Yang Mi’s successful transformation? This is an immature realist film

1905 movie network feature If you give birth to a child with a serious birth defect,Will you choose to save or not to save?

The movie puts us in such a dilemma and moral confusion, and Mr. Xu, played by Guo Jingfei, and Jiang Meng, played by Yang Mi, are decisively on the opposite side.

Mr. Xu’s daughter was suffering from anorectal disease, and he chose not to save her in the pain. When he confronted Jiang Meng head-on, he repeatedly questioned, "What about the future?"

In his opinion, even if the child survives, he will continue to grow up in this unjust world and suffer from the pain of not being understood.

Jiang Meng, a 19-year-old girl with congenital defects, was abandoned by her biological parents after birth, and finally survived healthily with the help of a welfare home and a foster family.

She was also an abandoned child with a defective disease. Her strong empathy and compassion drove Jiang Meng to rescue the child. She became stubborn and even broke into the hospital to steal the child.

In her eyes, she was this abandoned child, the common unity of fate. Since she survived, this child must also strive to survive.

So who really has the right to decide whether a child lives or dies? 

At the film’s premiere at the Pingyao Film Festival, Yang Mi said, "No one can define the happiness of others, and no one can control their lives."

Similarly, the film only shows this phenomenon without polish. In the gap where Guo Jingfei and Yang Mi cannot understand each other, they do not judge the choices of the two sides, and throw contradictions and difficulties to the audience without providing any answers.

Liu Jie’s films are often based on social news events, and the creative process of the script is also a process of social investigation.

"Baby" was inspired by Liu Jie’s friend, who gave birth to a child with cerebral palsy.The couple needs to decide within three days whether to let him liveAfter struggling and thinking day and night, he finally decided to save the child and give up the superior city life, taking the child to live in the suburbs.

Another source of creation is the director’s several visits to the orphanage, where he finally discovered that there were more than 1,200 disabled abandoned babies in foster care in two villages outside Beijing.

In 2012, our country officially said that the total incidence of birth defects in China was about 5.6%. Liu Jie, the director, said, "When I learned that the birth defect rate is 5.6 percent, which means that nearly 1 million children with birth defects are born every year, and 30 percent of them will die, 40 percent will be disabled for life, and 30 percent will survive, it also motivated me to make this film. I don’t know who to blame, I can only make it as it is."

Although Liu Jie has directed such commercial films, realistic literary films are the main axis of his work sequence.From "Baby", the entanglement of law and reason is also his consistent theme of expression.

In addition to the plot line of Jiang Meng’s rescue of the disabled baby, "Baby" also shows the relationship and fate between Jiang Meng and the foster caregiver.

Foster care is not adoption, and there is no relationship between guardianship and guardianship. The law stipulates that abandoned babies in foster care need to leave the foster family when they reach adulthood at the age of 18. But Jiang Meng did not want to leave her elderly adoptive mother who was alone, nor did she want her to live in a nursing home, so she fell into another paradox and dilemma of law and love.

The realism of "Baby" has both neutral humanitarian spirit and realistic aesthetic style.

The film narrates the story from a calm and alienated objective perspective. The camera always surrounds and follows Jiang Meng, and reality is gradually constructed and perceived from what she sees and hears.

The use of long-lens hand-held shaking in the natural scene and the use of emotional soundtracks are reduced. This documentary audio-visual style can be seen in the films of the Dane brothers, in the films of Farhati, and in a series of Romanian New Wave works.

This shooting style is also an actor-centered aesthetic, and its greatest advantage is that it frees up the actor’s performance space, allowing the camera to improvise in a real environment and capture more realistic performances.

From the very first shot, we saw a completely different Yang Mi, her hair is messy, her face is full of freckles, her face is gray and weak, not only subverting the image, but also challenging her to speak Nanjing dialect in the play.

Yang Mi’s all-out experiential performance method, just like Gong Li, Zhao Wei and Ma Yili,This really allows her to fit into the context of the story well, and as much as possible to fade away the audience’s established impression of her.

