The global champion family of good car Tiggo 8: free purchase tax+multiple premium benefits

  Recently, the gift package of reducing the purchase tax of some passenger cars by 60 billion yuan officially landed. During the period from June 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022, the purchase of passenger cars with a bicycle price (excluding value-added tax) of 2.0 liters and below will be halved.

  The Tiggo 8 Champion Family is not only within the scope of enjoying the policy bonus, but also will continue to lavish benefits on it in order to further reduce the burden of car purchase for users. From June 1, 2022 to June 18, 2022, the purchase of the designated models of the Tiggo 8 champion family can not only enjoy the free purchase tax, but also the main sales models can be superimposed with a red envelope of up to 6,800 yuan. In addition, from June 1 to June 18, the designated models can be purchased at the Chery flagship store of Tmall, JD.COM, Pinduoduo, Easy Car, car home and Tik Tok and the 618 car venue, enjoying 1000 yuan coupons.

  Tiggo 8 PRO— Avant-garde technology is full of power

  The recently launched Tiggo 8 PRO is the flagship car of global power technology mainly for young families. The appearance of the car adopts Chery’s brand-new "time-space matrix" design language, and it is full of avant-garde technology, which will surprise everyone when it is driven out. LED interstellar particle technology headlights are bright and eye-catching; The large-size irregular front grille is covered with neatly arranged chrome-plated decorations. From a distance, the light and shade are interlaced, as if in front of the eyes and in a dreamland, giving people an avant-garde sense of reaching the future world, which is in line with the aesthetics of young people and makes them fall in love at first sight.

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Tiggo 8 PRO

  At the same time, the Tiggo 8 PRO comes standard with the Lion5.0 AI technology smart cockpit, which is built with intelligent equipment and a number of industry-leading configurations. When you get into the car, it is like entering the future world. In terms of power, the Tiggo 8 PRO is equipped with the top ten Kunpeng 1.6TGDI/2.0TGDI engines of "China Heart" and the strongest product lineup of the same level of Kunpeng DHT super hybrid technology, which can not only meet the needs of users for full-scene car purchase, but also bring them an extremely fast driving experience.

  Tiggo 8 PRO has excellent face value, attractive strength and great purchase value. Now you can also enjoy 1 half-price purchase tax when you buy a car, and 2 7000 yuan cash-filled red envelopes when you book a car (which can be converted into half-price purchase tax); ③ Financial gifts: ultra-low annual rate of 1.99%, monthly payment of 1,000+; 4 replacement ceremony: buy a car up to 10,000 yuan; ⑤ Free warranty gift: Enjoy free basic maintenance (replacement and maintenance) for 6 times in 3 years and grab a bicycle and buy a car in 1000 yuan before 618.

  Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+— Technical Excellence, new experience

  As Chery’s first new energy vehicle, Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ is an important vehicle for Chery Automobile to lay out a new energy track. With advanced technology, it pioneered the full scene mode of "3 engines, 3 gears, 9 models and 11 speeds" in the industry, and achieved excellent results such as pure electric battery life of 100km, comprehensive fuel consumption of 1L per 100 km, and acceleration of 7 seconds at zero speed (two-wheel drive type), locking in the leading position in the industry.

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  Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+

  Of course, excellent technology gives the car an absolute right to speak in terms of intelligence. Equipped with Xiaoqi Smart Car Manager 3.0, it realizes the upgrade and regrowth of five dimensions, and has three characteristics: deep learning, cloud life and entertainment interconnection, and enhanced natural voice interaction. Voice control of vehicles and real-time monitoring of vehicle energy dynamics can be easily done. In addition, the car has achieved five leading advantages, such as booking travel, intelligent charging, intelligent electronic control braking, intelligent car housekeeper and cloud life entertainment, making it easier and more convenient to use the car. Excellent strength makes it sell well when it goes on the market, and the order has exceeded 9000 units so far.

