Reveal the 3 major routines behind the legality of online car-hailing!

  [Pacific Automobile Network, Industry Channel] When Didi and Kuaidi were on sale in 2014, it was a loss to go out and not take a taxi. It would be really good to be a good driver, and there would be no such thing as cracking down on black cars. Speaking of big things in the world, we will be together for a long time, and it is more distressing to burn money, right? As a result, Didi Kuaidi merged in early 2015.

  At that time, I felt okay, because thanks to Uber’s timely entry into the competition, there were still a lot of coupons for the people who ate melons. With the development of the taxi business, Didi played a variety of tricks such as express cars, hitchhiking, and special cars. A large number of private cars were connected to the taxi platform, and taxis were indeed more convenient and fast. This period of brutal growth also exposed many problems. For example, if there were more people taking taxis in the morning and evening rush hour, would the city be more congested? A large number of drivers entered the platform, causing frequent passenger safety problems. In addition, it was particularly important to seize the territory of taxis. This period was also a period of high disputes between taxi drivers and taxi platforms.

Shijiazhuang taxi driver smashes foreign rental

  Can the old and new business forms sit in rows and share the fruits? Impossible! The government and taxi drivers say that your online car-hailing is a black car! We want to crack down on black cars! Didi Uber said that we are a sharing economy, and we are committed to mobilizing resources to solve travel difficulties. How on earth can we do this? The Ministry of Transportation has not officially issued a document. Online car-hailing has grown into giants while being beaten up. It is already a subconscious habit for most young people to go out and open Didi or Uber, and the market that has burned no less than 10 billion has been cultivated!

  Finally, on July 28, 2016, a day destined to be recorded in the history of taxis, the central government’s regulations on the management of online car-hailing were issued. The people who were supported by coupons praised it one after another, and it was a cheap taxi! Take a look at the picture below to feel it.

  However, 4 days later, Didi merged with Uber! Speaking of major events in the world, it must be combined for a long time, this is all a routine! After learning that Didi acquired Uber, the mood of the melon eaters was immediately different. Take a look at the picture below to feel it.

  Before discussing the issue of whether there will be cheap cars in the future, it is necessary to see the essence of the online car-hailing management method clearly. If you have the patience to read the official release of a "guiding opinion", a "temporary measure", and a "service specification", you will find that there are many routines, and the spring of online car-hailing is over!

  First, let’s take a look at the official tone set for online car-hailing, "Prioritize the development of urban public transportation and moderately develop taxis, according toHigh-quality service, differentiated managementThe principle of orderly development of online car-hailing ".

  Students pay attention, high quality and differentiation are the key points, especially from the perspective of the details, the requirements for online car-hailingBasically, it points to the existing special car.: "In-vehicle facility configuration and vehicle performance indicators should besignificantly higher thanLocal mainstream cruise taxis should provide Internet wireless access, mobile phone chargers, paper towels, etc. for passengers to use. "

  And online car-hailing "should not patrol to pick up customers, and should not set up unified cruise car dispatch service stations at airports, railway stations, etc., or pick up customers in places where waiting in line is implemented." After the online car-hailing was subordinated to the management of the local transportation authorities, the original taxi was in charge, but now it is also in charge of online car-hailing. Taxi companies can calm down, we are our own relatives!

  There were no bright spots in this taxi reform either, although it was mentioned that "all new taxi operating rights will be used free of charge" and "paid user fees will be gradually abolished". The amount of new additions was originally small, and there was no specified time limit for the gradual cancellation, which means nothing was said, especially when it comes to the issue of brother’s money, it is only mentioned as "equal association". Equal negotiation? According to the previous routine, the negotiation has to wait for the brothers to go on a collective strike, right? This is purely spiritual support for my brother.

Taxi money

  This time, the online ride-hailing management method is like a "black jade intermittent cream" for traditional taxis. It will not be replaced. Even if it is complained, it will continue to exist as a cruise taxi.

  This time, in addition to setting the tone and general norms, the specific management authority has been delegated to the local government, so the local government is the final speaker. It is expected that the policies of various places will require the following three major routines.

  Routine 1: Price control, is this the rhythm of price increases?