But throughout the film, she always frowned, showing a hesitant and confused expression, with relatively simple emotional changes.

Compared with Li Hongqi, who played the mute army, his rich body language and facial expressions stole a lot of the limelight, but there were also some problems of using too much force.

On the contrary, Guo Jingfei did it properly.The director asked him to try to find the feeling of "three days and three nights without sleep", and he also deduced a measured sense of decadence from this character state.

The film lost more points due to the thinness of the script and the imperfection of the character design.

The dramatic conflict of the film is inseparable from the confrontation between the protagonist and the three forces of personal inner, external opponents and social environment.

We can see Jiang Meng’s persistence and stubbornness, but we cannot see the undercurrent in her heart; we can see her and her adoptive mother’s estrangement, unable to penetrate into their more intimate and complex emotional relationship; we can see Xiaojun’s confession and love for Jiang Meng, but fail to know Jiang Meng’s true attitude towards him.

Yang Mi revealed at the premiere that Jiang Meng’s character is not only physically disabled, but also mentally ill. But the movie did not clearly explain and write, which caused the audience to have some damage to the actor’s performance and the overall cognition of the role.

Although maintaining an objective distance and starting the whole narrative from Jiang Meng’s perspective, the film will inevitably be criticized for being biased towards Jiang Meng’s position choice.

Even if there is a scene of social children’s groups splashing paint on Guo Jingfei’s house, the handling is only a brief taste, and the controversial discussion of abandoned babies is not comprehensive.

Obviously, "Baby" is still a long way from a more mature and in-depth realist film, but the film’s attention to the living conditions of social abandonment groups and the disabled is sure to attract some public attention.

Isn’t that the greatest significance of this film’s existence?

Finally, just as the director Liu Jie wished, "I hope this group of people can live happily in the sun in the future."

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

How many transformations can a pickup truck have? The answer of the Great Wall Gun is, N kinds! At the fiery Guangzhou International Auto Show, the trailer version of the off-road pickup truck, the rescue gun and the travel gun of the Great Wall Gun showed the audience how "fickle" the Great Wall Gun was. In fact, this is not the first time that the Great Wall Gun has "transformed". The rich modification scheme makes the ever-changing Great Wall Gun more attractive.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Modification is to have fun.

The so-called modification is to make the car more suitable for its unique use environment. In this respect, people who are obsessed with fishing have a deep understanding. The fish and fishing tackle with nowhere to put, the scorching heat of the scorching sun, and the regret of not being able to travel far were all troubled before the appearance of the Great Wall Gun Off-road Pickup Fishing Edition, but after it, the problem was solved.

The wild fishing version converts the container into a pulley drawer-type partition storage bin, which can classify fishing gear and fish and bid farewell to the dilemma of fishing line entanglement and sewage cross-flow; Full-coverage gantry, set up a large number of expansion fixed points, and place fishing rods, shovels and other items in different categories; In addition, the framework of the gantry extends all the way to the roof, and larger outdoor equipment such as kayaking can be placed above the gantry through fixed components, and you can fish or play in the water.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

It’s not just fishing enthusiasts who like to leave, but their concern for the quality of life makes more people yearn for nature. The Great Wall Gun Off-road Pickup Off-road Travel Edition and Travel Gun that were previously unveiled make the whole scene pickup life available to everyone.

The Great Wall Gun Off-road Pickup Leisure Travel Edition is mainly based on the surrounding situation of the city, with side curtains installed to create a cool place at any time; With car refrigerator and outdoor mobile kitchen, you can enjoy the scenery and cook delicious food at the same time. A combined drawer is installed in the back bucket (canopy with flat cover), which is convenient for placing all kinds of tools/appliances necessary for life and meets the needs of multiple scenes.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

