Meituan will turn from profit to loss in 2021, with higher expenses such as rider costs and R & D expenses

In the post-epidemic era, Meituan (3690.HK) revenue has risen steadily. On March 25, Meituan released the fourth quarter and full year results of 2021. In 2021, the company’s revenue was 179.128 billion yuan (RMB, the same below), an increase of 56% year-on-year; the company lost 23.536 billion yuan during the year and 4.708 billion yuan in profit in the same period last year; the company’s adjusted net loss was 15.572 billion yuan, and the profit in the same period last year was 3.121 billion yuan.


Food and beverage takeaway is an important revenue business of Meituan, and the operating profit of this business in 2021 is 6.175 billion yuan; however, the policy requirements of "reasonable reduction of merchant service fees" and the corporate responsibility to improve the protection of riders’ rights and interests have also increased Meituan’s operating costs. The restaurant and wine travel business is a major source of profit for Meituan. In 2021, the operating profit of this business is 14.20 billion yuan.


However, the operating profits of the above two major businesses cannot offset the losses caused by the expansion of Meituan’s new business. Meituan’s new business, which mainly focuses on community group buying, shared travel, and instant shopping, has an operating loss of 38.40 billion yuan in 2021. At the same time, Meituan also continues to increase the company’s R & D investment, and the R & D expenditure in 2021 will reach 16.70 billion yuan.


2021 was an extraordinary year for Meituan, with the company’s performance turning from profit to loss. At the same time, Meituan’s anti-monopoly penalty was also settled and fined 3.442 billion yuan. Affected by policies and the general environment, Meituan’s share price declined as a whole in 2021, peaking at HK $460/share that year, and then fell below HK $300/share twice in July and November of that year. On December 31, 2021, it closed at HK $225.4/share. As of the close on March 25, Meituan closed at HK $135/share, down 8.16%.


"In 2021, despite the impact of the epidemic, we will still overcome difficulties and strive to provide hundreds of millions of consumers with reliable and convenient life services, help merchants use digital means to expand online operations, and help more entrepreneurs and employees achieve stable income," said Wang Xing, CEO of Meituan. "Meituan will unswervingly fulfill its platform responsibilities, unswervingly increase investment in technology, unswervingly continue to expand its business, and focus on the’retail + technology ‘strategy to deepen the Chinese market and create more value for merchants, users, riders and other ecological partners."


The profit of catering takeaway operation is 6.175 billion yuan, which enhances the protection of riders’ rights and interests


Under the pressure of repeated epidemics, Meituan’s food and beverage takeaway business continued to grow. The number of annual transaction users and the per capita transaction frequency in 2021 reached a record high. The peak of single-day orders broke through 50 million in August 2021 and reached a new high in December of that year. The number of transactions in the whole year reached 14.40 billion, an increase of 41.6% year-on-year.


In 2021, Meituan’s catering takeaway business will see significant growth in categories such as nighttime, milk tea, salad and light food. Supply growth effectively drove an increase in orders from medium and high-frequency users. Therefore, the number of annual transaction users of catering takeaway increased by 13% year-on-year, and the average transaction frequency of annual transaction users increased by 25% year-on-year.


In 2021, Meituan’s catering takeaway business transaction amount was 702.10 billion yuan, an increase of 43.6% year-on-year; revenue was 96.30 billion yuan, an increase of 45.3% year-on-year. Operating profit increased from 2.833 billion yuan in 2020 to 6.175 billion yuan in 2021, while operating profit margin increased from 4.3% to 6.4%.


The topic of takeaway merchant commissions has attracted much attention. In 2021, Meituan takeaway’s commission income (technical service fee) obtained through merchants was 28.547 billion yuan, 18.503 billion yuan in the same period of the previous year, an increase of 54.3% year-on-year; compared with the company’s catering takeaway transaction amount in 2021, the takeaway platform commission rate was about 4.1%.


