was very successful.

The picture comes from the Internet

For so many years, although too many people have been controversial about his acting skills and songs, he is not the kind of star who relies on gossip. He has always been well-behaved and did everything he did.

He often said that he is very lucky now, because the epidemic is ruthless, but people are affectionate.

He recounted that he was quarantined 11 times in the epidemic in the past few years. Some people said that in order to make money, he even gave up his life and ran back and forth with the crew.

The picture comes from the Internet

In fact, he was trying to maintain his company and take care of his employees. Because he knew that if the company failed to operate, so many employees would face unemployment.

For the current environment, the blow to the employees is not ordinary. Therefore, he felt that he was very happy to have money at that time.

Re-enter the public eye

This year, he accepted the invitation of Hunan Satellite TV and participated in the program "Cutting Through Thorn" with many male artists.

As he entered the arena, someone shouted "Brother Xiao Qi", and then everyone stood up to greet him. From this, Ren Xianqi’s coffee position can be seen.

On the stage, a song called "Sad Pacific" instantly filled everyone’s memories.

The picture comes from the Internet

In the interview, he expressed his feelings. He thought the show was very real, everyone lived together, it was a bit like a dormitory in a school, and it had a special atmosphere.

In the morning, all the brothers lined up to take care of themselves, instantly making people feel much younger.

Especially when they saw Chen Xiaochun and Zhang Zhilin, who were already familiar faces, and knew their different sides, they all felt very friendly. After living together for a long time, everyone’s feelings will gradually deepen.

He said that at the beginning, everyone was really not easy to get along with, because everyone was famous in the entertainment industry, and many people had their own representative works. This is what he thinks should be overcome first when participating in this show.

The picture comes from the Internet

He recalled that everyone practiced every performance first, sometimes a song until the wee hours of the morning. His teammates often shouted in his ear to "roll up".

Later, in the rehearsal room, the movements that seemed to him to be very good were polished again and again. Many brothers also interpreted these three words with their own actions.

In fact, Ren Xianqi often wants the younger brothers in the team to have more opportunities to show off in the program. He thinks that he has earned enough traffic to face them, and some of them can’t be picked. In the future, it is up to these young people to rush forward.

Ren Xianqi has mentioned on the show many times that his little princess particularly likes Pan Weibai, and his young man pays more attention to ICE.

The picture comes from the Internet

When he thought of this, on the one hand, he was more pleased that his children’s musical literacy was quite high, and on the other hand, he was more depressed. Why didn’t he like him more?

However, this program showcases Ren Xianqi’s tolerance and humility as a big brother, allowing everyone to understand a different him.

I long to live the rest of my life

He was already halfway through his life, and this age made him see more openly and farther. He often planned his life according to his position and circumstances.

When the children were still very young, he did not miss the opportunity to accompany the children, put aside his work at hand, and accompany the children’s growth.

The picture comes from the Internet

Now that the children were older, he planned to do some things he liked. For example, he went to see the mountains and rivers in China, and climbed mountains when he had nothing to do.

He had always hoped that he would have the spirit of exploration. He wanted to see everything he was curious about and see the scenery he had never set foot on.

The picture comes from the Internet

Sometimes he felt that he was in high spirits. Even if he went to a green field, looking at the color of nature in front of him and breathing in the aroma of the wheat field, he felt very relaxed.

In the next few decades, he has always wanted to live more comfortably, even though he is already in his 50s. However, this does not affect a chic and wanton heart. In his words: to live your life gracefully.

Nowadays, how many people can have such a mindset that they don’t use age as a constraint to make themselves more relaxed and happy?

Responsible editor:

What does Aauto Quicker mean?

Aauto Quicker is an application software for short video production and sharing. Users can easily shoot, edit and share their short video works through Aauto Quicker. The usage of Aauto Quicker will be described in detail below.

I. Download and Registration

First, you need to search for "Aauto Quicker" in the app store and download and install it. After the installation, open the application and click the "Register" button to register. You can use mobile phone number, WeChat, QQ and other ways to register, fill in the relevant information and set the password, and you can complete the registration.