  Traditional taxis are priced by the government, and online car-hailing is no exception. "It shall not operate at a price lower than the cost to disrupt the normal market order." "Online car-hailing freight rates are subject to market-adjusted prices. The city people’s government believes thatExcept where it is necessary to implement the government-guided price"…"

  And the performance of online car-hailing stipulated by the government is significantly higher than that of taxis, which is bound to increase the cost of taxi-hailing. Especially after the merger of Didi and Uber, can the people who eat melons still care about the promotion as much as before?

  Although Didi officials have said that there will still be discounts, it is conceivable that areas with promotional incentives must be areas that need to expand, and the extent and scale of promotion will not be as good as before. After all, the government stipulates that the price must not be lower than the cost price to disrupt the market.

  Will the price increase? Didi and Uber have already completed a large-scale price increase between June and July. The cost of Didi Express per kilometer has increased from 1.5 yuan to 1.8 yuan, and the cost per minute has increased from 2 cents to 3 cents. Uber’s cost per kilometer has increased from 1.5 to 1.79, and the cost per minute has increased from 2.5 to 30 cents. With the fluctuation of oil prices and the increase in hardware costs, future price increases are really possible.

  In terms of price, it is impossible to get a cheap car. While providing fast and comfortable service, the price will also return to the cost line, which will be the new normal for online car-hailing prices!

  Routine 2: Quantity control restricts expansion

  Although national-level policies do not specify whether to implement quantity control on online car-hailing, it is conceivable that quantity control will definitely be standard.

  As for Wu, the Wuhan traffic control department said that according to the investigation situation, it is necessary to see whether the number needs to be controlled, and the number should be controlled. They said that the formulation of the plan is not blind, and a process of investigation is required to see how big the market demand is and how much online car-hailing needs to be put into consideration.

  Routine 3: Access control drives up administrative costs

  Online car-hailing platforms, online car-hailing, and online car-hailing drivers all need to apply for a license, which is natural, but specific to various places, "The city people’s government issues the" Online Booking Taxi Transportation Certificate "to online car-hailingIf otherwise stipulated, from its provisions

  "The specific standards and operating requirements of the vehicle shall be determined by the corresponding taxi administrative department…Determined according to the actual local situation". Combined with the actual local situation, for example, if the online car-hailing operation in Guangzhou is purchased uniformly, can it work? Obviously not satisfied!

  In general, the regulations on online car-hailing at the national level still respect market-oriented operation, but the authority delegated to local governments is very large, or is this itself a routine?

  All localities can have their own version of management, and they will be introduced before November 1. Is it to streamline administration, delegate power, or strictly govern? Is it to encourage innovation or maintain stability conservatively? In addition to the orientation of local governments, the power rent-seeking that may be brought about by various controls is also worthy of vigilance.

  What is this called? This is called God closing a door and then using it to clamp your brain.

  The sharing economy essentially improves resource utilization on the basis of mutual benefit. Uber is a typical representative of the sharing economy. It absorbs private cars to engage in online car-hailing services. But after the New Deal, can private cars be directly converted into special cars? The measures stipulate that "online car-hailing services shall not be provided in the name of private passenger car sharing."

  Therefore, the private car must change its operating nature, purchase the corresponding commercial insurance, obtain the corresponding license, and then meet certain requirements for the age and condition of the car, such as installing satellite positioning devices, emergency alarm devices, and not recording 12 points in the last three consecutive scoring cycles.

  Such a threshold will obviously repel a lot of original intention to do carpooling/ride-hailing private cars, and the original full-time network car owners, in view of the hard requirements of the vehicle, a number of economical private cars may be cleared.

  Since it is called the sharing economy, it is also an essential part to benefit drivers. At present, the share of drivers on the Didi platform is about 20%. Will the share be increased after the merger? Will the incentive be reduced? At present, Xi’an Didi drivers have revealed to the media that since August 4th, Didi has reduced the reward for all private car franchise drivers by 80%. It is expected that all rewards for private car franchise drivers will be cancelled next.

  As an ordinary person who has received Didi discounts, he belongs to a group that is more sensitive to taxi prices. He has never played the special car himself. Fortunately, the essence of poverty is not unique to me.

  According to a report by Peking University, from the characteristics of riders, young people and migrants are more likely to choose online car-hailing trips. This shows that online car-hailing is becoming an effective tool to ease the "travel difficulties" of people without (qiong) cars (ren). But the new online car-hailing clearly refers to high-end special cars. Do you have to honestly squeeze the bus and subway? Has the sharing economy gone to see Marx?