However, the 2021 government work report proposed to "guide platform enterprises to reasonably reduce merchant service fees." Subsequently, the National Development and Reform Commission and other departments also issued the "Implementation Plan for Accelerating the Cultivation of New Consumption", proposing to guide online platforms such as takeout to rationally optimize the use of small and medium-sized enterprises. Merchants and individuals use the platform to operate commissions, commissions and other expenses, and use technology to empower operators to reduce costs and increase efficiency within the platform.


In 2021, Meituan takeaway and other platforms took the initiative to optimize the platform charging model and implement a pilot "rate transparency". At the same time, the protection of rider rights and interests is also a major responsibility of Meituan. In July of that year, Meituan established a takeaway rider service department. In 2021, Meituan held 136 rider talks.


The financial report shows that the vast majority of Meituan takeaway’s total revenue is rider delivery costs. In 2021, there are about 5.27 million riders who earn income on the Meituan platform. Meituan takeaway rider delivery costs were 68.183 billion, an increase of 38.3% year-on-year, accounting for 71% of Meituan’s total takeaway revenue.


In addition, the breakdown data of the financial report shows that in 2021, Meituan’s food and beverage distribution service revenue collected from merchants and users was 54.204 billion yuan, while the annual rider delivery cost was 68.183 billion yuan. The above data shows that Meituan’s annual direct subsidy for riders cost nearly 14 billion yuan.


The operating profit of the hotel is 14.20 billion yuan, and the operating loss of the new business is 38.40 billion yuan


In the post-epidemic era, Meituan’s store, hotel and tourism business has achieved steady growth. In 2021, Meituan’s store, hotel and tourism business revenue was 32.50 billion yuan, an increase of 53.1% year-on-year; operating profit increased from 8.181 billion yuan in 2020 to 14.193 billion yuan in 2021, while operating profit margin increased from 38.5% to 43.3%.


According to the financial report, Meituan’s 2021 store-to-store business transactions, transaction amounts and annual active merchants all hit record highs. Meituan has strengthened its penetration into lower-tier cities across the country. Categories such as leisure entertainment, fitness, elderly care services, medical care and pet services are growing strongly; while categories such as manual activities, recording studios, light and shadow interactive halls, and stress relief experience halls have become new consumer trends.


In terms of hotels and tourism, the number of hotel room nights in China will increase by 34.5% in 2021. In addition, Meituan has consolidated its competitive advantage in the low-star hotel sector, diverting offline users to online platforms to help more hotel merchants operate digitally. In the high-star hotel sector, high-star hotel room nights will account for more than 16.5% in 2021.


In 2021, Meituan continued to expand its investment in new businesses, especially commodity retail. In 2021, Meituan’s new business and other business revenue was 50.30 billion yuan, an increase of 84.4% year-on-year. The operating loss expanded from 10.90 billion yuan in 2020 to 38.40 billion yuan in 2021, and the operating loss ratio increased by 36.6 percentage points year-on-year.


Community group buying is the exploration direction of Meituan’s new business. In the second half of 2020, community group buying began a new round of industry competition. At that time, Internet companies such as Didi, Meituan, Pinduoduo, and others invested in the ante one after another. However, with the development of policies and markets, the community group buying industry will experience ups and downs in 2021. Orange Heart is preferred to face business shrinkage, and Jingxi is also reported to reduce staff and withdraw from the city.


At present, Meituan Preferred is relatively stable. According to the financial report, Meituan Preferred has achieved healthy growth thanks to clear policy guidance and a good market competition environment. The "next day pick-up" three-tier warehouse distribution logistics network system has covered most communities and rural areas in 30 provinces across the country. In the future, strict compliance with regulatory regulations will be the top priority, and we will continue to focus on balanced and high-quality growth.


Meituan flash sale exceeded 6.30 million in single-day orders in December 2021. On the supply side, it has expanded its product categories and established cooperation with more high-quality local stores. Flowers, supermarkets and convenience stores continue to maintain a high growth momentum. At the beginning of this year, 24-hour drug delivery service was launched. In 2021, Meituan market users and transaction amounts continue to increase.