Second, shoot video

After the registration is completed, you can start shooting videos. Click the "+"button at the bottom of the app to enter the shooting page. You can choose to shoot a new video or edit an existing video. On the shooting page, you can adjust the camera direction, use filters, add music and other functions to make your video more vivid and interesting.

Third, edit the video

After shooting, you can enter the editing page, edit the video, add subtitles, adjust the volume and so on. The editing page provides a wealth of functions, which you can adjust according to your own needs. After editing, click the "Next" button to enter the publishing page.

Fourth, release the video

On the publishing page, you can add a title, select a category, set the visible range and so on. You can choose to publish the video to your home page or to a popular recommendation page, so that more people can see your work. After the release, your video will appear on the Aauto Quicker platform for other users to watch and interact.

V. Interaction and socialization

Besides watching videos, you can also interact and socialize with other users on the Aauto Quicker platform. You can follow other users, like and comment on their videos, or participate in topic discussions. Through interaction and socialization, you can make more like-minded friends and share your life and creativity.

In a word, Aauto Quicker is a powerful short video production and sharing application software. With simple operation, you can easily shoot, edit and share your own short video works, and interact and socialize with other users. I hope this tutorial can help you use Aauto Quicker better and enjoy the fun brought by short videos.

The initial heart of the new era "Awesome, My Country"

Editor’s note:

  The documentary film Awesome, My Country records the super projects such as China Bridge, China Road, China Car, China Port and China Net, and shows the landmark scientific research achievements that lead people to a new era, such as the largest radio telescope FAST in human history, the world’s largest offshore drilling platform "Blue Whale 2", the research and development of maglev train and 5G technology.

  The young post-90s and post-00s, as a "powerful generation", will witness and build a socialist modernization power in the next 30 years. "China Youth Daily" invited a group of college students to write about the feelings of watching "Awesome, My Country" and write down their initial feelings in the new era.

  (This edition is supported by China University Media Alliance)


Faster, how can I slow down?

Xu Jingran, 2017 graduate student of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  "What can I do?" I often ask myself this question, but after I went to college, the frequency of asking myself increased again. When I watched "Awesome, My Country" in the cinema, I was half proud and half nervous, as if I had pulled out some thoughts, lowered my head from a height, leaned over to examine and even asked myself: "What can I do? What can I do for this country and society? "

  The film shows China’s brilliant achievements in scientific and technological development, economic construction, national defense construction, environmental protection, poverty alleviation, internal affairs and diplomacy since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. For me, the most inspiring thing in the film is the display of a series of major construction projects and scientific and technological achievements in China in recent years: the world’s largest radio astronomical telescope "FAST", the largest offshore drilling platform "Blue Whale 2", the most advanced quantum communication satellite "Mozi", the high-speed railway "Fuxing" with a speed of up to 350 kilometers per hour, and Airbus. …

  This makes me feel excited and scared: I am excited to board a great ship of the times, but I am afraid whether I can make a little contribution to this great ship. No one asked me to do anything, but I think it is a kind of responsibility, a kind of self-questioning, self-encouragement, self-alarm and self-reflection derived from "being proud".

  Soon after school started, I got together with a senior sister. When chatting, she brushed the mobile phone news, and her expression suddenly collapsed. "Teacher Nan Rendong died, and I interviewed him." The atmosphere suddenly cooled down and we ended the party hastily. At that time, I still couldn’t understand the complicated feelings of my senior sisters. These scientists seemed to be very far away from me, just a name.

  Later, I visited the two bombs and one satellite memorial hall and the innovation exhibition of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. I listened to stories such as "Mr. Turbulence can’t get away". I watched the WeChat public platform "Voice of Chinese Academy of Sciences" and pushed the latest scientific research achievements of scientists and technicians every day: the dark matter particle detection satellite "Wukong", the world’s first cloned monkey, the 11-bit cloud superconducting quantum computing platform, and the world’s first "chorea" gene pig & HELIP; … New discoveries and progress emerge one after another.

  I took classes with academicians and people whose names have been seen in textbooks. My teachers are meticulous academically and love students as much as children in life; My classmates are serious and lovely. In the class of dialectics of nature, the classroom presentations submitted by everyone are "Qinghai-Tibet Plateau Uplift and Its Influence", "The Mystery of Solar Neutrino Absence" and "The Loss of Mathematical Uncertainty — — Godel’s great discovery "and so on are" shivering "topics. This makes me feel that I am so close to science that science and scientists are alive by my side.