The traveling gun considers the advantages and disadvantages of various large and medium-sized RVs, and makes full use of the body space while retaining most of the functions of RVs, so as to ensure the simplicity of the vehicle shape, portability and good passability, so that you can stay in the camp at any time during the journey and enjoy the natural scenery.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Travel outside, in addition to married with children, it is also possible to tow a tugboat. At this time, the trailer version of the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck will come in handy. It has the announcement of towing, which can be legally towed on the road, 11 unique off-road equipment with fever level, 7 all-terrain driving modes, three locks, tank turning, Bailuchi tires, crawling mode, winch, wading throat, nitrogen shock absorption, off-road expert mode, multi-link, off-road information display, etc., making it easy to be competent for towing yachts, motorcycles, RV and other tasks.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

In addition, the Great Wall Cannon also has a multi-functional camper, which integrates cross-country, living, exploring and storing things, and is specially tailored for outdoor adventure, cross-country and extreme enthusiasts, making "self-sufficient" outdoor life a reality.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Modification is a fearless journey.

Some people yearn for leisure, while others pursue wild conquest. In the modification culture of the Great Wall Gun, cross-country modification is quite worth seeing.

The cross-country pickup truck version of Great Wall Gun, which was unveiled at Chengdu Auto Show, mainly focuses on long-distance cross-country, redesigned the wading throat with low wind noise, added a quick-release anti-roll frame in the car to improve the safety level and meet the extreme challenges, designed a multi-purpose custom side plate rack and a sliding reset tray in the rear bucket, and installed various types of roof tents on the gantry. The wheels used the world-famous Avandia wheels with the prestigious KM3 tires of Bailuchi to adapt to more difficult and dangerous outdoor road conditions. On the whole, the cross-country pickup truck crossing version of the Great Wall Gun takes the details of field driving into account, and it is worthy of being an experienced cross-country old gun.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

On the basis of the off-road pickup truck of the Great Wall Gun, the wild guns for outdoor enthusiasts have specially strengthened the long-distance crossing ability, equipped with a portable auxiliary fuel tank, a container rack capable of carrying three full-size spare tires, and added roof racks and spotlights, which can meet the long-distance crossing of various road conditions such as plateau, Gobi and grassland. It can be said that the wild gun represents the ultimate concept of the Great Wall gun off-road pickup truck, that is, a product tailored for all-terrain, full-load and long-life outdoor crossing, which explains the highest level of off-road spirit.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Not long ago, at the Beijing Auto Show, the black bullet with black and orange color matching attracted people’s attention with its domineering shape. This powerful performance pickup truck for heavy cross-country enthusiasts has various cross-country kits such as side treads for rock climbing, front and rear double winches, spotlights, etc. It uses professional adjustable damping shock absorbers, and the chassis is raised by 80mm as a whole. The full-size cross-country tires of Toyo Dragon Claws and the fever-grade off-road equipment make cross-country more calm and pure.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Modification is the responsibility.

As a national brand that cares about the country, Great Wall Gun not only pays attention to the fun modification, but also makes full use of its own product advantages to carry out tool modification, just like howard the duck in key occasions. The rescue cannon displayed at Guangzhou International Auto Show is a good partner for retrograde people.

The rescue gun was modified based on the commercial pickup truck of Great Wall Gun, and the cargo box was changed into a rescue mobile warehouse, equipped with professional rescue equipment such as generators, lifebuoys, demolition machines, medical boxes, stretchers and oxygen tanks. The whole vehicle is equipped with rescue equipment such as car radio, long-distance telescopic antenna (relay antenna) and climbing ladder. The chassis suspension is raised and the passability is enhanced, which can cope with various complicated road conditions and can be put into rescue scenes such as medical treatment, fire fighting, communication and outdoor.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Long before the rescue cannon appeared, the Great Wall cannon played a pioneering role in major events in many countries. During the war, the Great Wall Gun took advantage of the big container and was converted into a sterilization gun for environmental sterilization. In flood fighting, Great Wall Gun reached a strategic cooperation with Blue Sky Rescue Team to transport personnel and equipment in Huangshan disaster relief, becoming a car version of Noah’s Ark. In the future, Great Wall Gun will launch a customized model for Blue Sky Rescue to provide professional rescue vehicles with better off-road capability, loading capacity and comfort for registered members of Blue Sky Rescue. Climbing Mount Everest, as the official working vehicle of the media to measure the action of Mount Everest, the Great Wall Gun off-road pickup truck provides a strong guarantee for Everest elevation measurement and media communication and other related work with its strong off-road performance, loading and comfort, and helps the national cause; To do public welfare, the Great Wall cannon cross-country pickup truck set foot on the Hoh Xil Nature Reserve, accompanied volunteers to pick up garbage, and returned to Hoh Xil as a pure land.