High revenue and high investment, R & D expenses of 16.70 billion yuan


High revenue and high expenditure are the characteristics of Meituan’s performance in 2021. The company’s revenue hit a record high, and the operating profit turned from profit to loss, which also laid the foundation for future sustainable development to a certain extent. According to the financial report, Meituan’s R & D expenditure increased from 10.90 billion yuan in 2020 to 16.70 billion yuan in 2021, an increase of 53.1% year-on-year. The increase in employee welfare expenses was mainly due to business expansion.


On the other hand, Meituan has also increased investment in unmanned logistics research and development. Meituan drone has been in normal trial operation in Shenzhen for nearly a year, and has covered more than 8,000 households so far, completing 30,000 orders for real users. Meituan City Low-altitude Logistics Operation Demonstration Center has landed in Shanghai and will gradually cover the "3 km 15 minutes" low-altitude smart logistics network in East China.


In addition, Meituan automatic delivery has launched a low-speed instant delivery solution for outdoor scenes. As of December 2021, Meituan automatic delivery vehicle service has expanded to 20 communities in Shunyi District, Beijing, delivering nearly 190,000 orders, autonomous driving mileage over 700,000 kilometers, and daily delivery of more than 1,000 orders.


At the same time, the company’s overall operating costs also increased significantly. The cost of sales increased by 69.2% from 80.70 billion yuan in 2020 to 136.70 billion yuan in 2021, while the percentage of revenue increased by 6.0 percentage points to 76.3% year-on-year from 70.3%. The main reason is the increase in food delivery related costs, as well as the development and exploration of retail business and other new businesses.


In addition, the company’s sales and marketing expenses increased by 94.8% from $20.90 billion in 2020 to $40.70 billion in 2021, while the percentage of revenue increased by 4.5 percentage points year-on-year from 18.2% to 22.7%. Mainly due to the increase in promotion, advertising and user incentive expenses and employee benefits expenses. In addition, more employees were recruited to support the rapid growth of new businesses.


"Meituan’s development is closely related to the general environment of China’s economy, and it is also inseparable from the joint efforts of small and medium-sized businesses and related workers such as riders. We will continue to take high-quality and sustainable development as the company’s goal, and strive to drive consumption and industry transformation and upgrading, so that all relevant parties can benefit from it." Chen Shaohui, Meituan CFO, said: "Meituan will make long-term investment around the strategy of’retail + technology ‘, and through innovation and technology-driven, help more entrepreneurs and employees share the dividends of the digital economy."


Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter, Chen Weicheng, Editor, Song Yuting, Proofreader, Lu Qian

Jackie Chan

2005 movie "Myth" stills

Time Network News, according to Korean media news, Jin Xishan guest starred in Jackie Chan’s new film "Legend", and will renew the "Myth" relationship after 18 years.

The film is directed and written by Tang Jili, starring Jackie Chan, Zhang Yixing, Naza, Li Zhiting, and others. The story tells the story of an archaeologist, Professor Chen (Jackie Chan, played), who accidentally discovered that the cultural relics found by students during a glacier expedition had very similar textures to the jade pendant he saw in his dream. With all his doubts, Professor Chen led an expedition into the Glacier Temple to explore the truth of his dream.

2005 movie "Myth" poster

Movie "Legend" poster

The 2024 Tik Tok Spring Festival Concert ended successfully, and with the memory of youth songs, I went to a new journey in the New Year!

The 2024 Tik Tok Spring Festival Concert, titled by General Manager Jin Lingguan, ended successfully in Chengdu on January 28th. The whole live broadcast was watched by over 35 million people online, with a total broadcast volume of over 113 million. This year’s theme is "Songs engraved in DNA", which leads everyone to relive the memories firmly engraved in DNA when the familiar melody rings, and feel the fancy collision between Tik Tok’s annual hot songs and the pop classics of the new generation with national singers and artists.

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The Spring Festival limited group made a surprise appearance, and the hot songs presented a variety of stages.

