Geely × Aerospace, satellite communication technology takes the lead in "getting on the bus"

With the continuous breakthrough of science and technology, the era of satellite communication has been gradually unveiled.

At 7:37 on February 3, 2024, the second orbital plane of the Geely Future Travel Constellation was successfully launched from the Xichang Satellite Launch Center in a one-shot 11-star manner, setting a new record for the number of satellites launched at the launch site.

According to public information, Geely Future Travel Constellation is the world’s first commercial communication, navigation and remote sensing integrated constellation built by Spacetime Daoyu. The first orbital plane of its predecessor has successfully completed a series of work such as satellite mass production, orbital plane-level deployment, constellation-level measurement and control, and application testing; now the second orbital plane has also been successfully launched. In the future, Spacetime Daoyu will empower the "ground" with "aerospace" to provide high-reliability and low-cost application services in satellite communication, autonomous driving, and intelligent networking.

Communication technology welcomes key breakthroughs

"In the past 30 years, every technological iteration in the information and communication industry has brought about changes in lifestyle. But in fact, from 2G, 3G, 4G to the current 5G, about 70% of the space on our planet is still not covered by ground network signals. The integration of heaven and earth has brought more imagination to intelligent network connection and autonomous driving in the continuous iteration of the information and communication industry from 5G to 6G." Wang Yang, CEO and chief systems engineering expert of TikTok, once said why he wants to enter satellite communication technology.

As Wang Yang said, the field of communication has undergone tremendous changes in recent years, but the exploration of communication technology is still accelerating. According to MIIT’s previous disclosure, China will accelerate the development and innovation of 6G technology and achieve commercial use around 2030.

There is a core technology that needs to be overcome between the current 5G and 6G applications – the "heaven and earth integrated" communication network. When the satellite Internet and the ground communication network are fully integrated determines when we can truly enter the 6G era.

In order to promote the rapid development of satellite communication technology, on April 20, 2020, the National Development and Reform Commission listed satellite Internet as a "new infrastructure" for the first time, and the prelude to the "Star Age" of big communication began.

In the face of new trends, Geely Group’s commercial aerospace technology enterprise Spacetime Daoyu began to independently develop the "Geely Future Travel Constellation" satellite, striving to achieve centimeter-level high-precision positioning, including autonomous driving navigation, broadband Internet access and other services, through satellite communication to change the car life.

On June 2, 2022, Geely Holding Group successfully launched the first batch of nine small satellites, all of which successfully entered the predetermined orbit. At that time, Geely said:The satellite project is a typical example of Geely’s "new infrastructure" investment. It not only provides infrastructure for Geely’s own integrated travel ecosystem, but also provides support for future travel, intelligent manufacturing, drone transportation, urban management and other fields, and builds a technological ecological chain advantage.

Wang Yang said: "Geely has changed from a simple car manufacturer to a comprehensive travel service provider. The satellite information and communication industry has actually spanned industrial production, consumer services and other fields. Geely’s layout in commercial aerospace, including a new generation of low-orbit satellite service networks, is an inevitable trend."

Satellite communication technology on board

It is worth noting that the current "Geely Future Travel Constellation" has been successfully implemented.

In September 2023, Time and Space Daoyu undertook the important task of "Asian Games Intelligent Guarantee", and successfully guaranteed the travel safety of nearly 2,000 officially designated vehicles of the Asian Games for a total of 36 days 7 × 24 hours a day. Finally, relying on high-precision positioning services, all vehicles are running stably online, and the driving routes cover the host city Hangzhou, as well as the five co-host cities of Ningbo, Wenzhou, Huzhou, Shaoxing and Jinhua. As of 24:00 on October 8, the accumulated guaranteed mileage is about 1.585 million kilometers.

On October 27, 2023, aerospace products were put into production for the first time at the vehicle level – Krypton officially released the pure electric hunting supercar Krypton 001 FR, which realized the on-board satellite communication function through cooperation with Spacetime Daoyu.