How "fickle" is the Great Wall Gun? N kinds of modifications, as needed!

Modification is infinite possibilities.

As a leading brand in the pickup truck industry, Great Wall Gun insists on in-depth development and category splitting. On the basis of successfully developing the three sub-categories of passenger, commercial and off-road markets, it expands N-type modified cars, which are divided by appearance, interior and configuration. Unlimited possibilities of pickup trucks are used to build family universal cars to meet the diversified needs of users in all directions, and through modification, the barriers between different circles are broken, so that users who like to play and know how to play become attached to each other because of Great Wall Gun and modification.

On the other hand, Great Wall Gun practices corporate responsibility, and relies on the powerful off-road function of products and the unlimited modification space of open containers to expand unlimited application scenarios, protect people’s livelihood, add a sense of weight to the Great Wall Gun brand and make the users of Great Wall Gun feel more proud.

On the basis of a series of modified models, the Great Wall Gun will also launch a brand-new modified model that is bigger, cleaner, smarter and more fashionable. You want it all!

Xiaomi Automobile, which invested 10 billion yuan, has earned back 4 million yuan.

Headline reported today.
The photo of Xiaomi car was exposed again. Different from the declaration map published on the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and the spy photos circulated on the Internet, this time it is a millet SU7 with a light green appearance. Fresh colors, many young people said that they were moved and "must rush."On the hot search together with the photos of Xiaomi car, it is the topic that "Xiaomi car will lose 3 million fines if the media leaks". Therefore, some netizens ridiculed, and a supplier was fined 1 million yuan for leaking Xiaomi’s design draft at the beginning of this year. At present, Xiaomi Automobile has earned 4 million yuan. In addition to the photos of Xiaomi Automobile, Lei Jun, the founder, chairman and CEO of Xiaomi Group, also talked about Xiaomi Automobile in the CCTV face-to-face column yesterday. Lei Jun said that he built the car with the assurance that he was determined to win. There are two principles for Xiaomi to build a car. The first one is "keeping the integrity surprisingly". Keeping the integrity is to fully respect the laws of the automobile industry and use the mature technology of the automobile industry to ensure that the first car can be built well; The second is "ten times the investment". Generally, a car company invests about 300 to 400 people in building a car, and about 1 billion or 2 billion R&D funds, while Xiaomi invested 3,400 engineers in the first car, and the entire R&D investment exceeded 10 billion.More and more details show that "the first car for young people" is about to be pushed into the spotlight and be judged by the market.Xiaomi car "hit the face"?On November 15th, the first model of Xiaomi Automobile appeared in the 377th batch of Announcement of Road Motor Vehicle Manufacturers and Products issued by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. The declaration map shows that the first model of Xiaomi Automobile is a pure electric car, and there are two models, namely SU7 and SU7 Max.As soon as the picture came out, many fans thought that Xiaomi’s car hit Porsche. The media electric gorilla made a series of pictures, comparing the front face, taillights and waistline of Xiaomi car and Porsche TayCan. "It’s not that Porsche can’t afford it, but that Xiaomi is more cost-effective." Some car fans even ridiculed Xiaomi’s car "Bao Shi Mi".In terms of specific parameters, the length, width and height of Xiaomi SU7 are 4997mm/1963mm/1455mm, the wheelbase is 3000mm, and the height of Xiaomi SU7 Max is 1440mm, and the other parameters are the same. Xiaomi SU7 will have two battery capacity versions, the battery pack capacity is 101kWh and 73.6kWh respectively, of which the battery life of 101kWh is 800km and 750km; respectively; The battery life of 73.6kWh battery pack is 668km and 628km respectively. Xiaomi Automobile adopts ternary lithium-ion battery made in Contemporary Amperex Technology Co., Limited, and its driving motor has a peak power of 220kW/275kW. It is also equipped with an automobile event data recording system (EDR). In addition, when the spy photos of Xiaomi’s car frame were exposed, some fans thought that the handle area of Xiaomi’s car interior door panel was similar to Tesla Model 3.At present, there are various spy photos, "ID photos" and unpainted driving photos of Xiaomi