At the 2024 Tik Tok Spring Festival Concert, the stars gathered to perform the unique Spring Festival Concert for everyone. Cai Guoqing, Miriam Yeung, Ella, Ella, Fox Xia, Jason and SNH48 (Yuan Yiqi/Wang Yi/Jiang Shuting/Qinyuan Fei/Lin Shuqing/Eliwa Xu/Zhang Xin/Jiang Shan/Hao Jingyi/Li Jiaen/Wen Ruoqi/Guo Shuang) sang hot songs of vibrato in succession on the concert stage, and they also formed four limited groups to make a surprise appearance, showing a collision spark of diverse styles.

Ella Ella’s world premiere "The Moon in the South" wishes dream-seekers, and the trio of "You were a teenager", "Tropical Rainforest" and "Super Star" ignited youthful memories, which attracted the chorus of the audience; Hu Xia’s youthful golden songs were burned and touched memory of time. The prelude to "Those Years" rang and the youthful Bai Yueguang appeared; Miriam Yeung, the "Tianhou of Sichuan and Chongqing", made the finale appearance, and the first capital was a chorus of the whole audience, which pushed the atmosphere to a climax; JA Jason’s "REMIX Suite" newly edited Tik Tok’s hot songs with rich and ever-changing musical elements, bringing new audio-visual experience to familiar music and igniting the audience; SNH48 interprets youthful enthusiasm, sings the Spring Festival Suite in one breath, and brings the audience into the Spring Festival atmosphere in one second; Cai Guoqing sang the classics again, and sent out the golden song "Three Hundred and Sixty-Five Blessings" which spans all ages and is loved by the whole family. All the staff sang "Love each other" and sent their sincere wishes with this favorite hot song with the most New Year atmosphere in Tik Tok. After the performance, the audience was still unsatisfied, and they asked for extra work and attendance in the comment area of artist Tik Tok’s account.


At the beginning, when it was announced that there was a blind box cooperation stage, it aroused the curiosity and speculation of many netizens. Until the performance, the cooperative guests and tracks were announced. The performers teamed up in pairs, which was unexpected and unlikely to appear in other concerts. The audience also had commemorative tickets around them, which made the experience full and left favorable comments on various social platforms. "golden times JSNH" group (JA Jason and SNH48) sang a "Dangerous Party", which ignited the infinite enthusiasm at the scene; "Full of Wealth" group (Cai Guoqing and JA Jason) sang "Paper Plane" and "Love Like Fire", presenting youth stories belonging to two generations on the same stage; "Cai Huaheng E" group (Cai Guoqing, Ella Ella) cooperated in "Let’s Jump", and two self-invited E people drove the audience to dance happily; There is also a group of "Sounds like Xia Hua" (Miriam Yeung and Fox Xia) who cooperated again to perform "Spend a Full Moon Night" on the spot, showing the quiet, carefree and delicate New Year.


The backstage fancy interactive smile welcomes the new year, and the Spring Festival concert ends successfully.

On the stage, each artist sent his annual lyrics blessing to the online and offline audience, full of sincerity, and the offline backstage guests interacted constantly, and the laughter and laughter continued.

SNH48 challenges fancy gesture dance and sends out concert reservation invitations in the form of sweet girls; Fox Xia Miriam Yeung hilariously challenged the sketch dance, and Fox Xia invited Miriam Yeung to form a group online, which triggered a heated discussion among netizens; Fox Xia even teased the elevator after the performance, imitating the popular game "stomping your feet every day" in the station, attracting a large number of netizens to watch. The whole performance was interesting and interactive, which swept through many hot lists in Tik Tok, inciting the whole people to witness the music carnival party. The 2024 Tik Tok Spring Festival Concert will bring together popular star singers, creating a warm and lively multi-stage and opening a chapter for the coming New Year.