Through equipped with space-time Daoyu self-developed vehicle satellite communication end point – Ji Shi Xun ?, with vehicle satellite communication antenna and software services,In the absence of a terrestrial network or damage to the terrestrial network, users can make and receive satellite calls and send and receive satellite messages using the Krypton 001 FR vehicle system. In addition, in the event of a car collision, excessive carbon dioxide concentration in the vehicle, or thermal runaway of the battery, the vehicle can achieve autonomous alarms through satellites, which greatly enhances the driving safety of the vehicle.

In addition, Spacetime Daoyu also took the lead in the establishment of vehicle-mounted satellite Internet industry standards, led the completion of the first domestic research project for the construction of vehicle-mounted satellite communication industry standards, and joined forces with polar krypton and other partners to complete the "General Specification for Satellite Communication Vehicle End Point" standard project, "Consumer End Point Technical Requirements and Test Methods to Support Low-Orbit Satellites" standard exposure draft, which promoted the standardization and standardization of the industry.

Based on the current achievements, Space-Time Daoyu will complete the deployment of 72 satellites in the first phase of the constellation within two years to achieve global real-time data communication services; the second phase will expand to 168 satellites to achieve global centimeter-level high-precision positioning services… Through the deep integration of aerospace technology and new energy technologies, Space-Time Daoyu will continue to explore the highly coordinated development of the commercial aerospace industry and the intelligent pure electric vehicle industry, using automobiles as anchors to find new blue oceans.

Xiaomi entered the market strongly, and the new energy auto market was surging.

  Our reporter Lu Hongxing

  On March 28th, Xiaomi Group held the launch conference of Xiaomi Automobile with the theme of "Forward" in Beijing, officially released Xiaomi SU7, and unveiled the mysterious price veil. This means that Xiaomi Automobile has entered the eye of the storm in China’s new energy automobile market.

  Will bring positive guidance to the new energy automobile industry.

  Lin Cheng, chief scientist of the National Engineering Research Center for Electric Vehicles of Beijing Institute of Technology, said in an interview with China Economic Times that the strong entry of Xiaomi will greatly improve the level and technical level of new energy vehicles in China, especially in the field of intelligent driving. Xiaomi has a deep network and intelligent foundation, and the participation of such a technologically innovative enterprise will bring positive guidance to the new energy vehicle industry.

  China Economic Times reporter learned that Xiaomi has always been a leading brand in the field of smart phones and smart homes, and it has rich experience in the application of cutting-edge technologies such as artificial intelligence, big data and Internet of Things.

  "For Xiaomi itself, it has a very positive impact. Xiaomi has its own ecology. Xiaomi will apply various scene technologies on his mobile phone to his car. For the whole industry, it is a reshuffle. Different from other new forces making cars, Xiaomi has abundant funds and much less operating pressure, so-called ‘ Don’t panic when there is food in the bowl ’ That’s the truth. From the perspective of future development, Xiaomi should gradually become a mainstream new energy automobile enterprise. " Lin Cheng further stated.

  Cui Dongshu, secretary-general of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, said in an interview with the China Economic Times reporter that Xiaomi’s strong participation in the new energy vehicle market, on the one hand, is a positive driving force for the entire new force car industry; On the other hand, it will promote the comprehensive exploration of the new energy vehicle market and help meet consumers’ demand for intelligence and interconnection.

  Yan Jinghui, an expert from china automobile dealers association, told the China Economic Times reporter that Xiaomi Auto was born with the gene of scientific and technological innovation and intelligent networking. For young people, its own traffic is conducive to guiding and promoting consumption.

  Zhang Guanghou, deputy director of the Technology Center of the Comprehensive Transportation Research Institute of the National Development and Reform Commission, said in an interview with the China Economic Times reporter that Xiaomi Automobile is a "new recruit" in the automobile market, but from the market performance of mobile phones and household appliances, Xiaomi has unique features in supply chain integration, technological innovation and product design. The addition of Xiaomi can enrich the pedigree of new energy vehicle products, further accelerate the upstream and downstream integration of the new energy industry and accelerate the iteration of technological updates such as intelligent driving, and at the same time create more new energy vehicle products that meet the needs of consumers and are more internationally competitive.