Automobile on the Internet, and most rice noodles are satisfied with the appearance of Xiaomi Automobile exposed at present.Does Xiaomi Automobile insist on cost performance?At present, the news on the market is that Xiaomi car is divided into standard version, Pro version, Max version, and track version that will not be mass-produced, and the price is concentrated at 190,000-300,000 yuan. Guo Ming, an analyst at Tianfeng International Securities, said that the key selling points of Xiaomi Automobile are autonomous driving, software ecology and 800V fast charging and power configuration, and the estimated price is less than 300,000 yuan. Han Lu, a senior car blogger, previously broke the news that Xiaomi Automobile is positioned as a C-class luxury car with a minimum price of around 300,000 and a high allocation of around 500,000. At present, this Weibo has been deleted. Earlier, the article said that Xiaomi Automobile was priced at 260,000 yuan and divided into two versions. The price of low-profile models ranges from 260,000 to 300,000 yuan, and the price of high-profile models exceeds 350,000 yuan. However, the price of Xiaomi car will be as low as 200,000, or 200,000-300,000, or more than 300,000. The price of the three stages directly determines whether Xiaomi car still focuses on the familiar "cost-effective" formula. After the announcement of building a car, Lei Jun initiated a vote on the pricing of Xiaomi car, with nearly 20,000 people participating, with the largest number of netizens choosing less than 100,000 yuan, followed by 100,000-150,000 yuan. However, from the current exposure of Xiaomi car configuration, the pricing below 150,000 is indeed somewhat difficult. Xiaomi automobile, which has not yet been released, has already faced an increasingly new energy market. This year, new energy vehicles started a price war. Near the end of the year, in order to rush sales, the promotion methods of car companies are becoming more and more crazy. According to a document issued by Cui Dongshu, the current secretary-general of the National Passenger Car Market Information Association, the promotion of new energy vehicles increased especially in November this year, and it has reached the historical high promotion level since last November.According to the data of Easy Car, in the last month of 2023, Jiyue, BYD, Tucki, Zhiji, etc. adjusted the prices of various series of vehicles one after another, and other new energy vehicles also introduced various preferential policies to buy before the end of the year. Can the fans be satisfied with the final pricing of Xiaomi Automobile at the moment of rushing sales volume and volume price at the end of the year? Is Xiaomi Auto released this year?Yesterday was also Lei Jun’s 54th birthday. Last night, Lei Jun sent a message thanking his friends for their birthday wishes, with a picture that "everything will work out in the end". Because of this point in time and the word "car", netizens, while wishing Lei Jun a happy birthday, also wondered whether the Xiaomi auto conference was coming. The blogger "Game Technology" of Xiaohongshu previously published a document saying that Xiaomi has "finalized" the launch conference of Xiaomi Automobile in Beijing on the 28th. The internal staff of Xiaomi Automobile denied that "the time has not been fixed yet, and we are really considering this time point". There have been more and more official actions of Xiaomi Automobile, such as Xiaomi Automobile Weibo, which has just been opened and the speed of light is off the assembly line, Xiaomi Automobile official website, which has only a few photos, and some Xiaomi Houses in Beijing and Shanghai, which have started to confirm the display of automobiles. According to national business daily, the four major manufacturing workshops (stamping, welding, painting and assembly) in the first-phase factory of Xiaomi Automobile have been built, and small-batch trial production has started, and all the produced cars are parked in the assembly workshop. At the Xiaomi 14 conference, Lei Jun said when answering questions from netizens that Xiaomi Automobile is progressing very smoothly and will be officially listed in the first half of next year. When the time is right, report to everyone. Will this "appropriate time" be the end of this year? In the "Face-to-Face" column, Lei Jun said that he was a little anxious: "I am particularly worried that everyone will not buy it if it doesn’t catch fire; I am even more worried that everyone will buy it. If you wait for 1-2 years, you will definitely be scolded. Can the upcoming Xiaomi car satisfy the majority of rice noodles? And what changes will Xiaomi cars and rice noodles bring to the automobile industry? We will wait and see.