While reminiscing about the melody of the Spring Festival concert, the Year of the Loong is getting closer and closer. Remember to lock in the [Spring Festival Live Season] between the new and the old. From January 25th to February 25th, nearly 200 celebrity big coffee and head creators have been over 100 popular contents for more than 30 days, from returning home during the Spring Festival to reunion on New Year’s Eve, and then to the Lantern Festival. It covers the New Year’s Eve party, the Huacai Heritage Party, the Opera Party, the Chinese New Year Crosstalk Special Session, the Opening Sketch Special Session, the Lantern Festival Comedy Party, the Spring Festival movie live broadcast, the boutique short play, and the series live broadcast of stars and creators, the stage on the cloud, the live broadcast of hundreds of media, etc., so that everyone can find their own flavor of the year in it, and the whole family can laugh and welcome the New Year. This Spring Festival, Tik Tok will be opened at 8: 00 every night, so let’s leave a sentimental, touching and fun memory of the Spring Festival in the Year of the Loong.


Sexual harassment, injury and disability, overlord clause beware of these "pits" in the gym

   Sexual harassment and verbal insults should only be regarded as "mouth addiction"

   On April 9, it was reported by the media that Ms. Xiaoqian of Hangzhou paid a deposit for private lessons in a gym. Afterwards, she felt that the price was too expensive and wanted to return it. In order to retain her, the fitness instructor proposed the conditions of accompanying sleep. Xiao Qian told the media: "I said that I can find their coach or him to sleep with me for one night, and that if I need a woman, they can also provide a woman, saying that their director is a lesbian, so that their director can sleep with me for one night." When asked, a supervisor of the fitness center said that the social atmosphere was more open, but it was just a mouth addiction.

   Prior to this, Ms. Zhang, a citizen of Nanjing, was inexplicably "helped" by a fitness instructor while running in the gym. She felt harassed and called the police station. Finally, the gym apologized to him and refunded the card fee in full.

   Article 38 of China’s Constitution stipulates that the personal dignity of People’s Republic of China (PRC) citizens is inviolable, and it is forbidden to insult or slander citizens by any means. Article 40 of the Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests stipulates that sexual harassment of women is prohibited. Article 38 of the Beijing Measures for Implementing the Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests in People’s Republic of China (PRC) (Revised Draft) stipulates that it is forbidden to sexually harass women in any form such as language, writing, images, electronic information and physical behavior. The Measures for Implementing the Law on the Protection of Women’s Rights and Interests in People’s Republic of China (PRC) Province stipulates that "it is forbidden to sexually harass women in the form of obscene language, words, pictures, electronic information and behaviors that violate laws and ethics."

   The coach put forward a clear demand for small money, which caused him to have obvious psychological discomfort and constituted sexual harassment. According to the law, if sexual harassment of women in violation of the law constitutes a violation of public security management, the victim may request the public security organ to impose administrative punishment on the illegal act according to law, or bring a civil lawsuit to the people’s court according to law.

   Injuries and disabilities are not uncommon. The qualification review of coaches needs to be standardized.

   In recent years, a large number of newcomers have poured into the field of fitness, but there is a lack of professional private education, and disability incidents are frequent due to improper or unprofessional guidance.

   In July, 2014, Zhang Wanting, a 17-year-old girl from Shenyang, died suddenly in a gym weight-loss training camp. According to media reports, Zhang Wanting had undergone high-load training and was strictly controlled in diet, and the coach at the time of the incident had no relevant qualifications and first-aid knowledge.

   In 2015, a fat man accidentally fell down and broke his achilles tendon because of bending over and lifting his legs, which was not suitable for his weight load. At that time, private teachers and members were still laughing and chatting, thinking that there was no serious problem.

   In 2016, Pearl Krabs, a second-year graduate student in Beijing, bought 4,500 yuan of private education courses in a fitness chain. Three months later, the hospital diagnosed the second degree damage of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus of the right knee; Previously, Pearl Krabs’s coach had been encouraging her to keep exercising. When defending rights, the coach could not produce any professional certification. Finally, the gym returned 4,000 yuan to Pearl Krabs and dismissed the coach.

   It is understood that there are roughly three types of private education sources in the industry: graduates from major sports colleges, retired athletes and social fitness enthusiasts. Even some are just in good shape, and they can be employed after attending some short-term training courses. There is no uniform standard for the post qualification of private education in the whole fitness industry, and the threshold for employment is completely grasped by the fitness institutions themselves.