  Everyone in this school is different, but what they have in common is "working very hard". Whenever, they are rushing to the next thing to do. A biology teacher once said, "Doing scientific research is like washing clothes in the dark. You can’t see the real-time progress of others’ washing, so you should keep washing, try your best to wash, and you can’t stop until the light comes on."

  Whenever I see the persistence in these people’s eyes, I will tell myself, "How can you slow down if you are faster?" History will only care for the determined, the enterprising and the fighters, and will not wait for the hesitant, the lazy and the fearful.

  After watching the movie, any China people will strongly feel their sense of identity, belonging, security and pride in their motherland. My friends, study astronomy, ocean, geology, biology, artificial intelligence … … Frankly speaking, the first year of graduate students is like a screw. What you can do is to drill and tighten it.

  We are scattered in the basic unit of scientific research — — The 114 research institutes in China insist on facing the major international frontiers, facing the national strategic needs and facing the main battlefield of the national economy, and writing scientific and technological achievements on the land of the motherland. Starting from basic scientific research, we should explore things close to the truth, find ways to make life happier, and break the status quo to meet more possibilities.

  I have no doubt that there will be future scientists among my friends, which makes me a little envious of not studying science and engineering anymore. I study science communication, and I am very satisfied that I can call myself half a scientist.

  Walking on the path to the classroom, thinking about the time allocated to each academic task, I think, I am willing to be a purely practical person. "This era is too good, you have to work hard, you can’t be unworthy of this era."

Dreams are like a seed.

Duan Jingwen, a 2016 undergraduate of Nankai University.

  Recently, I went to the cinema to watch Awesome, My Country. Before the movie started, an old woman in a wheelchair was pushed into the cinema and sat next to me. She has white hair and trembling legs, and her face is covered with wrinkles and age spots left by years. As the film story unfolded, the tears on grandma’s face flashed in the dim light, and the crutch trembled.

  Many people may feel a little confused after watching "Amazing, My Country": "How big is the gap between national strength and individual happiness? How close will national prosperity be to everyone? " At this moment, my grandmother’s tears answered me. Probably only those who have experienced the history wash can understand what the power of this country really means.

  "At that time, I walked from our home to Yunnan for many days. It was a bus and a train. Zhengzhou stopped for a long time and Zhuzhou rested for a night. I also sent some big cakes to satisfy my hunger … …” On the plane to Kunming to see his comrades-in-arms, Grandpa slowly told the story of going to the army that year. Now, the worrying "many days" has been shortened to three hours on the plane, and many long hardships have been replaced by convenient high-speed trains.

  Undoubtedly, high-speed rail has become a new business card for China, which has brought us closer to our hometown. In Spring Festival travel rush, the high-speed trains lined up on the track carry thousands of homesick hearts like bullets on standby, allowing homesick people to cross the north, south, east and west, and come and go freely without being trapped by homesickness.

  Last year, when I went to Wuhan by train, I crossed the Wuhan Yangtze River Bridge. This bridge, which was completed in 1957, witnessed the Yangtze River water rolling eastward, taking away the decline of the nation and bringing about the strength of the country. In addition to the Yangtze River, China Bridge also stands on the vast sea, among the steep mountains, and at the junction of national history and future. From then on, it is no longer difficult for Shu Dao to go to the sky, and the country has the ability to let people go out of places where only birds used to fly out.

  When I saw my hometown, a county-level city also has seven expressways, I really felt that the strength of the country is closely related to my personal life, and I can proudly say, "My country is really powerful!"

  "Awesome, My Country" shows us many achievements made by the country since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The country is no longer a rose with only fragrance but no thorns in Lao She’s Four Generations under One roof, and every citizen no longer needs to use silence to cover up his grief over national subjugation like Qi Ruixuan. Festive scenery does not treat each other, Sangtian blue sea needs to be changed in an instant, looking back at history, the predecessors have gone through thousands of difficulties to make China stand in the east of the world again; Looking forward to the future, a better life depends on our common struggle and common achievement.