  For Youshi, online car-hailing is just a new form of taxi, and it needs to be controlled. Although the new policy takes care of the vested interests of traditional taxis and constrains online car-hailing, I am not worried about online car-hailing at all, because the new technology is unstoppable. Especially a local snake like Didi, with its size and influence, actually occupies a great advantage in the market competition.

  Taxi is just the first step. The unified Didi will become a huge transportation platform entrance in the future. On the basis of optimizing big data processing capabilities, it will be able to develop diverse services and achieve far more commercial value than it is now.

  It’s just that the monopolistic ride-hailing platform has become the strong party. Didi’s current valuation has reached 27 billion US dollars. In the face of such a huge business empire, drivers and passengers have no bargaining power at all. As a result, the share of the national market, similar to molecular money, makes the ride-hailing platform actually become another kind of taxi. In the short term, the various hardware costs and administrative costs brought about by the game between the ride-hailing platform and the local government will naturally be passed on to consumers. So, the next question is – do I want to buy a bicycle or a battery car?




Sunset and Lonely Autumn Waters in Qi Fei —— Experience of Ecological Restoration Project in Wuliangsuhai Basin, Inner Mongolia

  editorial comment/note

  On average, 50 or 60 new cars are listed together every month, new energy vehicles are gradually becoming the main theme, and the market share of China brand passenger cars is stable at more than 50% … There are many bright spots in the automobile market in the first half of the year. Among these dazzling new cars, China brand, with its faster technical iteration, newer technical breakthrough and stronger power blessing, has set off a wave of innovation in the automobile industry, which not only ignited the enthusiasm of automobile market consumption, but also led the global era of new energy for automobiles.

  Look up at U8

  As one of the most dazzling star models in the first half of this year, it is impressive to look up to U8′ s powerful product strength and worth over one million yuan.

  Looking up at the front face of U8, the design language of "dimension door" is adopted, with high recognition and square overall shape, showing a full-fledged hard-core cross-country style. The closed middle net and "Ding"-shaped light belts on both sides are more sci-fi, the interior has been redesigned, and the flying wing cockpit outline is adopted. The larger vertical screen in the center also enhances the overall sense of science and technology.

  Thanks to BYD’s easy-to-square platform, looking up at U8 can control the power output and rotation direction of four wheels independently, which not only takes three seconds to accelerate at zero speed, but also can realize difficult actions such as turning around in place, moving laterally, driving with flat tire and floating mode. With the support of Yunqi -P system, looking up at U8 can also effectively restrain the posture change of the car body, avoid the vehicle bumping damage caused by terrain, and let the vehicle pass in the most stable and comfortable posture.

  Zhiji LS7

  Zhiji LS7 is the second model of Zhiji brand and the first medium-sized and large-sized pure electric SUV, which focuses on the "big five-seat" spatial layout and has a cruising range of 660 kilometers under CLTC working conditions.

  The interior is undoubtedly one of the highlights of Zhiji LS7. The central control of the new car adopts the triple-screen design of "LCD instrument panel+central control screen+passenger display screen", in which the LCD instrument is integrated with the large LCD screen of the central control, and the huge screen with narrow frame also has the lifting function. The matching "semi-spoke steering wheel" and the embedded touch LCD display panel in the central channel area make this car full of scientific sense.

  Driving quality is a commendable aspect of Zhiji LS7. As a big five-seat vehicle, Zhiji LS7 has made many upgrades in the ride comfort, equipped with zero-gravity floating seat, intelligent control full-flat folding co-pilot seat, super-long electric slide rail, etc., which can make the co-pilot slide and fold under the instrument panel, and provide two personalized functions of "zero-gravity mode" and "lying flat mode".

  Geely Yinhe L7

  No matter the urban roads, highways, provincial roads and country roads … Geely Yinhe L7 equipped with three intelligent electric technologies, namely "Aegis battery safety system, Raytheon hybrid 8848 and brand-new Yinhe N OS", has shown good strength and elegant demeanor.

  It can be said that Geely has applied its latest and strongest technology to the Geely Galaxy L7, which is equipped with a Raytheon electric hybrid 8848 system consisting of a new generation of Raytheon electric hybrid engine and a new generation of Raytheon electric drive, and matched with a 3-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro, with a comprehensive maximum power of 287kw and a comprehensive maximum torque of 535N·m, with the fastest acceleration of 6.9s km at the same level and the lowest power loss and fuel consumption of 5.23L/100km at CLTC.