  In addition to advanced technology, intelligence and convenience, Tiggo 8 PLUS Kunpeng e+ also brought eight super-intimate gifts to car buyers, including a financial car subsidy of 7,000 yuan; This product can enjoy a subsidy of up to 10,000 yuan for replacement (up to 8,000 yuan for non-replacement of this product); Basic traffic is free for life; Entertainment traffic is free in the first year (2G); per month); Free OTA upgrade for the whole vehicle for life; Engine lifetime warranty; Lifetime warranty of three power systems (first owner, non-operation); Six-year or 150,000-kilometer vehicle warranty; Give charging piles (users who don’t need charging piles give maintenance packages) and other rights.

  2022 Tiggo 8 PLUS— Luxurious cockpit has a lot to offer.

  As a "luxury land flight cabin", the 2022 Tiggo 8 PLUS has good strength and is an all-round car with luxury and technology, technology and health. Its exclusive close-fitting luxury leather seat, designed according to the Asian body shape, can perfectly support the user’s riding posture and effectively reduce the fatigue of long-distance travel. The freely adjustable aviation pressure head pillow has passed the authority verification of J.D.Power’s master comfort level, and with the flexible space layout, it can bring people in the car a comfortable experience like being in first class.

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2022 tiggo 8 PLUS

  In addition, Chery’s brand-new "C-PURE Clean Cubic Green Cockpit" equipped with the 2022 Tiggo 8 PLUS not only uses European standard environmental protection technology and more than 25 environmentally-friendly and healthy materials to ensure its own green health, but also provides CN95 air conditioning filter and RICSCS remote active cockpit self-cleaning system, giving people in the car a clear breath as if they were in a forest.

  In addition to the luxurious cockpit and fresh technology, the 2022 Tiggo 8 PLUS also provides users with eight courtesies, full of sincerity! ① Enjoy the full purchase tax, and then send it up to 6800 cash; 2 financial ceremony: enjoy a financial subsidy of up to 7,000 yuan; 3 replacement ceremony: buy a car up to 10,000 yuan; 4 purchase gift: enjoy a subsidy of 3,000 yuan; ⑤ Free warranty gift: Enjoy free basic maintenance (replacement, purchase increase and maintenance) for 6 times in 3 years, and buy a car in 1000 yuan before 618.

  Tiggo 8 Kunpeng Edition — The speed of chasing the wind "oil" is your decision.

  The Tiggo 8 Kunpeng version, which was launched in 2021, has been widely sought after since its launch. Its matching with Kunpeng 2.0TGDI engine originated from the global power architecture of Chery 4.0 era, and its power performance is not much better than that of some luxury brands 2.0T engines. Thanks to many "black technologies", its 2.0TGDI model only takes 7.5 seconds to accelerate at zero speed, and the surging power makes the car one step ahead of others, whether starting or overtaking. The 7DCT gearbox matched with the power system is also good in strength, with smooth upshift and neat downshift. The two complement each other to enable the car to release power smoothly and continuously, and provide users with lightning speed on the premise of ensuring comfort.

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Tiggo 8 Kunpeng Edition

  In addition, this model also overturns the proposition that strong power equals "oil tiger", and its fuel consumption is only 7L/100km, which is the best representative of "eating less and running fast". While galloping heartily, it also firmly locked the user’s wallet.

  Tiggo 8 Kunpeng Edition is not only full of power, good fuel economy and value for money, but also provides car buyers with ① full purchase tax, and then send it up to 6800 cash; 2 financial ceremony: enjoy a financial subsidy of up to 7,000 yuan; 3 replacement ceremony: buy a car up to 10,000 yuan; 4 purchase gift: enjoy a subsidy of 3,000 yuan; ⑤ Free warranty gift: you can enjoy free basic maintenance (replacement, purchase increase and maintenance) for 6 times in 3 years, as well as the benefits such as grabbing a bicycle and buying a car in 1000 yuan before 618.