  A dream is like a seed. If everyone in China can plant it in his heart and take good care of it, the Chinese dream will come true when all the seeds take root, sprout, blossom and bear fruit.

"Powerful country generation" has a long way to go.

Zhai Yujie, a 2015 undergraduate of Southwest University.

  "In the wind and rain, the voyage is magnificent, thousands of miles away in Wan Li, the sun is in my heart, my dream shines ahead, and your faith ignites courage … …” Accompanied by soothing and inspirational music, my heart repeatedly replayed "Awesome, My Country".

  In the form of documentary, the film presents the development achievements of the motherland on the big screen, pushes and pulls the swaying motion lens and degradation lens, brings together scattered pictures and scenes, and conveys to us an image of the motherland that is at the forefront of world development.

  A series of high-speed trains shuttle through the motherland, from the northeast of Snow Country to tropical Hainan; Cars are running on the expressway, reshaping the new symbol of China geography; The automated seaport terminal can handle the world trade quickly and effectively; China’s network has achieved global connectivity in minutes. During the running, China also kept slowing down, stopped to look back, and reflected on various problems encountered in the process of modernization.

  Tears and laughter of Luocuo and Rosandanda, poverty alleviation cadres in Zhaxigang Village, Xizang Autonomous Region, children having free lunches in the mountains, China soldiers "No matter where you are, don’t forget that behind you is a great motherland, and there is a speed called China’s rescue, and there is a kind of luck that I am from China" … … The film’s rigorous but vivid commentary expresses the rapid development of the motherland in a slow-flowing daily life.

  A British media reported the transition from the old platform to the new platform at Longyan Railway Station in Fujian, which only took nine hours, which made the British amazed at the advanced infrastructure project in China. Musk, an American entrepreneur who just sent a sports car into space, couldn’t help forwarding this report and praised that "China’s advanced infrastructure is developing more than 100 times faster than the United States".

  The mountain peaks that Shan Ying once couldn’t fly can now be climbed in 10 minutes; It used to take 12 hours from Beijing to Shanghai, but now it only takes 4.5 hours; 2.99 million base stations and 890 million users, and the total length of optical cable lines in China has reached 30.41 million kilometers; China has contributed more than 30% to the world economy, becoming the first engine to drive the global economy … … Long after the film ended, these pictures and figures still reverberated in my mind.

  The grand vow of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is echoing in the east of the world. The film not only brought the double shock of vision and soul, but also made China people proud and proud, and made our younger generation full of fighting spirit and vitality!

  The first three hours of the film’s release broke the box office record of this kind of film in China. The noteworthy data is that young people constitute the main force of watching "Amazing, My Country". Cat’s eye data shows that 55.5% of the audience in this film are 20-29 years old. On the Internet, a large number of post-90s and post-00s praised the film. The young mode of communication makes the young audience, as the main force of the box office, feel cordial and causes our personal thinking.

  As soon as Qiao Wenwen, a college student, walked out of the cinema, she excitedly took out her mobile phone and chatted with her grandmother in the countryside, telling her that more welfare policies would be distributed to the grassroots. Qiao Wenwen’s dream is to become a grass-roots worker, and transform the mountains that gave birth to her with both hands and the villagers. Wang Jie Shao, a young man from Lanzhou, said that it takes six hours to get home by high-speed train when he goes home for the New Year. In the past, it took more than ten hours to get a hard seat in the Spring Festival travel rush train.

  At the beginning of the film, Dr. Sun Yat-sen’s lifelong struggle is to hope that China will become "the richest country in the world, the happiest country in the world, and the people of China will become the happiest people in the world". Today, the rapidly developing motherland has created a good employment environment and a world of innovation for us. As a "powerful generation", this is the best time and a challenging time, and we have a long way to go.

After 90, we should also tell the "China story"

Zhong Yang, a master student of Huazhong University of Science and Technology in 2016

  After reading "Amazing, My Country", I can’t calm down for a long time like an electric shock. I am not only confident and proud of the development achievements of my motherland, but also moved by the ordinary stories of countless people who are fighting in the front line of building the motherland. When the shocking sound effect, the magnificent narrative picture, and the eloquent story are integrated, my blood is boiling all over and my eyes are wet many times, and I sincerely give my thumbs up to praise my motherland.