  At the same time, Geely Yinhe L7 has four driving modes: pure electric, extended range, intelligent and performance, among which the intelligent mode is the most worry-free, especially the 55-kilometer endurance version. The system will automatically determine the driver’s intention, and it can quickly switch between 20 working conditions such as series, parallel and series in 0.2 seconds to ensure good fuel economy and power level.

  Galaxy L7 also shows the "safety" genes carved into Geely’s bones, from battery and intelligent architecture to vehicle safety and software intelligent control, and then to the global integration with the pile end and the cloud, building a global safety protection system for new energy vehicles.

  The intelligent level of Yinhe L7 is also excellent. Thanks to Snapdragon 8155 chip, the startup, response speed and voice wake-up of Yinhe N OS system are very fast, and the communication between people and vehicles is very smooth.

  Weilai brand new ES6

  The new ES6 is based on the latest NT2.0 platform of Weilai, and adopts the second generation design language of Weilai, which integrates the sensor layout of watchtower with the roof. Compared with the previous generation, the new ES6 has a longer wheelbase, wider body and lower height, showing a more dynamic body posture. The interior adopts an open double-layer embracing design, and the renewable rattan wood and the hidden air outlet are integrated, which is very layered. For the first time, the speaker is made of exclusive customized acoustic fabric, which has good sound permeability.


  Thanks to the new platform, the new ES6 is equipped with the Banyan 2.0.0 system, which brings more than 120 new functions and experience optimization. Based on Aquila Weilai extrasensory system and ADAM Weilai supercomputing platform, the new ES6 comes standard with 23 safety and driving assistance functions. In addition, through the self-developed ICC intelligent chassis domain controller and CDC dynamic suspension damping control system, the new ES6 can switch freely between sports and comfort.

  Tucki G6

  Tucki G6 is regarded by the industry as Xpeng Motors’s masterpiece, which integrates many new technologies, such as SEPA 2.0 global intelligent evolution architecture, integrated casting, 800V high-voltage SiC silicon carbide platform, CIB battery body integration and so on.

  Tucki G6 can be said to be a car born for driving control. The short front/rear suspension design makes the G6 more flexible and greatly improves the handling stability. The only front and rear integrated aluminum die-casting body in China has higher integration and stability; The torsional stiffness of the car body is as high as 41600N·m;; The stronger body rigidity greatly improves the body support and deformation resistance when the vehicle turns, making the vehicle posture more stable and easier to control.

  Intelligence is the proudest place of Tucki G6, which is equipped with a high-order intelligent assisted driving system XNGP, including a new generation of high-speed NGP, urban NGP, VPA-L parking lot memory parking and other functions. Especially in the driving process, Tucki G6 will also open the "God’s perspective". The ——XNet Deep Visual Neural Network, a new generation visual perception framework in Tucki, can fuse the data collected by multiple cameras in multiple frames before the time sequence, and output the 4D information of dynamic objects and the 3D information of static objects from a bird’s eye view, such as the size, distance, position, speed, behavior prediction, lane line and road edge position of vehicles and two-wheelers.

  Deep blue S7

  Deep Blue S7 is the second model of Deep Blue Automobile under Changan Automobile. It claims to have "five industry starters, two at the same level, 31 at the same level, and 62 at the same level."

  Under the support of EPA1 platform, Deep Blue S7 combines the advantages of pure electricity and fuel, which not only has lower vehicle cost, but also solves various problems such as mileage anxiety and inconvenience in recharging of pure electric vehicles. Among them, the extended-range version of Deep Blue S7 has a super-long comprehensive cruising range of up to 1120km, which can meet the demand of long-distance travel, without looking for a charging station along the way, just refuel and leave. In addition, the technical team of Deep Blue Auto also found the "password" for the battery to heat up rapidly in extremely cold environment, which effectively solved the problem of power decline caused by battery performance attenuation in extremely cold environment. In terms of intelligence, Deep Blue S7 supports the sound zone isolation function to create a voice interaction scene, and users can edit interesting and personalized wake-up and response. In addition, the whole scene of the car’s screen is "visible and can be said", and the user can replace the finger touch screen operation with voice only, making the operation more convenient.

  It is worth noting that Deep Blue S7 also pays great attention to the air health in the car. Its forest air purification system can monitor and display the air quality information in the car in real time, accurately know the surrounding air quality information, and automatically realize the air purification in the car by using high-efficiency filter and ion purification technology.