Picturesque novel

Wisteria (Chinese painting) Wu Guanzhong is selected from the Chinese Art Palace (Shanghai Art Museum) "Chinese Scenery-Lin Fengmian and Wu Guanzhong Art Exhibition"

I read Wang Zengqi’s novel "The Apprentice", in which I wrote that the great grandfather of the fourth season was jealous of the people, and I thought of Mr. Wang himself.

Mr. Wang is famous for painting, and he also wants to be a painter. His father is a painter. He went to The National SouthWest Associated University at the age of 19. Mr. Wang once said that if he failed, he would go to the National College of Fine Arts. However, Mr. Wang has been admitted. If he fails, he will go to the Art College. Perhaps there will be another master in the history of modern painting in China.

The plot of The Appreciator is very simple, telling the story of a great painter and a fruit delivery vendor. It is also a story about a bosom friend. We all know that Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi, one playing the piano and the other listening to the piano, performed a deep feeling of "high mountains and flowing water". Although Ye San is a fruit vendor, he knows Ji Xianmin and his paintings. Ji Xianmin’s paintings are never seen by people, but he can see them in Yuzryha. Ye San’s appreciation of his paintings is what Ji Xianmin is proud of. Ji Jian-min painted the wrong lotus, and Ye San pointed it out, so Ji Jian-min repainted it and gave it to Ye San. Sometimes Ji Jian-min gave Ye San a painting without the title, and Yuzryha San could sell it. Ye San said, I won’t sell any of your paintings. Sure enough, after Ye San’s death, according to his will, his son buried all the paintings given by Ji Yumin.

Mr. Wang Zengqi knows Chinese painting. He wrote this novel to pay tribute to the literati paintings in China after the Song and Yuan Dynasties (he knew many painters in ancient China), and also devoted his understanding of China ink painting (including techniques) to the text. For example, Mr. Wang painted the ink lotus and wisteria, such as "there is wind in wisteria, and the flowers are messy". Mr. Wang himself painted many wisteria with this kind of messy flowers.

During his visit to Iowa, Mr. Wang gave a speech entitled "My Creative Career". When talking about the relationship between China’s literature and painting, he said that some people say that his novels are poetic novels, but he hopes that some people will say that his novels are picturesque novels.

This is really what Mr. Wang hopes, and it is also the case. Mr. Wang’s works are indeed full of painting meaning-China’s ink spirit, the art of blank space in Chinese painting.

He also visited some art galleries and museums in America. In the Boston Museum, he saw a Song Huizong’s copy of Zhang Xuan’s "Dao Lian Tu" and admired it immensely. He mentioned this painting in a conversation and said, "That thread is so long that I can’t wait to kowtow to it when I write it." In the novel, Mr. Wang used Zhang Daqian to write about the painting of Mohe lotus by Ji Yumin, saying that "the lotus leaves he painted are not hooked, and the lotus stalks are not pricked, and he likes to make them long, and the lotus stalks are very long, and they are all in one stroke." This is all Mr. Wang’s own experience.

Author: Subei

Text: Northern Jiangsu Picture: Wu Guanzhong Editor: Wu Dongkun Editor: Shu Ming

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