   According to the 2015 Career Development Report of Fitness Coaches in China issued by the Vocational Skills Appraisal and Guidance Center of the State General Administration of Sport, 52% of the fitness coaches who have been employed for 1-3 years are students from sports colleges, and the remaining 48% have no professional background.

   At present, there are two types of qualification certificates recognized by the fitness industry, one is the "national job certificate". The other is the qualification certificate certified by non-governmental organizations, or the award-winning certificate of bodybuilding competition. Among them, the "national job certificate" belongs to the level evaluation category and is not mandatory. Just because a fitness instructor wants to be employed does not mean that he must pass the national vocational examination and obtain a "national vocational certificate".

   Lu Dajiang, a graduate tutor at the School of Sports Science of Shanghai Institute of Physical Education, suggested that the admission system for fitness instructors should be established with reference to the supervision methods of high-risk industries such as swimming and rock climbing. The relevant coach qualifications are subject to the access system, that is, the personnel engaged in guiding teaching must obtain the national vocational qualification certificate before they can take up their posts and engage in related work.

   Article 32 of the National Fitness Regulations stipulates that those who engage in high-risk sports must have a specified number of social sports instructors and rescuers who have obtained national vocational qualification certificates. The first batch of high-risk sports announced by the state in 2013 include swimming, skiing, rock climbing and diving.

   Fitness institutions have overlord clauses, and it is difficult for consumers to transfer or return their cards.

   At present, many fitness cards on the market require me to hold the card. If consumers require to pay a handling fee ranging from several hundred yuan, some gyms even stipulate that they cannot transfer cards.

   Jiang Dianliang, a southern legal aid lawyer, said that because the consumer card generally indicates that "this card is not transferable", if the consumer does not sign the relevant agreement on returning, transferring and stopping the card before handling the card, when he gets the card, he has already acquiesced that the merchant needs to pay for the card transfer. Before handling various consumer cards such as fitness cards, you need to read the relevant agreements carefully, ask whether the fitness card can be extended or transferred or returned in case of illness, business trip, etc., and sign the relevant payment agreement for returning, transferring and stopping the card. When signing the relevant consumer card agreement, in order to protect your legitimate rights and interests, you must read the terms carefully. If you find anything unclear or unreasonable in the terms, you should raise it in time.

   In addition to high transfer fees and prohibition of card transfer, it is also difficult for many consumers to return the card.

   In December 2016, consumer Mr. Chen complained to Hebei Consumers Association that in September 2015, he applied for an annual card with an amount of 2,300 yuan in a gym in Shijiazhuang. Since then, Mr. Chen has been suffering from illness and needs chemotherapy. The doctor’s advice is not suitable for exercise. The previous annual card was not used, and Mr. Chen proposed to return the card to the gym. The other party refused to refund the money on the grounds that there are clauses in the contract, such as "The contract shall not be terminated except for force majeure" and "The service cannot be accepted due to its own reasons, and the individual shall bear the responsibility".

   Hebei Consumers Association believes that after the establishment of the contract, the objective situation has undergone major changes that are not commercial risks and cannot be foreseen by the parties at the time of conclusion of the contract. It is obviously unfair for one party to continue to perform the contract or the purpose of the contract cannot be achieved. If the consumer proposes to change or terminate the contract, the operator should change or terminate the contract accordingly according to the principle of fairness. It is illegal for the operator not to change or cancel the conformity. In other words, consumers have the right to terminate the contract according to law in special circumstances.

Beijing released "Thirteen Questions on Haze Protection"

  CCTV News:In order to help you prevent haze scientifically, today (9th), Beijing Municipal Health and Family Planning Commission and Beijing Municipal Center for Disease Control and Prevention released.Thirteen Questions about Haze Protection.

  1. What is haze?

  Haze is a kind of weather phenomenon that a large number of tiny dust particles, smoke particles or salt particles are suspended in the atmosphere, which makes the air turbid and reduces the horizontal visibility to less than 10 kilometers. Haze is generally milky white, which weakens the color of objects, making bright objects in the distance reddish yellow and dark objects reddish blue.