  As a heavyweight model under Chery Automobile’s "big single product" strategy, the Tiggo 8 champion family has not only won the sales crown of China brand medium-sized SUV and 7-seat SUV in 2020 /2021 due to its excellent quality, but also won high praise from domestic users, and even conquered the favor of overseas consumers such as Brazil and Chile with hard-core strength, and is fully capable of meeting the needs of users for daily travel, go on road trip and other multi-scene vehicles. Not only that, but now when buying a car, you can enjoy the bonus of halving the national purchase tax, and you can also get the value-added benefits of car companies. (Photo courtesy of Chery Automobile)

Xingyue L Hi·P Raytheon’s big lock list officially opened the subsidy, and the price was 253,700 yuan.

Yichexun On November 7th, according to the official announcement, L Hi·P started the limited-time event. The activity time was from 14: 00 on November 7th to 24:00 on November 13th, with a limited number of 3,000, and the deposit was expanded five times. The subsidized price was 253,700 yuan.

Users who have successfully paid the deposit to lock the order this time can enjoy rich car purchase rights: delivery will be started as soon as it is completed, and it is expected that the delivery of users will be completed before December 10; Five times the deposit rights, enjoy a deposit of 3,000 yuan to 15,000 yuan, and the price after comprehensive rights is 241,700 yuan; The rights and interests of new energy subsidies will be listed before December 31, 2022, and enjoy the price after the national new energy subsidies.

In terms of appearance, the Xingyue L Hi?P has not changed much compared with the current Xingyue L Raytheon Hi?X version, but the style of the front fog lamp has been fine-tuned to improve the overall recognition. Specifically, the new car adopts the latest design language, and it looks very burly as a whole. At the same time, the headlights on both sides are quite satisfactory in shape, and they look calm and atmospheric when matched with the front air intake grille.

From the side of the car body, the new car has added a charging interface to the rear fender on the left side of the car body, and a new plug-in hybrid logo has been added to the lower right corner of the tailgate. The new car has been declared before, and its body size is still 4770/1895/1689mm, and its wheelbase is 2845 mm.

The most striking thing about the interior of the new car is the penetrating multimedia touch screen of the center console, which extends from the central control area to the front of the co-pilot and can display many driving information and multimedia entertainment functions. In addition, the new car is also equipped with a full LCD screen and a yacht-type electronic shift lever. At the same time, the color scheme with deep top and light bottom also makes this car look more textured.

According to the official statement, compared with the traditional PHEV model, Xingyue L Hi?P can lock the engine as a range extender to generate electricity for the battery, thus maintaining the maximum efficiency of electric drive; Compared with pure electric vehicles, Xingyue L Hi?P can enjoy the convenience of refueling at the same time, completely eliminating mileage anxiety; Compared with extended-range electric vehicles, Xingyue LHIP has a parallel hybrid system and a three-speed variable frequency electric drive DHT Pro, which has lower energy consumption. The highlight worth mentioning is that Xingyue L Hi?P comes standard with DC fast charging, which can achieve the highest charging power of 85kW, and it takes only 27 minutes to charge the battery from 30% to 80%.

Come on, please eat the "champion" CP of Sun Yang and Geely Borui GE.

There are about two kinds of people in this world, one is like a peach, with a thin skin and a hard and sweet core; The other is like a coconut with a hard shell but a sensitive heart like water, while Sun Yang may prefer the latter.

On May 28th, Sun Yang, as the ambassador of Geely Automobile, attended the listing conference of Borui GE held in Hangzhou Bay, Ningbo, and delivered a speech. When talking about his own road to success, Sun Yang said that it was because of his belief in the champion that he overcame all the difficulties and made himself what he is today.

The belief of champion is the most frequently mentioned word after Sun Yang’s success. As for the champion, Sun Yang said, whoever dares to break through and surpass himself and devote himself to being a better and more advanced self in his own field deserves to be respected and is his own champion.