  It should be noted that the addition of Xiaomi Automobile is also beneficial to the whole automobile industry chain, which will further improve and enrich the layout of the industry chain and provide more growth points and development opportunities. At the same time, the spillover effect of Xiaomi’s entry should not be underestimated. Xiaomi Automobile has driven many enterprises such as Guanghong Technology, Shangluo Electronics, Demais and Lansi Technology to participate in the Xiaomi automobile industry chain.

  Since the concept of "new quality productivity" was put forward last year, the central government has expounded and deployed it many times. New quality productivity includes not only technological innovation, but also changes in production mode, organization mode and marketing. Under the guidance of this strategy, the intelligent networked new energy automobile industry has become an important development direction in the future.

  In Cui Dongshu’s view, as many technology companies build cars across borders, the new energy automobile industry will have the advantages of innovation and integrated development in developing new quality productivity, which is not only an interpretation of new quality productivity, but also an important step in economic transformation and upgrading.

  "Scientific and technological innovation is the core element of developing new quality productivity. More technology companies build cars across borders, on the one hand, it can accelerate the application of scientific and technological innovations to specific industries and industrial chains; On the other hand, it can enable technology enterprises to face the market demand and application practice, accelerate the iterative upgrading of key technologies by enriching the application of scenarios, and open up the chain from technological innovation and industrial innovation to the development of new quality productivity. " Zhang Guanghou said.

  The market involution of new energy vehicles has intensified.

  "It’s really not 99,000, 149,000, or 199,000." At the launch conference of Xiaomi Automobile held on the evening of March 28th, Lei Jun, the chairman of Xiaomi Group, shouted out the final selling price of Xiaomi SU7, of which the standard version sold for 215,900 yuan, the Pro version sold for 245,900 yuan and the MAX version sold for 299,900 yuan. The data shows that the SU7 has only been on the market for 27 minutes, that is, it has exceeded 50,000 units.

  On March 31st, Lei Jun released Weibo, saying, "During the initial edition ordering process, we identified and intercepted some abnormal orders and scalper orders. Therefore, the second round of additional sales will be opened. "

  In Yan Jinghui’s view, the price of Xiaomi SU7 should be relatively close to the people, and it still has a certain market impact on new forces such as Wei Xiaoli. However, Xiaomi has just entered the market, and the market impact needs further feedback. In the future, with the continuous introduction of Xiaomi products, the price may rise or fall, but it remains to be seen whether it will cause a price war in the short term.

  In Zhang Guanghou’s view, at present, the competition in China’s new energy vehicle market is relatively full, and different enterprises, brands and models focus on relatively segmented markets, which has formed a certain user stickiness. Xiaomi automobile first came out, but its market share is still blank, and its products have yet to be tested by the market and consumers, which will not trigger a new round of price war in the short term.

  "Xiaomi Auto officially joined the new energy vehicle market, and the price is relatively close to the people, which will basically not cause price wars." Cui Dongshu said.

  However, in Lin Cheng’s view, since 2023, the price war of new energy vehicles has been going on. At present, it is an indisputable fact that the new energy automobile industry is "rolled up". Objectively speaking, the price of Xiaomi SU7 is lower than expected, and its configuration, mileage and performance all exceed expectations, which brings great pressure to other automobile enterprises. After Xiaomi launches such a model, it will become a trend for other car companies to cut prices.

  "The strong entry of Xiaomi has made the market competition in the new energy automobile industry more intense, and a number of enterprises may be eliminated in the next few years. When there is little or no profit, capital will withdraw, and parts companies will do what they can. In the long run, prices will gradually return to rationality. " Lin Cheng further stated.

  What is the result of this change in the new energy vehicle market caused by the entry of Xiaomi SU7? Time will give the answer.