  Relevant research conducted by Beijing CDC in 2013-2015 found that the main components of smog are water-soluble inorganic ions (nitrate, sulfate and ammonium salt ions, etc.), metals and metalloids (lead, cadmium, arsenic, etc.), and carbon substances (organic carbon and inorganic carbon).

  2. Does smog affect the human body?

  Smog has an impact on the human body! According to the data, the impact of smog on human body is generally divided into direct impact and indirect impact.

  Direct impact: When the concentration of air pollutants rises sharply in a short period of time, people may cause acute harm by inhaling a large amount of pollutants, resulting in respiratory tract and eye irritation symptoms, such as cough, sore throat and headache. If it is exposed for a long time, it will cause chronic inflammation, decreased immunity and allergies.

  Indirect effects: smog can affect our health through long-term indirect effects, such as affecting solar radiation and microclimate, producing greenhouse effect, destroying ozone layer and forming acid rain.

  3. Why should we reduce outdoor activities in foggy weather? 

  Relevant research conducted by Beijing CDC in 2013-2015 shows that the indoor PM2.5 concentration is 30% to 40% lower than the outdoor concentration in severe haze weather, so it is suggested to minimize outdoor activities in haze weather.

  4. Do you want to wear a mask when the smog comes? How to choose? How to wear a mask correctly?

  If you have to go out in foggy days, wearing a mask is the most important protective measure. Any mask has a certain protective effect, but it is recommended to choose a mask with good protection. 

  According to national standards, the protection level of masks is divided into four levels from low to high: D, C, B and A, which correspond to different air quality conditions.

  Grade A corresponds to "serious pollution" and is used when the concentration of PM2.5 reaches 500 micrograms per cubic meter. Grade d corresponds to "moderate and below pollution" and is suitable for situations where the concentration of PM2.5 is less than or equal to 150 micrograms per cubic meter.

  Wearing a mask should follow the instructions for use. When wearing, you must completely cover your nose, mouth and chin, and keep the mask close to your face. The better the tightness, the better the protection effect.

  5. What should I pay attention to when wearing a mask?

  Not everyone is suitable to wear a mask. The tight structure and filter material of the mask will increase the respiratory resistance and reduce the comfort.

  Different groups of people should pay attention to wearing masks: pregnant women should pay attention to their own conditions and choose products with better comfort, such as protective masks with exhalation valves to reduce exhalation resistance and sultry feeling; Children are in the stage of growth and development, and their faces are small, so it is difficult for general masks to achieve the effect of close fitting. It is recommended to choose children’s protective masks produced by regular manufacturers. When the elderly, patients with chronic diseases and special people with respiratory diseases wear masks, it is recommended to use them under the guidance of professional doctors.

  Masks are not suitable for wearing for a long time. On the one hand, pollutants such as particulate matter are adsorbed on the outside of the mask, resulting in an increase in respiratory resistance. On the other hand, bacteria, viruses, etc. in exhaled breath will also accumulate inside the mask. Failure to breathe fresh air for a long time will make people’s own immunity decline.

  Non-disposable masks should be cleaned regularly, and the filter membrane should be replaced. When they are not worn, they should be kept properly.

  6. How to pay attention to personal hygiene after going home for outdoor activities in foggy weather?

  After going out for activities in foggy weather, clothes, nose and mouth, and bare skin will be attached with a large number of pollutants in the smog, which will be harmful to health. Therefore, it is suggested to take off your coat, wash your face, wash your hands, and wash your mouth and nose in time to reduce pollution.

  7. Why should children and the elderly pay more attention to smog protection?

  Children are in the stage of growth and development and are more sensitive to the environment than adults. The elderly have low body resistance and usually suffer from basic diseases. A large amount of dust and particles in the smog will stimulate the respiratory tract and easily cause respiratory irritation symptoms. Therefore, children and the elderly should pay more attention to the protection of smog.