  In addition to the magnificent narrative, the film also shows the lives of ordinary people struggling in their jobs from an equal perspective. What impressed me the most was a Tibetan poverty alleviation cadre. In order to persuade her poverty alleviation object to move, she tried her best, tried her best, and made a lot of efforts, just for the poverty alleviation object to live a good life, but her kindness was often not understood. She is the epitome of countless poverty alleviation cadres in China. She has devoted herself wholeheartedly and selflessly, just to contribute to the construction of the motherland.

  This poverty alleviation cadre is about my age, which is one of the reasons why she left a deep impression on me. She is so young, but she shoulders the mission of getting rid of poverty and working silently in precision poverty alleviation, which has become the pillar of the times. In addition to being moved, I am also rethinking: What can I do for the construction of the motherland?

  As future news media practitioners, we have the obligation to open up the public opinion field between the government and the people, to assume the responsibility of media supervision, and to strive for more right to speak in the public opinion field of the international community with pen as a sword and mouth as a knife. Have the obligation to tell the "China Story" well, and inherit and spread the profound and profound China culture from ancient times to modern times.

  As a future news media practitioner, in my daily life, I also want to contribute to the cultural communication of the motherland. During the exchange study in Taiwan Province, I became a Chinese volunteer, teaching foreign students Chinese and actively carrying out the mission of "telling the story of China and spreading and inheriting China culture". I found that foreign students not only revere the long-standing traditional culture of China, but also yearn for the lively and open modern culture of China. "The whole world is speaking Chinese" not only exists in songs, but also is fully reflected in our real life.

  In addition, I found that Taiwan Province people’s understanding of the mainland is not comprehensive enough, but in fact, many young people in Taiwan Province are full of yearning for the mainland. They have been exposed to the development status of many mainland cultural industries through the Internet. Mainland film and television dramas, mainland music, mainland variety shows and mainland apps are imperceptibly affecting young people in Taiwan Province. With the economic development of the mainland of China and the introduction of the policy of Taiwan Province compatriots coming to the mainland to enjoy national treatment, many Taiwan Province people have the opportunity to come to study, find jobs, start businesses and live. Through on-the-spot experience, they can feel the changes in the mainland and get to know the real mainland. They have virtually become the folk mouthpiece of cross-strait exchanges and spread the real mainland message.

  As media practitioners and researchers, we should also devote ourselves to presenting a more comprehensive, three-dimensional and positive image of China to people all over the world through various media channels and forms, so as to enhance the all-round attraction of China culture.

  The post-90s generation was once regarded by public opinion as "tricky in character and weird in behavior", a bit like the "beat generation", but now, we are given a new mission and responsibility — — I am sincerely proud of the "powerful generation". We should constantly improve ourselves and actively become young people with ideals, morality, education and discipline.

  The "powerful generation" happens to be at the historical intersection of the goal of "two hundred years". History gives us a mission and also gives us opportunities. It is our advantage of "maverick, unconventional and pursuing individuality" that makes us full of innovative spirit and infinite possibilities in the future.

  In the new era, our small life will be like a meteor, breaking the sky, blooming gorgeous sparks in the long river of history, reflecting the meaning of life. The "powerful generation" has a heavy sense of responsibility, but at the same time, their self-confidence is stronger. There are so many charming people in the country, and it depends on the present.

I am willing to be a pawn for a strong army and jump down to the grassroots.

Liu Weichao, Ph.D. student of the 17 th Team of Political College of National Defense University

  It is lucky and even greater to throw yourself down and do one thing well all your life.

  "Amazing, My Country" begins with the introduction of a China Bridge that can be called a miracle of the world — — Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge. What moved people was not only its grandeur, but also the memory of its chief designer Lin Ming: "When I first accepted this project, I was 48 years old. Today, the final joint installation is carried out, and I am over 60 years old. " In the past twelve years, my hair has become fashionable, which makes people feel the passing of time. But what is even more impressive and admirable is the self-confidence evaluation of Mr. Lin’s designer: "What we see here is the best equipment, the best construction method, the best technology and the best project in the world." Behind the four "best in the world", it is the dedication and concentration of the great country craftsmen represented by Mr. Lin.