At the age of 17, he made his mark. At the age of 19, he made an outstanding record and became a weapon to win gold. Young Sun Yang raised the successful trophy early. At the London Olympic Games in 2012, Sun Yang won two gold medals by his amazing performances in the 400-meter freestyle and the 1,500-meter freestyle, which created a new history of men’s swimming in China and made the world know the 21-year-old China boy.

"Everyone says that I am a genius and I am very lucky, but no one will know how hard it will be for me to come here. I really pay too much." Sun Yang’s road to success was not so smooth, but perhaps it was because of his inner belief and awe of the champion that he dared to face the difficulties and made Sun Yang today.

At the press conference, Sun Yang said frankly that the hand-in-hand relationship with Geely is due to this championship complex, and Geely Automobile and Geely Automobile share the same championship belief, which makes them go hand in hand. An Conghui, president and CEO of Geely, said at that time that Sun Yang and Geely Automobile’s new brand connotation of "dynamic and exquisite, self-confident" fit very well, and it also fits very well with Geely Automobile’s vision of being positive and daring to launch an impact on the world-class camp.

Excellent people are always attracted to each other. Shortly after becoming an image ambassador, Sun Yang became the owner of Borui and the honorary monitor of Boshiban of Borui Motorists’ Association. In his live speech, Sun Yang reviewed these years. He and Borui witnessed each other’s growth process, and bluntly said that for more than four years, they both adhered to the belief in the champion in each other’s field, thus completing their self-breakthrough and transcendence again and again.

Today, as a new energy vehicle of Borui, Borui GE officially set sail. As the first B-class car equipped with a hybrid system in the domestic market, Borui GE has not only truly realized the expectation of letting consumers buy hybrids at the price of traditional fuel vehicles, but also led new energy consumption into the "enjoyment era" by virtue of its leapfrog core values such as luxury, energy saving and technology, setting a new benchmark for global hybrid B-class cars.

In the end, Sun Yang looked forward to the Asian Games in August this year, and said that he would work hard with Boruige, who is engaged in the new energy market, to break through and win the championship, which attracted applause and encouragement from the scene.

Today, Sun Yang and Geely have not only become the veritable champion business cards in their respective fields of swimming and automobile, but more importantly, they have also become representatives of the Chinese dream, powerfully refreshing the image of China on the world stage!


Fukuhara Ai retired, but the story of table tennis between China and Japan continues.

  CCTV News:If one day any foreign table tennis player can win a medal in the Olympic Games, I hope it is Fukuhara Ai;

  If one day I can only support one foreign table tennis player, I think it will be Fukuhara Ai.

  There are less than 100 days before 2019 and less than two years before the Tokyo Olympic Games, so without warning or a trace of preparedness, Fukuhara Ai told us that he had retired.

  Fukuhara Ai Weibo announced his retirement.

  Fukuhara Ai is probably the first Japanese athlete who received a blessing from netizens in China because of his retirement. As of press time, the Weibo that she announced her retirement has received more than 70,000 reposts, more than 70,000 comments and more than 620,000 likes. I wish her a happy life.

  Fukuhara Ai is probably the first Japanese athlete who "alarmed" the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of China because of his retirement. At the regular press conference of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the 22nd, Hua Chunying, a spokeswoman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, said that Fukuhara Ai was "loved not only by the Japanese people, but also by many people in China" and was "very cute, and also had outstanding performance in the field of table tennis".

  As of press time, Fukuhara Ai announced his retirement from Weibo’s comment 7w+, forwarded 7w+ and liked 62w+

  Fukuhara Ai, who has a round face and a crisp smile, can be said to be a Japanese athlete "watched and grown up" by netizens from China and Japan. Fukuhara Ai has been training under the guidance of coach China since he was five years old. In the long run, Fukuhara Ai has also forged a deep friendship with China players and even China. In addition to being beaten and crying in the game, Xiao Ai also shed tears in the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008. She has always been a lively wave and she is quite depressed in front of the reporter’s camera. "Japan went to 60 people (rescue), so xx is not enough. I am going, at least 61 people." It is this lovely appearance that left a deep impression on China fans, and Fukuhara Ai also had a nickname "porcelain doll". Familiar fans can know a little about her.