  8. What should I do if there are symptoms such as cough and sore throat in foggy weather?

  The acute harm caused by people inhaling a large amount of pollutants in haze weather is mainly manifested in respiratory tract and eye irritation symptoms, such as cough, sore throat, red swelling and tears in eyes, etc. It is suggested that symptomatic treatment be taken when necessary to alleviate the symptoms.

  It is suggested that sensitive people with basic diseases should reduce outdoor activities in foggy days, but also reduce to crowded places with dirty air, pay attention to personal hygiene, wash their hands frequently, and pay attention to increasing or decreasing clothes at any time to maintain good physical condition.

  9. How do families choose air purifiers?

  The air purifier has a certain effect on purifying the air. When selecting, the first thing to do is to make clear the purpose of use, and to buy a purifier with purification effect on PM2.5.

  Second, we should pay attention to the performance indicators of the purifier. According to national standards, a truly effective air purifier should achieve the energy efficiency index of "three highs and one low".

  High clean headroom: The clean air volume (CADR) is the purification effect index of the purifier. The greater the CADR value, the stronger the purification ability of the purifier and the better the purification effect.

  High cumulative purification capacity: The higher the cumulative purification capacity (CCM) value, the more pollutants to be purified and the longer the life of the filter screen.

  High energy efficiency value: The higher the energy efficiency level, the more energy is saved.

  Low noise level: the working noise of the instrument is generally lower than 50 decibels, which is relatively quiet. When purchasing, you can observe the prototype for intuitive feeling. 

  Thirdly, in order to achieve the purification effect, the air purifier must be turned on for a certain period of time according to the room area, the power and purification efficiency of the purifier, so as to effectively reduce the pollution degree of indoor pollutants. Pay attention to the product manual when purchasing. Generally, the product manual indicates the test report or certificate of conformity issued by the air purification effect testing unit. Products that have not given experimental conditions and are too simple or even absolute should be purchased carefully.

  10. What should I pay attention to when using the air purifier?

  Attention should be paid to the purification effect of the air purifier during use, and it is suggested to replace or clean the filter material according to the product instructions. If it is found that the purification effect is obviously reduced, or that there is an odor after the air purifier is turned on, it is necessary to replace the filter material and clean the filter in time. Moreover, the purification materials in the air purifier also have a service life. In order to avoid secondary pollution, they should be replaced in time according to the pollution degree and service time. When indoor pollution is serious, the replacement frequency of filter media can be increased. Self-protection should be done when replacing the internal materials of the air purifier. For example, gloves and masks should be worn when replacing the filter screen to prevent contact and inhalation of trapped harmful substances during replacement.

  11. Does smoking affect indoor air?

  Indoor smoking has a great influence on indoor air. The experimental data of Beijing CDC show that the indoor PM2.5 concentration can reach more than 500 micrograms per cubic meter when one cigarette is burned in a 30 cubic meter experimental cabin. Therefore, it is recommended to avoid smoking indoors in foggy weather.

  12. How do families cook reasonably in foggy weather?

  Home cooking is also an important source of indoor PM2.5 Relevant research by Beijing CDC shows that the instant PM2.5 concentration can exceed 800 micrograms per cubic meter even if the cooking methods such as frying, frying and frying are used in the kitchen (doors and windows are closed). And can spread to the living room, bedroom and so on to a certain extent. However, the concentration of PM2.5 in the kitchen does not change much when cooking by steaming or boiling.

  Therefore, it is suggested that when cooking in foggy weather, the kitchen door should be closed and the range hood should be turned on; During the period of heavy pollution, try to steam and cook; After cooking, you should continue to turn on the range hood for 5 to 15 minutes.

  13. How to pay attention to the indoor environmental sanitation in foggy weather?

  The indoor activities of human beings increase in foggy weather, which will lead to the gradual increase of indoor PM2.5 concentration when doors and windows are closed. Therefore, in heavily polluted weather, wet cleaning method should be adopted for indoor cleaning, and wet mops and rags should be used for indoor cleaning, and the frequency should be increased appropriately. If the smog clears, open the window in time for ventilation for at least 15 minutes. (CCTV reporter Zhang Jing)