  This dedication and dedication have deepened my understanding of "going to the place where the motherland needs it most" and solved the problem of "going to the grassroots" that has been bothering me for a long time. My father is a veteran. From his age of eighteen to mine, he devoted his best forty years to the fiery grass-roots military camp. May be influenced by my father’s subtle influence, after graduating from a local university, I was admitted to the graduate school of the military academy; And after three years, I was fortunate to be one of the few direct doctoral students in National Defense University. At the beginning, I chose to join the army, hoping that one day, like my father, I could burn myself and exercise myself in the fiery melting pot of grass-roots military camps. After reading the blog, my initial heart was shaken from time to time, and I was concerned about which unit was closer to home and more comfortable.

  Until I saw the miracle of China and the silent efforts behind the speed of China in Awesome, My Country, I understood. Yes, the grassroots are indeed more bitter and tired, and they will encounter more difficulties. However, if you are afraid of hardship and tiredness and covet "promotion and wealth", you can "please go elsewhere". Why did you join the army with a pen to serve the country when you graduated from college? Young people have many ways to live: working close to home, surrounded by relatives and friends; Or decent and tidy, with high income … … These are not necessarily the most suitable for your life. Because what really suits you is never the appearance of reality, but the inner feelings brought by your own values and beliefs. "Today’s responsibility lies not with others, but with my youth." I threw myself down and made myself a pawn on the road to strengthening the army. I think it is more glorious than "setting a small goal and earning him 100 million yuan."

  Do not seek comfort, unwilling to be mediocre. Dedicated to the grassroots, but also a hero!

  As a "powerful generation", besides having a firm will to be down-to-earth and rooted at the grassroots level, we should also focus on establishing the following three consciousnesses: First, we should establish mass consciousness and fight as soldiers. First of all, uphold the concept that "doctors and masters are all soldiers" and truly blend in with their comrades. A first-class army needs a first-class team, and it should be the first step for itself to enter the grassroots.

  The second is to establish a model consciousness. There are many examples in Awesome, My Country. One sentence "Look at me" is better than ten thousand sentences "Give me the job". Combining with oneself, we must first take the lead in ability, learn from teachers, classmates, books and practice, and effectively improve our own ability and quality; In the future grass-roots work, we should give play to our comparative advantages of strong understanding and fast learning, and give play to the leading role of the backbone. In addition, it is necessary to take the lead in attitude, have a good command of knowledge and skills, and it is difficult for a person to master everything. However, in the face of hard work, tiring work, dirty work and dangerous work, he should dare to be the first to show his responsibility and attitude of "dedicating himself to the mission and leading troops" in the Political College.

  The third is to establish a sense of learning. Doctors and masters are all soldiers, but they can’t just be soldiers. First of all, we must establish a lifelong learning concept. The progress of various undertakings in "Awesome, My Country" requires builders to keep up with the pace of the times and keep learning and moving forward. The military affairs of grass-roots companies are complicated, and it is easy for people to delay their studies and forget to study under various excuses, so they should always be self-vigilant; Secondly, it is necessary to change from information sender to knowledge sharer. The information transmitter was once one of the important roles of grass-roots political cadres and the key mechanism for political work to play its role. However, with the continuous improvement of the informationization and intelligence level of the military camp, being a doctor does not necessarily have more information resources to serve comrades. Therefore, it is necessary to change roles and use the academic thinking cultivated by scientific research experience to reprocess and further process "information" so that "information" can become "knowledge" more suitable for the needs of officers and men.

  Looking back at history, the fate of the country and the nation has always been closely linked with the strength of the army and the victory or defeat of the battlefield. In today’s China, the goal of national rejuvenation has never been so firm, and the desire to realize the Chinese dream has never been so strong. A generation has a generation’s mission and responsibility, and the heavy responsibility of strengthening the army falls on our shoulders. If we want to provoke this burden, we must jump down. As a "powerful generation", I don’t want to be named Hou, I hope Hai Boping.

A new era of temperature, strength and grace

Ye Zipeng, a master student majoring in Party building at the Party School of the CPC Central Committee.