  Knowing that four-year-old Xiao Ai participated in the national competition for the first time, she lost her shoes happily when winning, and cried in her mother’s arms after losing; Knowing Xiao Ai’s stubbornness with tears in her eyes and insisting on finishing the training task; Knowing that Xiaoai can say "dry ha" with an authentic northeast accent, knowing that Xiaoai and table tennis players have close feelings, he brings him Japanese cookies every time he meets ZhangJike; I also know that Xiao Ai fought against the three generations of big devils of China table tennis women’s team from Zhang Yining to Li Xiaoxia and then to Ding Ning … …

  The great devil of running water, Fukuhara Ai made of iron. Fukuhara Ai rarely wins against China athletes in international competitions, and his career has been shrouded in the shadow of the "big devil" of table tennis, which is helpless. The advantage of China table tennis team, especially the women’s team, over other players is hellish.

  Fukuhara Ai made his first sound after he announced his retirement, thanking the fans in China and China.

  It’s really distressing that Fukuhara Ai tried her best but couldn’t win, but that doesn’t prevent her from making great contributions to the rapid development of Japanese table tennis. He was selected to the national team at the age of 12 and made his Olympic debut at the age of 15. From 2003 to 2016, Xiao Ai gradually became the absolute core and leader of Japanese women’s table tennis. The younger generation regards her as an idol. Japanese table tennis player Ito Meicheng once said: "Looking at Captain Fukuhara, I know very well that it is not easy for her to bear the name of Japan. If I can become a captain in the future, I also want to be a player like her."

  Under her leadership and influence, a new generation of Japanese players also became attached to China. These players, who were trained in China since childhood, or developed under the training of China coaches and sparring partners, helped Japanese table tennis to make rapid progress, but also laid a deep "China brand". With Fukuhara Ai, a beloved predecessor, as an example, they also gained a lot of "audience affinity" in China.

  More importantly, with Fukuhara Ai’s great concern and the continuous improvement of Japanese table tennis level represented by her, the Japan Table Tennis Association is also making great efforts to develop this sport. Since 2003, the Japan Table Tennis Association has established a national team for primary school students, adjusted the training mechanism of age groups, conducted regular closed training and overseas competitions, and strengthened the training of grassroots coaches. In 2008, the Japan Table Tennis Association built a national training center in Tokyo, and absorbed some professionals including coaches from China and other places, which became the training base of the Japanese table tennis team. Moreover, the Japanese table tennis team has established a system of substituting competition for training, and specially trained a group of players to participate in the world series of adult groups from the age of fifteen or sixteen, which made them feel the atmosphere of the competition ahead of the players of the same age in our country and increased their competition experience.

  In the past two or three years, we can see that although the national table tennis still has absolute advantages, Japanese table tennis has made rapid progress. On the men’s team, Zhang Benzhihe, whose parents are both from China, has defeated Malone, ZhangJike and Fan Zhendong successively. On the women’s team, Meicheng Ito defeated the world champion Liu Shiwen in this year’s team table tennis World Cup finals. It can be seen that Japan’s challenge model to China has taken shape.

  As we all know, from the ITTF to the national associations, from the constant changes in table tennis materials to the changes in the points system and the addition of mixed doubles, it is a "clear thing" to try to limit the absolute advantage of China, and the China table tennis team is also happy in this "encirclement and suppression". Because in the long run, it will do more good than harm to table tennis and the China team. After all, for sports, only more intense competition and stronger suspense can attract more audiences and promote the technical level to a higher level.

  Next, Tokyo, Japan, in 2020 is the focus of preparation and competition between China and Japan in the past four years.

  Wait and see!

  (Text/Liu Chang Zhu Xinyu)