  Extreme krypton x

  Extreme Krypton X is the third car owned by Extreme Krypton. The design of the mecha wind is very chic, and the edges and corners are very sharp, which is full of strong fighting atmosphere.

  The configuration of this car is very high. The entry-level model has 360-degree panoramic image, reversing side warning system, full-speed adaptive cruise, electric memory trunk, hidden door handle, AR-HUD, multi-color atmosphere lights and other functions. Among them, Extreme Krypton X is the only vehicle in the whole industry equipped with a car refrigerator capable of refrigerating at minus 15 degrees, which can realize triple temperature control modes of extreme freezing, refrigeration and heat preservation, with the temperature control range from minus 15 degrees to minus 50 degrees.


  Thanks to the full empowerment of intelligent drive, Extreme Krypton X staged a real version of "Speed and Passion": on the four-wheel drive version with the best performance, Extreme Krypton X was equipped with a high-performance permanent magnet synchronous electric drive system, and the layout of the front and rear double motors provided a strong power guarantee for the whole vehicle. The zero-speed acceleration only took 3.7s, and its power performance was comparable to that of V6 twin-turbo engine, making Extreme Krypton X one of the fastest compact luxury cars ever.

  Byd seagull

  The stylish and tough appearance, the leading configuration performance at the same level, the endurance of 405km and the pre-sale price of the entry version of 78,800 yuan make BYD Seagull quite eye-catching in its class.

  BYD Seagull is a brand-new small pure electric vehicle launched by BYD in the first half of the year, which has a more exquisite and compact body design. Although the body length is not long, the overall sense of movement is excellent. At the same time, Seagull’s interior design has not been weakened because of its size, and it is also equipped with a practical DiLink Zhilian system.


  Although it is mainly used in the scooter market within 100,000 yuan, BYD Seagull is still equipped with a permanent magnet motor with a maximum power of 55kW(75Ps), which can provide a maximum torque of 135 N m. The batteries are divided into 30.08kWh and 38.88kWh, which can fully meet the needs of daily walking or short-distance travel.

  Thanks to the technical empowerment of e-platform 3.0, BYD Seagull also has the exclusive safety body structure of pure trams, with high-strength steel in the body-in-white accounting for 61%, and hot-formed steel with tensile strength exceeding 1500MPa is used in key parts, which can provide the most direct safety protection for the occupants in the car.

  Ideality L7

  Ideal L7 is an upgraded model based on Li ONE. This car adopts five seats, and still implements the design concept of "second bedroom" in LI. It has two rows of space and comfort beyond D-class luxury cars, creating a spacious, comfortable and warm exclusive space experience for a family of three.

  In terms of configuration, the ideal L7 has only two versions, Pro and Max, and the different versions are different between the intelligent cockpit and the intelligent driver assistance system. For example, in the intelligent cockpit, the Max version has a 15.7-inch rear roof entertainment screen than the Pro version, and the Max version uses two 8155 car chips, which can connect VR glasses and Nintendo Switch, and is more comprehensive in intelligent experience.

  In terms of power, the ideal L7 adopts the extended-range power layout. The whole system consists of a 1.5T extended-range device and front and rear motors, which can provide the maximum power of 330kW(449Ps) and the maximum torque of 620N·m, and the maximum endurance of CLTC in extended-range mode can reach 1315km. In addition, the combination of a 42.8 kWh battery pack and a 65-liter fuel tank is equivalent to storing more than 200 kWh of electricity for the whole vehicle. With the external discharge of 3.5 kW, an outdoor "starry playground", an open "kitchen" and a "viewing restaurant" for the whole family can be created, and the "home" can be moved to the most beautiful scenery.

  Haval Xiaolong MAX

  Xiaolong MAX is regarded as Harvard’s desperate work of new energy. Its face value is deeply loved by young people. The interior is designed with triple screen, equipped with Snapdragon 8155 chip and a new generation of Coffee OS system, and its performance in intelligence is excellent.