  The word "time" makes people feel that there is a sense of historical vicissitudes, which seems out of reach. When we read or hear the stories of a certain era, we often envy or feel the people who are in different times. But just as we can’t detect the revolution of the earth, it is difficult for us to have an overview of the magnificent times when we are there.

  Fortunately, there is such a film, "Awesome, My Country", which shows us the era we live in — — This is a new era.

  The new era is an era with temperature. From the three generations of Bashang plantation to the health administrators who work in households, from the poverty alleviation of the whole population to the weaving of the world’s largest basic medical security network … … Every ordinary hero’s dream should not be hidden in the snow. This is the temperature in China.

  The new era is an era of strength. From "Jilong" going into the sea to "Mozi" going up to the sky, from "Sea Beast" Blue Whale 2 to "Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST)" FAST, from "Liaoning" aircraft carrier going out to sea smoothly, to C919 aircraft successfully soaring … … The hard struggle behind it turned into a sonorous step.

  The new era is an era of grace. From the community of human destiny to the "One Belt, One Road" strategy, from the establishment of the AIIB to the establishment of the Silk Road Fund, from the APEC meeting in Beijing by Yanqi Lake to the G20 Summit in Hangzhou by Xizi Lake … … Today’s China is closer to the center of the world than ever before, taking on more responsibilities in the center of the stage.

  Not long ago, a tribute film to Tsinghua University also triggered a discussion boom. What makes people unable to calm down for a long time is the different times of each generation and the choices that people made in different times. "Ask nothing about the west and the east" has also become a hot word for a while. This word is selected from Tsinghua University’s school song "Lide makes a point, asks nothing about the West and the East". "Nothing to ask about the West and the East" is actually a kind of "pursuit without personal utility". It is actually a blend of feelings of home and country and historical responsibility, and it is also an initial heart belonging to the times.

  This year is the year of reform and opening up. The extension line of reform and opening up has been drawn to this day, and we still have many problems to face, to think about and to solve. The situation we are facing now is no easier than it was 40 years ago. However, it is this difficulty that has become the responsibility of our generation.

  Without reform and opening up, there would be no "awesome, my country" today. Looking back at the whole time axis of reform and opening up, the beginning is ideological emancipation, the big discussion about the standard of truth. Nowadays, we still need to emancipate our minds.

  We do face many difficulties and challenges, at the same time, we also face many opportunities and opportunities. At this moment, we need to hold the banner of reform and opening up higher.

  Looking back at history, from the household contract responsibility system in Xiaogang Village of Fengyang to the implementation of the "streamline administration, delegate power, strengthen regulation and improve services", from the rapid rise of Pudong New Area to the spread of the "Belt and Road", it is always inseparable from our understanding of the national conditions, our understanding of practice and our grasp of the present. The new era is a promising period of historical opportunities, and we should stick to seeking truth from facts. Seeking truth from facts as the motto of my school, I think its significance lies not only in my school, but also in a wider range.

  Countries in the new era need to seek truth from facts, and seeking truth from facts here is a determined force. "Don’t take the rigid and closed old road, and don’t take the evil road of changing the flag." For a country, the choice of development path must be deeply rooted in the soil of the motherland, and it is not allowed to "digress" at all. This requires firm self-confidence and finding strength in self-confidence.

  The society in the new era needs to seek truth from facts, and seeking truth from facts here is a joint effort, "thinking in one place and making efforts in one place." With the rapid change of society, flowers are becoming more and more attractive, and various values are rampant. Individuals in society should ask themselves what kind of us are needed for the current development. We need to build a broader consensus and follow it to make the society better.

  Young people in the new era need to seek truth from facts. Seeking truth from facts here is a relay to "walk the long March of our generation". Each generation has different historical experiences and different historical missions. But the same thing is, history has chosen those who have chosen the motherland without exception, and those who have striven and taken responsibility without exception. Only when the younger generation has ideals and can successfully take over the "baton" of history can the country and society have hope.

  The country, society and youth in the new era need to return to the initial heart of the times, and the initial heart of the era of "asking nothing about the West and the East" is actually seeking truth from facts. In line with the principle of seeking truth from facts and unremitting struggle, we can see a more powerful country.