  Most importantly, Haval Xiaolong MAX is the first vehicle equipped with Hi4 intelligent electric hybrid four-wheel drive system, a new hybrid architecture of Great Wall. The biggest highlight of this system is the deep integration of hybrid and four-wheel drive. It is equipped with a 1.5L hybrid engine, front and rear dual motors and a DHT hybrid gearbox, which can realize "three engines and nine models" and has excellent multi-scene adaptability. The fuel consumption of four-wheel drive models has reached the level of two-wheel drive hybrid models. In addition, as a plug-in hybrid system, it also supports pure battery life of 105km(NEDC working condition), with an acceleration of 6.8s per 100 km, and its overall performance is balanced and comprehensive.

  (This version of the manuscript was written by reporter Fu Yongcai)

Accelerated reshuffle of entertainment industry in winter: the rise of video websites and the reconstruction of industrial value chain

  In the past, the entertainment industry has not had a good time. Whether it is film and television dramas, movies, games or even artists, the upstream and downstream of the industry have been more or less affected. Under the cold winter, the prospects of the entertainment industry are also confused. How to get out of the cold winter?

  Recently, at the Iqiyi World Conference, Iqiyi released a number of entertainment industry support plans, involving movies, film and television dramas, games, animation, online texts, artists’ brokers, etc., which seemed to set a fire in the cold winter of the entertainment industry. Even Hou Hongliang, president of Noon Sunshine Film, lamented: "Winter has passed and summer has arrived." If, as Hou Hongliang said, winter has passed and summer is ushered in with the help of video websites, then, under the cold winter of this round of entertainment industry, the video websites under the control of the BAT Big Three have undoubtedly become the biggest winners, and their dominance in the entertainment industry has further expanded. Many years ago, Bona Film President Yu Dong’s statement that "all film and television companies will work for BAT" is also becoming a reality.

  Entertainment industry accelerates reshuffle in winter.

  Wind data shows that during the four years from May 2015 to May 2019, the investment in the film and entertainment industry showed an obvious cliff-like downward trend, with two obvious lows in 2016 and this year. In 2015, the investment amount of the industry was 13.091 billion yuan, which was reduced to 6.452 billion yuan in the following year, which was more than half. Then it entered the fast lane of rising. In 2018, the investment amount reached 53.777 billion yuan, which will be more than half this year, and the investment amount is only 262 million yuan.

  Affected by the cold winter, in 2018, the number of repertoires publicized by filing in China continued to decline, with a total of 1,061 and 41,887 episodes, down by 9.7% and 10.3% respectively compared with 2017. And short videos began to flood people’s lives, and the fragmentation time was gradually filled, and the market space was further narrowed.

  The performance of film and television listed companies is also not optimistic. Even Huace Film and Television (300133.SZ), the leading film and television drama, earned 5.797 billion yuan last year, up 10.52% year-on-year, with a net profit of 211 million yuan, down 66.71% year-on-year, and deducted non-net profit of 121 million yuan, down 78.22% year-on-year. More than half of the film and television listed companies, such as Huayi Brothers (300027.SZ), Ciwen Media (002343.SZ), Huawei Culture (002502.SZ), Tang De Film and Television (300426.SZ) and Hualu Baina (300291.SZ), all suffered losses last year, among which the former "film brother". A large number of game listed companies released loss-making financial reports, among which, the "loss king" Tianshen Entertainment had a pre-loss amount of 7.8 billion yuan, of which 4.9 billion yuan was accrued for goodwill impairment.

  "Behind the decline of the film and television industry is the outbreak of some industry problems under the rapid development for many years, mainly focusing on the two elements of over-reliance on IP and stars. As a result, the value of stars and IP is rising, and video websites are constantly posting money. However, with the high pay of star artists corrected by all parties last year, IP has repeatedly failed, and the original industrial value chain model is no longer suitable, so it is necessary to build a new industrial value chain." Zhou Chen, an entertainment industry analyst, said.

  According to statistics, among the TV dramas with TOP45 broadcast volume of Tencent Video in 2018, TV dramas with non-big IP and non-traffic stars accounted for 62.22%; In TOP35′ s variety show, the proportion of non-big IP and non-traffic stars is as high as 54.17%. Wang Juan, editor-in-chief of Tencent Video, said that with the ebb tide of big stars and big IP, users will be more critical, and good works in the future will need to meet users’ psychological demands, be well-made and be innovative.

  Since last year, three major video websites, Youku, Iqiyi and Tencent Video, have jointly issued a document to boycott the high pay of stars. IP failure has also aggravated the cold winter of the film and television industry. Wang Xiaohui, chief content officer of iQiyi, said that the previous big IP model was shattered. Typical examples are Tian Sheng Chang Ge and Wu Dong Gan Kun, which are far below the expected results.

  The cold winter of the entertainment industry is mainly reflected in the upper reaches of the industrial chain, but video websites have not been affected too much. On the contrary, the influence of online channels is constantly expanding. According to the China TV Drama Industry Development Report 2019, 382 new dramas were broadcast in 2018, of which the number of webcasts is more than twice that of Shangxing dramas, accounting for over two-thirds, and the quality of online dramas is getting stronger and stronger.

  Hou Hongliang said: "The emergence of online video has subverted the traditional TV play mode and industrial model, and the online channel has natural advantages. Take online drama as an example, online drama should be consistent with its communication form, viewing scene, revenue model and user’s demands, instead of simply premiering on the online platform. In traditional TV dramas, every creation must strive for the largest number of viewers, so that it is possible to obtain better viewing data from a small number of sample households. The choice of paying users of online dramas is very clear. It is very important to study the demands of target audiences and accurately locate works. Therefore, the direction of online drama creation must be market segmentation, typology of themes, and whose strategy and content are more accurate. "

  The rise of video websites to build a new world of entertainment

  From the initial second-round broadcast platform of movies and TV series, to the linkage between Internet and TV stations, and then to the solo broadcast of self-made TV dramas, the voice of video websites is constantly improving, and video websites have also paid a lot of financial costs. In this case, video websites need to strengthen the control of upstream and downstream to better control costs and expand profit models.

  Wang Xiaohui said: "The copyright of new media has dropped from 18 million to 8 million now, and most of them are at 3 million." On the other hand, build your own IP, stars and related TV dramas. Last year, Gong Yu, the founder and CEO of Aiqiyi, put forward the vision of "Apple Orchard", that is, to expand the content ecology of Aiqiyi from video to pan-entertainment fields such as literature, animation, live broadcast, games, e-commerce, ticketing and artist brokerage.

  At the Iqiyi World Conference, iQiyi systematically displayed 21 application service product brand matrices including iQiyi main station, Chibabu, iQiyi bubble, iQiyi sports and iQiyi VR for the first time. At the same time, the two innovative directions of iQiyi original film plan and interactive content technical standards were officially released, aiming at providing solutions to the problems currently faced by the partners in cinema films and multi-content fields through business model innovation and technology and content combination innovation.

  The increasing dominance of video websites means that video websites will continue to strengthen content control, and a number of external entertainment companies will also be embedded in the industrial chain of video websites to strengthen cooperation.

  Then, when there are problems with stars and IP, can video websites lead content creation to reduce industry risks and build a healthier industry ecology? In Gong Yu’s view, video websites have three magic weapons: one fish eats more, original content and technical support. Content originality is the basis for video websites to integrate internal and external resources to create high-quality content, while technical capability support is to continuously reduce the risk of film and television investment and improve the ability to create explosions through artificial intelligence, big data and even the latest film and television technology such as interactive video technology. The mode of eating more than one fish is to help maximize the value of entertainment content, and only a few major video websites can achieve these three points at present.

  After the cold winter is a new round of rapid development of the entertainment industry, and the dominant players will become video website giants.

  In the face of the cold winter, Wang Xiaohui believes that the superposition effect of the emerging generation with different consumption views and wealth after the 1980 s and the Internet users after the 1990 s has brought stronger impetus to the entertainment industry. "Users have a stronger demand for high-quality content and a stronger demand for high-quality content that is suitable for their own personalized content. After 80, you can pay for the game, and after 90, you can pay for The Avengers. The locomotive of this industry is the Internet, which has revolutionized all industries, including our entertainment industry. In the current era, the trend of the entertainment industry and our update cycle and frequency of fresh content are getting shorter and faster. " Wang Xiaohui said.

  A large part of the growth of the entertainment industry is the growth of the content payment market, which is a big plus for video websites. In 2018, the number of subscriptions of global streaming media surpassed that of cable TV, and the number of online video members in China surpassed that of cable TV. In 2018, the iconic paid income of iQiyi became the largest source of income.

  No matter who dominates, it is basically centered on the audience. Hou Hongliang said: "In the process of constantly exploring the mode, type and differentiation of entertainment content, the most correct thing to do is not to despise the audience, not to give up the creative subject, not to lower the production level and awe of creation, and to constantly present it with more professional images and expressions."